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Fuse (on Spring Boot) to create a prototype to integrate JPA (with external DB), JMA (AMQ Broker), Drools (remote invocation), Rest APIs, Swagger.



  1. install OKD 3.11 following these instructions
  2. oc cluster up
  3. oc login -u system:admin
  4. oc project openshift

Red Hat Registry Service Account

  1. Set up and download an Openshift registry service account following the instructions from
  2. oc create -f <secret>.yaml (<secret> is the name of the downloaded Openshift registry service account)
  3. oc secrets link default <secret> --for=pull
  4. oc secrets link builder <secret> --for=pull

Red Hat Decision Manager

Instructions from

  1. Download from and unzip
  2. oc create -f ./Downloads/rhdm-7.3-openshift-templates/rhdm73-image-streams.yaml
  3. oc import-image rhdm73-decisioncentral-openshift:1.0
  4. oc import-image rhdm73-kieserver-openshift:1.0

Red Hat AMQ Broker

Instructions from

  1. oc replace --force -f
  2. oc import-image amq-broker-7/amq-broker-73-openshift --confirm
  3. for template in amq-broker-73-basic.yaml amq-broker-73-ssl.yaml amq-broker-73-custom.yaml amq-broker-73-persistence.yaml amq-broker-73-persistence-ssl.yaml amq-broker-73-persistence-clustered.yaml amq-broker-73-persistence-clustered-ssl.yaml; do oc replace --force -f${template}; done

Red Hat Fuse

Instructions from

  2. oc create -n openshift -f ${BASEURL}/fis-image-streams.json
  3. for template in eap-camel-amq-template.json eap-camel-cdi-template.json eap-camel-cxf-jaxrs-template.json eap-camel-cxf-jaxws-template.json eap-camel-jpa-template.json karaf-camel-amq-template.json karaf-camel-log-template.json karaf-camel-rest-sql-template.json karaf-cxf-rest-template.json spring-boot-camel-amq-template.json spring-boot-camel-config-template.json spring-boot-camel-drools-template.json spring-boot-camel-infinispan-template.json spring-boot-camel-rest-sql-template.json spring-boot-camel-teiid-template.json spring-boot-camel-template.json spring-boot-camel-xa-template.json spring-boot-camel-xml-template.json spring-boot-cxf-jaxrs-template.json spring-boot-cxf-jaxws-template.json ; do oc create -n openshift -f${template}; done


OCP templates

Using OCP Web UI

  1. click on Create Project button to create a new project
  2. use migration-analytics as value for the name
  3. once the project has been created and added to the list of the available project, click on migration-analytics
  4. from the migration-analytics Overview page, click on Import YAML / JSON button
  5. copy and paste the content of the analytics_template.json (using the Raw button will let you have the plain text version of this file)
  6. click on Create button
  7. check that Process the template is selected (no need to select Save template)
  8. click on Continue button
  9. click on Create button (No need to change the form values unless the user wants to customize them)

Using oc command line tool

  1. oc login -u developer
  2. oc new-project migration-analytics
  3. oc create -f <secret>.yaml
  4. oc secrets link default <secret> --for=pull
  5. oc secrets link builder <secret> --for=pull
  6. oc process -f| oc create -f -

Decision Manager

  1. go to Application -> Routes page and click on the URL in the Hostname column beside the myapp-rhdmcentr service
  2. login with adminUser-SxNhwF2!
  3. click on Design link
  4. click on Import Project button
  5. in the Repository URL field paste
  6. select sample-analytics box and click the OK button on the upper right side
  7. once the import has finished, click the Build & Install button from the upper right Build menu
  8. once the build has been successfully done, click on the Deploy button



  1. Go to Resources -> Secrets page and select postgresql secret for the list of the secrets
  2. Select Reveal Secret link to get the database-name value
  3. Go to PostgreSQL pod's Terminal tab to log in doing psql <database-name>
  4. To get the report entries persisted execute select * from report_data_model;
  5. To DELETE ALL the report entries execute truncate table report_data_model;

AMQ Broker

AMQ Web Console

Camel routes

To enable the DEBUG level for logging, please add the environment variable (or whatever package you want) with value DEBUG to the the analytics-integration deployment configuration.


  1. oc delete all,pvc,secrets -l application=migration-analytics -n migration-analytics


  2. mvn clean verify -Psonar -Dsonar.login={{token generated for the user on SonarCloud}}


In order to test AWS S3, we can download and install aws-cli command
In order to interact as admin with the S3 bucket we can use the S3Api
The documentation for interacting as users is S3
From the Camel perspective we have the test class MainRouteBuilder_S3Test that we can use to test locally against AWS S3 servers , replacing the credentials headers.
Few mentions :

  • we need to add the HTTP headers in order to download the file from the API call
  • we need to stub (disable) the aws-s3 component as it has eager start and then it will crash as we are not having the credentials in the Tests . This is fixed on Camel 3 on the DefaultEndpoint class with its lazyProducerStart ( but this will be available on Fuse 8)
  • we need to specify deleteAfterRead=false in the call , if not the resource will be deleted after being read
  • same concept but different names for Camel consistency : KEY (upload) / FILENAME (download)

Snippets of calls :

  • Configure aws : aws configure with your credentials and region=us-east-1 and bucket=xavier-dev
  • List files in a bucket : aws s3 ls s3://xavier-dev --human
  • List buckets : aws s3 ls
  • Upload a file : aws s3 cp cfme_inventory_0.json s3://xavier-dev
  • Download a file : aws s3 cp s3://xavier-dev/cfme_inventory_0.json cfme_inventory_0.json
  • Remove files in a bucket : aws s3 rm s3://xavier-dev/ --recursive
  • See status of encription on a bucket : aws s3api get-bucket-encryption --bucket xavier-dev
  • Enable encription on a bucket : aws s3api put-bucket-encryption --bucket xavier-dev --server-side-encryption-configuration '{"Rules": [{"ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {"SSEAlgorithm": "AES256"}}]}'


For the End2End test a docker container test framework is used : Testcontainers.
If using the Fedora docker package it is needed to set the ryuk.container.privileged=true property in the local ~/ file in order to allow Ryuk to be a privileged container.



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