PatternFly milestone update
Added column management
Added cone of confidence legend item
Added OCP infrastructure chart
Added AWS regions and services typeahead
Added AWS accounts typeahead
Adjust chart legend responsiveness
Updated chart legend symbols
Chrome 2.0 cloud-services-config module
Cost Explorer to show infrastructure cost for "OpenShift usage"
Remove user-access API from Insights nav
Clear sort when group_by is updated
Adjust Cost Explorer bar width
Add doc link to cost models
Add GCP and IBM to inactive sources
Update Insights @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config-utilities
Various bug fixes
Items added by _zerofill_ranks have empty account_alias
Cost Explorer with Azure view role crashes
Cost Explorer OCP view role shows OCP on AWS
Remove extra tag requests for Cost Explorer
Updated packages to resolved vulnerability alerts
Fixed grammatical error for empty states
Cost model empty state not displaying when no models
Breakdown link's group_by param is missing tag key
Cost models filter outputs a11y error message
Cost Management side navigation issues
Cost models tab border is too short
no-project items shouldn't be exportable
OCP no-project is selectable
AWS details filtering does not allow partial searching
Replace Azure's VM-hours with hours
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