These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Java IDE
VS Code or equivallent
After installing Docker, you need to run the folowing commands in the console/terminal (powerShell for Windows):
This will produce a container in which the data base is stored.
To see the running containers in docker, write in console:
docker ps
After that, you have to configure VS Code to connect to that server. First you need to create a new sql script file. Then press 'F1' and write MS SQL Connect, after that click 'Create connection profile' and enter the folowing:
After the connection establishment, you are ready to use the application. The location of the Main app class is at: src/com/
Once the program is started, the database Factory is created and you can make additional queries in the VS Code sql script file with the established connection.
End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo
The tests are located in the test/ folder of the application. In the IDE you can right-click the folder and run all the tests.
Create car and suv tests: these tests are testing the create command with various cases.
Delete car and suv tests: these tests are testing the deletete command as well as print command which is used to verify the results of the tests.
File read test is testing the functionality to sequentially read and execute the commands in a given file.
Find command test - testing the functionality of find command.
- Petar Petrov
This project has no license.