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Dev Servers

Dev Servers is a Docker Compose asset to setup server tools for CI / CD. It setups the following tools with Docker and makes them available immediately.

  • Souce Code Management : GitBucket
  • Continuous Integration : Jenkins
  • Static Code Analysis : SonarQube
  • Issue Tracking System : Redmine
  • Artifact Repository Manager : Nexus
  • Wiki : Wiki.js

Each server tool is configured as a service of Docker Compose. Each service has the following settings necessary for team development.

  • LDAP Authentication
    • You can log in to all tools with the same user ID / password.
  • Proxy Server
    • It can be accessed via the same proxy server.
  • Self Service Password
    • Users can change passwords and send reminders.
  • E-mail
    • You can set the connection information of the SMTP server of each service in one place.
    • The e-mail address of the LDAP user account is used as the mail transmission destination.

Quick Start

  1. Install Docker.
  1. Set Docker memory allocation. Minimum: 6GB, Recommended: 8GB or more.
  • Windows 10 Pro
    • Settings > Advanced > Memory
  • Mac
    • Preferences > Advanced > Memory
  1. Get the resource of dev-servers and execute each Docker Compose Service with the following command.
git clone
cd dev-servers
docker-compose up -d

The endpoint URL to each service and the connection information of the admin user are as follows.

Server Endpoint URL (*1) UserId / Password
GitBucket http://localhost/gitbucket root / root
Jenkins http://localhost/jenkins admin / admin
SonarQube http://localhost/sonarqube admin / admin
Redmine http://localhost/redmine admin / admin
Nexus http://localhost/nexus admin / admin
Nexus(Docker registry) http://localhost:5001 admin / admin
PostgreSQL jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres postgres / postgres
Self Service Password http://localhost/passchg -
phpLDAPAdmin https://localhost:17443 cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org / admin
Wiki.js https://wiki.localhost / admin
  • *1 For Docker Toolbox, it is an IP address that can be confirmed with docker-machine ls command instead of localhost.

How To Add Users

  1. Create new ldif file and add the user information you want to add.
  • add-users.ldif
dn: cn=user001,dc=example,dc=org
changetype: add
cn: user001
sn: User
givenName: 001
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
userPassword: password
  1. Execute the following command.
docker cp add-users.ldif dev-servers-work-1:/tmp
docker-compose exec work ldapmod add-users.ldif

Then you can log in to all services with the following user ID / password.

  • user001 / password

End to End Test

The following command confirms that the user added above can log in to each service by the automated test.

docker-compose exec e2etest npm run env USER_ID=user001 PASSWORD=password npm test

See http://localhost:9323 for the results of the automated test.


If you get Segmentation fault errors using Docker Desktop for Mac
try setting the Virtualization framework to off.
See this issue for more information. docker/for-mac#6824


  1. Execute specifing the directory you want to save backup files.
    1. All services will be stopped.
    2. All named volumes in docker-compose.yml will be backuped to backup/{timestamp} directory.
    3. 8th and subsequent directories in order of age will be deleted.
    4. All services will be started.
./ /path/to/backup/directory
  - yyyymmdd_hhmmss
    - ci_data.tar
    - dbms_data.tar


  1. Execute specifying the path of the directory that contains the backup file you want to restore. Read and restore tar file of "dev-servers_" prefix of specified directory.
git clone
cd dev-servers
./ /path/to/backup/directory/yyyymmdd_hhmmss
docker-compose up -d

Migration maven artifacts from Artifactory to Nexus

dev-servers changed arm from Artifactory to Nexus.
Here are the steps to migrate maven artifacts from Artifactory to Nexus.


Please take backup of dev-servers before working.

  1. Artifactory export
    Assume Artifactory is running.

    1. Export Artifactory data

      curl -X POST -u admin:password http://localhost/artifactory/api/export/system -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"exportPath\" : \"/tmp/export\", \"includeMetadata\" : false, \"createArchive\" : false, \"bypassFiltering\" : false, \"verbose\" : false, \"failOnError\" : false, \"failIfEmpty\" : true, \"m2\" : false, \"incremental\" : false, \"excludeContent\" : false }"
    2. Get data from Artifactory container

      mkdir backup
      # bash
      docker cp dev-servers-arm-1:$(docker exec -it dev-servers-arm-1 bash -c 'echo -n $(ls -rtd /tmp/export/* | tail -n 1)')/repositories backup
      # cmd
      for /f "usebackq delims=" %A in (`docker exec -it dev-servers-arm-1 bash -c "ls -rtd /tmp/export/* | tail -n 1"`) do set EXPORT_DIR=%A
      docker cp dev-servers-arm-1:%EXPORT_DIR%/repositories backup
  2. dev-servers update Artifactory → Nexus

    docker-compose down proxy arm work --rmi local
    docker volume rm dev-servers_arm_data
    git pull
    docker-compose up -d
  3. Nexus import

    1. Create repository in Nexus
      access http://localhost/nexus/#admin/repository/repositories
      +Create repository > maven2(hosted)
      Please select the appropriate version policy for your repository.

    2. Import artifacts

      • run this only if you are using cmd
      docker run -v %CD%/backup:/backup -it --rm alpine sh -c "apk add curl bash && bash"
      • common procedure
      cd backup/repositories
      curl -o
      chmod a+x
      # Repeat for as many repositories to import.
      cd <your-artifactory-repo-name>
      # bash
      ../ -r http://localhost/nexus/repository/<your-nexus-repo-name>/ -u admin -p admin
      # cmd
      ../ -r http://host.docker.internal/nexus/repository/<your-nexus-repo-name>/ -u admin -p admin


Some metadata is not imported due to different Artifactory format,
but can be generated by Nexus Task function.
access http://localhost/nexus/#admin/system/tasks
+Create task > Repair - Rebuild Maven repository metadata (maven-metadata.xml)

Notes on SonarQube Version Upgrade

You may need to go through a specific version of SonarQube to upgrade. See link for details.

If you need to change the version of SonarQube in dev-servers to go through with the upgrade,
change the VERSION_SCA in the .env file.