PROject MAnager & GENerator
Web service on browser is using console for executing bash scripts on server/pc/iot device
Start and maintaince is so simple, without using terminal and many lines of scripts code Now for each project can be easly access to seolve problems & maintanance project without experts.
- Webapplication is based on Nodejs
- Terminal scripts are starting over shelljs library
- Scripts are created by apicra project, which is supporting any os
Thanks this, you can faster do something without spending time for writing Special solution for mobile devices!
Be faster! ... more touching, less writing
the first version of apicra tool, just for testing web interface and terminal console This project is using apicra-devops scripts to execute in console on many platform: Windows, Linux, iOS
This tool will be used instead of apicra tool, with:
- extended functionality for shell, bash scripting
- more options for project management
- the same platform, nodejs
- better UI, optimisied for automatisation
NodeJS Installation
Create Application
Scann xampp projects
Run Command from any docker
show console result
possible to restart docker with defaults from command line?
npm install shelljs
npm install opn
npm install fs-path
npm install ini
npm install --save os-homedir
npm install shelljs
Start APP
npm start
Make for each folder, by param
user folders/
xampp path