Use Enqueue as a message producer for Prooph Service Bus.
This library will receive support until December 31, 2019 and will then be deprecated.
For further information see the official announcement here:
You can install the producer via composer by executing $ composer require prooph/psb-enqueue-producer
Check the EnqueueMessageProducerTest. Set up the producer is a straightforward task. Most of the required components are provided by PSB and Enqueue. This package only provides the glue code needed to let both systems work together.
- You choose a transport from many supported ones.
- Could be used from Symfony as well as plain PHP.
- Supports delayed messages (if transport supports it).
- Supports events, commands and queues with possibility to get result.
- Simple and clean code.
If you're using the EnqueueBundle you can configure the classes from this package like this:
$commandName: 'my_application'
$replyTimeout: 1000 # Timeout in milliseconds.
- { name: 'enqueue.processor', command: 'my_application' }
# For enqueue 0.8 use this instead.
#- { name: 'enqueue.client.processor', topicName: '__command__', processorName: 'my_application' }
Then you can run the processor like this:
bin/console enqueue:consume --setup-broker -vvv
See the Enqueue documentation for more information.
- Ask questions on Stack Overflow tagged with #prooph.
- Ask enqueue questions in enqueue gitter chat.
- File issues at
- Say hello in the prooph gitter chat.
It is released under the MIT License.