npm install --save-dev docsify-pdf-converter
- config file
- or
field inpackage.json
(like rcfile can receive) with this setup object:
Example .docsifytopdfrc.js
module.exports = {
contents: [ "docs/" ], // array of "table of contents" files path
pathToPublic: "pdf/readme.pdf", // path where pdf will stored
pdfOptions: "<options for puppeteer.pdf()>", // reference:
removeTemp: true, // remove generated .md and .html or not
emulateMedia: "screen", // mediaType, emulating by puppeteer for rendering pdf, 'print' by default (reference:
Add script into package.json
"scripts": {
"convert": "node_modules/.bin/docsify-pdf-converter"
Run converter:
npm run convert
🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 This part of module is not safe for work - it will stop process after generation pdf. Use it for your own risk. You can just import and use main function like this:
const converter = require('docsify-pdf-converter');
const config = require('./.docsifytopdfrc.js');
converter(config) // right after resolve or reject inner promise your process will be terminated :C
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
Your pull requests and issues are welcome!