Check whether a certain bic/account-no-combination can possibly be valid for a German bank.
It uses the C library konto_check (see by
Michael Plugge.
An example tends to tell more than a 1000 words:
>> require "konto_check" true >> KontoCheck::load_bank_data("./BLZ_20100308.txt") true >> KontoCheck::konto_check("52001","52250030") true >> KontoCheck::bank_name("52250030") "hahaa!" (Wutt??? Doesn't work yet. Obviously)
check whether the given account number kto ca possibly be
a valid number of the bank with the bic blz.
initialize the underlying C library konto_check with the bank
information from the file datafile.
Internally, this file is first transformed into a LUT file and then
For the datafile, use the file ‘blz_yyyymmdd.txt’ from
These files are updated every three months, so be sure to
replace them regularly.
gives the name of the bank as a string or nil
if no bank with the given bic blz exists.
Since the original is
licensed under LGPL, so is this module.