Releases: project-koku/koku-ui
Releases · project-koku/koku-ui
- PatternFly milestone update
- Added column management
- Added cone of confidence legend item
- Added OCP infrastructure chart
- Added AWS regions and services typeahead
- Added AWS accounts typeahead
- Adjust chart legend responsiveness
- Updated chart legend symbols
- Chrome 2.0 cloud-services-config module
- Cost Explorer to show infrastructure cost for "OpenShift usage"
- Remove user-access API from Insights nav
- Clear sort when group_by is updated
- Adjust Cost Explorer bar width
- Add doc link to cost models
- Add GCP and IBM to inactive sources
- Update Insights @redhat-cloud-services/frontend-components-config-utilities
- Various bug fixes
- Items added by _zerofill_ranks have empty account_alias
- Cost Explorer with Azure view role crashes
- Cost Explorer OCP view role shows OCP on AWS
- Remove extra tag requests for Cost Explorer
- Updated packages to resolved vulnerability alerts
- Fixed grammatical error for empty states
- Cost model empty state not displaying when no models
- Breakdown link's group_by param is missing tag key
- Cost models filter outputs a11y error message
- Cost Management side navigation issues
- Cost models tab border is too short
- no-project items shouldn't be exportable
- OCP no-project is selectable
- AWS details filtering does not allow partial searching
- Replace Azure's VM-hours with hours
- PatternFly milestone update
- Update documentation links for settings page
- OCM/Cost Overview Integration
- OCM/Cost Cluster Details Page Integration
- Update the Sources Wizard to point to the certified operator
- Various bug fixes
- Clicking cost-models button navigates to the overview
- Cost model select all working on disabled sources
- Cost model learn more link returns a 404
- Breakdown chart should use ResizeObserver
- Restore count to “Others” label
- Broken doc links in source wizards and tag settings
- Ensure alias for cost explorer is same as other charts
- Interactive chart legend remains disabled
- Explorer chart legend should show aliases
- Enabled Google Cloud Platform in all environments
- Fixed ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded issue
- Updated price list tag labels
- Updated webpack-dev-server to v4
- Fixed issue with i18n key on OCP overview page
- Fixed issue with AWS org units not displayed correctly for details page
- Added "progress" counter to build sequence
- Updated PatternFly packages to latest milestone
- Updated navigation to reflect new /openshift/cost-management paths (not yet available in prod)
- Updated Cost Explorer default perspective based on RBAC permissions (not yet available in prod)
- Updated interactive sources feature to fetch IBM sources (not yet available in prod)
- Fixed Cost Explorer empty state (not yet available in prod)
- Fixed Cost Explorer “previous month to date” feature (not yet available in prod)
- Fixed missing button for IBM empty state (not yet available in prod)
- Docs URL change
- Flattened Insights nav pane
- Enabled forecasts for all users
- Various bug fixes to ensure correct data is applied with multiple filters
- Preserve current filter with different “group by”s
- Removed source provider requirement to view details pages
- Empty states based on for “no data” for current and previous month
- Historical Cost Explorer (not yet available in prod)
- Added GCP overview charts; storage, database, & network (not yet available in prod)
- Added GCP forecast (not yet available in prod)
- IBM page stubs (not yet available in prod)
- Enabled Insights Chrome 2.0 (not yet available in prod)