Solving problems from Project Euler
- 3 and 5: Go
- Even Fibonacci Numbers: Ruby
- Largest Prime Factor: Go
- Largest Palindrome Product: Ruby
- Smallest Multiple: Ruby
- Sum Square Difference: Go, JavaScript
- 10001st Prime: Ruby
- Largest Product in Series: Python
- Special Pythagorean Triplet: Ruby
- Summation of Primes: JavaScript
- Largest Product in Grid: JavaScript
- Highly Divisible Triangular Number: Python
- Large Sum: Ruby
- Longest Collatz Sequence: Ruby
- Lattice Paths: Python
- Power Digit Sum: Ruby
- Letter Number Counts: Ruby
- Maximum Path Sum I: JavaScript
- Counting Sundays: Go
- Factorial Digit Sum: Go, Ruby
- Amicable Numbers: Ruby
- Names Scores: Ruby
- Non-Abundant Sums: Ruby
- Lexicographic Permutations: Ruby
- 1000 Digit Fibonacci Number: Ruby
- Reciprocal Cycles: JavaScript
- Quadratic Primes: Ruby
- Number Spiral Diagonals: Ruby
- Distinct Powers: JavaScript, Ruby
- Digit Fifth Powers: JavaScript
- Coin Sums: JavaScript
- Pandigital Products: Ruby
- Digit Cancelling Fractions: Ruby
- Digit Factorials: Ruby
- Circular Primes: Ruby
- Double-base Palindromes: Ruby
- Truncatable Primes: Ruby
- Pandigital Multiples: Ruby
- Integer Right Triangles: JavaScript
- Pandigital Prime: Ruby