Project name: Travel Planner
Team members: Pranavi Lakshminarayanan and Nayani Modugula
Project Description: Given a network of cities and transport routes, this program helps identify the cheapest, fastest, and most direct route. The cheapest route is found using Dijkstra's algorithm. The fastest route (smallest travel time) and most direct route (least amount of layover stops) is found using BFS.
Estimated Completion Time: 20 hours
Run in the "src" directory. Enter the command:
"load [cities.csv filename] [transport.csv filname]"
Ex. "load cities1.csv transport1.csv"
This commands loads the city and transport network. The city and transport csv file set MUST MATCH (i.e. have the same number after them).
Then, enter any of the following:
"cheap [origin] [destination]" -- Ex. "cheap Providence NewYorkCity"
"direct [origin] [destination]" -- Ex. "direct Boston Providence"
"fast [origin] [destination]" -- Ex. "direct NewYorkCity Providence"
The program will return the computed route (if any).
Run in the "src" directory to create a visual graph of a city transport network. Within the file, there is a Main method. In the main method, you can change the cities.csv filename and transport.csv filename to graph the desired network. You can also change the output file path if needed. Right now the code reads:
String citiesFilepath = "cities4.csv";
String transportFilepath = "transport4.csv";
String outputFilepath = "data/graphs/";
The graph will be written as a dotfile. To view this file, the DOT Language plugin must be installed in Intellij. This plugin allows you to view the file contents and the graph preview side-by-side. Graphviz must also be installed on the computer. If a user prefers another method of to view dotfiles, that is okay as well.
"Sol" directory: Contains classes that set up data structures and implement algorithms.
"Src" directory: Contains all interfaces. Also includes classes that provide with user interaction.
"Test" directory: Contains all test suites.
In the "test" directory, tests the BFS algorithm. tests the Dijkstra algorithm. tests that when edges and vertices are added to a graph, that the graph is connected properly. All tests All suites are tested on SimpleGraphs, which are created using SimpleVertex and SimpleEdge objects. These classes are simple implementations of the IGraph, IVertex, and IEdge interfaces. These classes allow us to test our program and see that our methods manipulate and operate on the data structures correctly.
There are currently no bugs that we know of in the code. We fixed all the ones we found, but there might still be more lurking. Below are some bugs we encountered and worked through that might help someone reviewing our code:
Previously, when wrote the dotfile, there was an error that was logged describing a problem during rasterization. The graph was still getting created properly, it was just that an error was also getting logged. After shutting down and restarting Intellij, the error went away.
The BFS getPath method computed the wrong route due to a busy waiting bug in the while loop checking if the toCheck queue was empty. In order to prevent this, we had to sleep the tread for 1 millisecond to allow the CPU processes to synchronize. Though we fixed this bug, we acknowledge that this line might throw off other looking at our code.