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Releases: projectatomic/atomicapp


06 Oct 20:19
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This release of Atomic App includes a large refactor of the "config" class as well as a minor change to our release script.


  • Config refactor
  • Release script fix
  • Test cases added to the config class
Charlie Drage <> (1):
      Update release script regex

Ratnadeep Debnath <> (3):
      Initial work on refactoring Nulecule config. #524
      Re implememt Config class to be more generic. Fixes #524
      Fixed tests for config refactor.


01 Sep 15:12
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This release focuses on bug fixes, scripts as well as the Nulecule specification being merged into Atomic App.


  • The Nulecule spec is now located within the Atomic App repo / project
  • Bug fixes with the atomicapp genanswers command
  • Release script added
Charlie Drage <> (8):
      Remove lifecycle for updated CLI doc
      Merge Nulecule specification into Atomic App
      Formatting error with anymarkup and genanswers
      Openshift to KubeShift conversion and improvements
      Add release script for Atomic App
      Fix typo in provider
      Fixes mode argument with --mode=genanswers
      0.6.3 Release

Ratnadeep Debnath <> (1):
      Use travis CI to run tests from tests/units dir.


27 Jul 17:31
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This release of Atomic App introduces the new atomicapp index command.

We add this command in order to give a quick overview of all available featured and tested Nuleculized applications on The ability to generate your own list is available as well with the atomicapp index generate command.

The main features of this release are:

  • Addition of the atomicapp index command
  • Correct file permissions are now when extracting Nuleculized containers
  • OpenShift connection issue bugfix

atomicapp index

This release adds the addition of the atomicapp index command. By using the atomicapp index list command, Atomic App will retrieve a container containing a valid index.yml and output all available Nulecule containers. This index can also be updated by using atomicapp index update.

atomicapp index list

Outputs the list of available containers located at ~/.atomicapp/index.yml.

▶ atomicapp index list
INFO   :: Atomic App: 0.6.2 - Mode: Index
ID                        VER      PROVIDERS  LOCATION                                             
postgresql-atomicapp      1.0.0    {D,O,K} 
flask_redis_nulecule      0.0.1    {D,K}
redis-atomicapp           0.0.1    {D,O,K}      
gocounter                 0.0.1    {D,K}  
mariadb-atomicapp         1.0.0    {D,O,K}    
helloapache-app           0.0.1    {D,K,M}                  
mongodb-atomicapp         1.0.0    {D,O,K}    
etherpad-app              0.0.1    {D,O,K}   
apache-centos7-atomicapp  0.0.1    {D,K,M}     
wordpress-atomicapp       2.0.0    {D,O,K}  
skydns-atomicapp          0.0.1    {K}             
guestbookgo-atomicapp     0.0.1    {O,K}        
mariadb-app               0.0.1    {D,K}     
gitlab-atomicapp          1.2.0    {D,K} 

atomicapp index update

Updates the index.yml file.

▶ atomicapp index update
INFO   :: Atomic App: 0.6.2 - Mode: Index
INFO   :: Updating the index list
INFO   :: Pulling latest index image...
INFO   :: Skipping pulling docker image: projectatomic/nulecule-library
INFO   :: Copying files from image projectatomic/nulecule-library:/index.yaml to /home/wikus/.atomicapp/index.yaml
INFO   :: Index updated

atomicapp index generate

Generates a valid index.yml file to use in listing all available containers.

▶ atomicapp index generate ./nulecule-library
INFO   :: Atomic App: 0.6.1 - Mode: Index
INFO   :: Generating index.yaml from ./nulecule-library
INFO   :: index.yaml generated
Abhishek <> (3):
      Show help when no arguments given.
      raise DockerException for docker commands

Charlie Drage <> (7):
      Remove warning in regards to application-entity
      Refactor extracting
      Fixes connecting issues with OpenShift
      Fix coverage
      Modifies asking for parameters to show app name
      When fetching or extracting, set the correct uid + guid
      Add "index" command to Atomic App

Shubham Minglani <> (1):
      collect only atomicapp tests


06 Jul 18:55
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A minor release for Atomic App.

With this release, we merge a few bug fixes in relation to our Kubernetes provider as well as clean up documentation.


  • Fix inclusive rules issue with Kubernetes
  • Clean up CLI parsing documentation / help command
Charlie Drage <>::
      Fix link issue on CLI doc within start guide
      Clean up parsing
      False positive error out on docker pull

Khris Richardson <>:
      more inclusive rules for adding es


14 Jun 20:14
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A major release of Atomic App, we incorporate major changes to the kubernetes provider. With this release we replace the usage of kubectl with the requests Python library and the Kubernetes HTTP API end-point. This change results in faster deployment, smaller image sizes and detailed error messages.

The main features of this release are:

  • Kubectl to API conversion for the Kubernetes provider
  • Removal of ASCII art
Charlie Drage <> (3):
      Ignore .swn vim temp files
      Remove ASCII art
      Add a new 'library' for k8s/openshift providers.

Khris Richardson <> (2):
      add support for api-groups
      add precision to resource membership test


24 May 17:31
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This release of Atomic App we include binary generation, a logging refactor/clean-up as well as a minor code refactor to the main Nulecule codebase.

The main features are:

  • Add support for generating a static binary of Atomic App
  • Logging clean-up
  • removed from atomicapp init generation
  • Removal of dynamic module/class loading from providers in favour of static
Charlie Drage <>:
      Ignore vim .swo files
      Change provider-config warning to debug
      Remove README.MD from init
      Makes Makefile faster using .PHONY && add default python location
      Modify TravisCI for updated Makefile
      Removes loading via .py files
      Hide container id output on container creation
      Change dir of /external to /nulecule/external
      Add binary generation
      Update to a cleaner logging output.
      Logging formatting

Suraj Deshmukh <>:
      Added elif to consecutive exclusive if statements
      Use filter to search in
      Now logs can show path to file under root atomicapp folder
      Updated the inContainer function doc string
      Removed unused function update from
      Replaced a for loop that initialized a dict


27 Apr 14:13
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This is a minor release of Atomic App where we refactor, fix code bugs as well as deprecate an old feature. Due to the numerous issues of locking as well as the deprectation of the lockfile library we have remove the locking mechanism from Atomic App.

The main features of this release are:

  • The deprecation of locking
  • atomicapp init code and UI clean-up
  • Documentation updates
  • inContainer() function bug fix for Docker 1.10+
Charlie Drage <>:
      Add Marathon to index
      Update with correct installation instructions.
      Remove dockerenv and dockerinit check
      Remove locking from Atomic App

Dusty Mabe <>:
      init: remove unnecessary message to the user
      init: remove number of return variables from NuleculeManager.init()
      init: add logic to properly cleanup tmp dir
      init: break a few long lines into shorter ones

Shubham Minglani <>:
      fix typo

Suraj Deshmukh <>:
      Moved a constant from to
      Abstracted the way we get absolute path


12 Apr 20:27
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This is a major release of Atomic App where we introduce a new CLI command as well as the renaming of multiple provider configuration parameters.

The main features of this release are:

  • Introduction of the atomicapp init CLI command
  • Renaming of provider configuration related parameters
  • --provider-auth added as a CLI command


  • Updated legal information
  • Bug fix on persistent storage initialization
  • Utility method to gather sudo user path and information
  • Improved detection if we're inside a Docker container
  • Improved readility on provider failed exceptions
  • docker inspect bugfix

Atomic App Initialization

We've included support for initializing a basic Atomic App via the atomicapp init command. This creates a basic example that can be used on Docker and Kubernetes providers based on the centos/httpd docker image.

▶ atomicapp init helloworld
[INFO] - - Action/Mode Selected is: init

Atomic App: helloworld initialized at ./helloworld

▶ vim ./helloworld/Nulecule # Make changes to the Nulecule file

▶ atomicapp run ./helloworld
[INFO] - - Action/Mode Selected is: run
[INFO] - - Provider not specified, using default provider - kubernetes
[WARNING] - - Configuration option 'provider-config' not found
[WARNING] - - Configuration option 'provider-config' not found
[INFO] - - Using namespace default
[INFO] - - trying kubectl at /usr/bin/kubectl
[INFO] - - trying kubectl at /usr/local/bin/kubectl
[INFO] - - found kubectl at /usr/local/bin/kubectl
[INFO] - - Deploying to Kubernetes

Your application resides in ./helloworld
Please use this directory for managing your application

New provider configuration parameter names

We've renamed the provider-specific parameters for better clarity by adding dashes in-between 'provider' and the specified function.

Major changes include the renaming of accesstoken to provider-auth.

providerapi --> provider-api
accesstoken --> provider-auth
providertlsverify --> provider-tlsverify
providercafile --> provider-cafile
provider = openshift
namespace = mynamespace
provider-api =
provider-auth = sadfasdfasfasfdasfasfasdfsafasfd
provider-tlsverify = True
provider-cafile = /etc/myca/ca.pem
atomicapp run projectatomic/etherpad-centos7-atomicapp --provider openshift --provider-tlsverify False --provider-auth foo --provider-api "https://localhost:8443"
Charlie Drage <>:
      Add more legal information
      Update year
      Requirements should retrieve from Nulecule object not graph
      Warn not error on missing requirement
      Util to gather what user is running Atomic App and which home dir it should use
      Check to see if it's a Docker container
      Update Dockerfile.pkgs testing repos
      Dashes added to CLI commands to distinguish provider config data
      Fix test params with the new dashes
      Add provider-auth as a CLI command and convert ACCESSTOKEN to provider-auth
      Modify accesstoken tests to provider-auth
      Modify documentation to reflect changes in params
      Remove /host from provider config example path

Dusty Mabe <>:
      init: modify docker template to publish to host port 80

Ratnadeep Debnath <>:
      Added 'init' command to initialize a new atomic app.
      Make destination optional atomicapp init command
      Ask user if destination is not empty when initializting atomic app.
      Do not acquire lock for initializing atomicapp.
      Set default action as 'Y' when atomicapp init asks to clean dest directory.
      Include nulecule template files in package data.
      Add k8s service for initialized app.
      Moved Nulecule template files to external dir.
      Don't hard code atomicapp/nulecule versions in atomic app template.
      Show status message on atomicapp init run.
      Added doc strings for atomicapp init method.

Shubham Minglani <>:
      Handle ProviderFailedException, fix #627
      add pass for improved readability
      replace inspect with ps, fix #672

Suraj Deshmukh <>:
      Added OrderedDict so as to deploy application in given order


29 Mar 22:14
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This is a minor release of Atomic App where we make some changes to the UI output as well as fix a few provider-specific bugs.

The main features of this release are:

  • Cleaner logging output
  • More prominent output when Atomic App asks for a missing answers variable
  • Multi-line artifact support for the Docker provider


  • Update documentation on cli comparison
  • Move kubeconfig parsing to a separate class
  • Refactor cli exceptions code
Charlie Drage <>:
      Convert to epoch time
      Update docs / more clarity on cli comparison
      Change asking format
      Move kubeconfig parsing to a separate file
      Change kubeconfig testing name and move into a separate file
      Add weekly meeting information

Preeti Chandrashekar <>:
      Minor edits to

Shubham Minglani <>:
      handle docker error, raise instead of print, fix #570
      refactor exceptions, fix #621, fix #622

Suraj Deshmukh <>:
      Docker-run file with multi-line command supported


15 Mar 20:13
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This release includes a major update to our documentation as well as the user experience when deploying an Atomic App.

The main features are:

  • Major update to documentation
  • Cleaner logging output
  • Error-out validation on JSON/YAML


  • Fix --version output on CLI
  • Handle docker exception errors
  • Inform on wrong provider name provided within answers.conf


  • Fix requirements on 'make test'

For a full list of changes between 0.4.4 and 0.4.3 please see the git shortlog below!

Charlie Drage <> (10):
      Doc for current functions implemented by spec
      Fix minor markdown error in spec_coverage
      Major update to README and documentation
      Error cleanly on missing Nulecule or invalid formatted Nulecule
      Multiple problems with
      Add tests for missing Nulecule or wrongly formatted file for missing
      Change from ReadWrite to ReadWriteOnce in persistent storage tests
      Add Persistent Storage validation on ReadWriteOnce, etc.
      Remove time from default output
      Convert to epoch time

Dusty Mabe <> (2):
      docs: fix broken link
      logging: fix duplicated log messages

Preeti Chandrashekar <> (1):
      Minor edits to

Shubham Minglani <> (2):
      Handle docker pull exception, improve #441, fix #568
      fix --version output, fix #481

Suraj Deshmukh <> (5):
      Install requirements before make test
      Wrong provider name in answers.conf, exits AtomicApp with readable error
      Typo in providers docs
      Instruction to skip travis CI
      Inform user when provider not specified