This year I'm challenging myself to complete at least half of the Advent of Code challenges using MongoDB's aggregation framework. I will be using an M10 MongoDB Atlas cluster to host the data and MongoDB Compass as an IDE to build my pipelines.
- Go to MongoDB Atlas at
- Create an account and provision an M10 cluster (minimum tier required for running server side javascript)
- Ensure you can access your cluster from your local IP address
- Create a username/password pair with rights to access data on your cluster
- Note down the connection string for your cluster
- Download MongoDB Compass
- Open Compass and connect to your cluster, using the connection string you noted down earlier
- Create a new database, we will add collections for each day's sample and input data later
- Read the question carefully
- Save the sample data and your input as separate CSVs, adding a field name as the 1st row in both
- Open Compass abd create two collections, one for the sample data and one for your input, e.g. for day 1 call these e.g. '1_sample' and '1'
- Load the CSVs into the respective collections, making sure to choose an appropriate data type, e.g. number for day 1
- Open the Aggregations tab on the sample collection and start building an aggregation pipeline
- Once you're getting the correct result with the sample data, export your pipeline as text
- Create a new pipeline on your input data collection by importing the text you've just copied
- Fingers crossed you now have your solution!
- Rinse and repeat for part 2
- Use more stages than you need, breaking each stage of the problem into chunks will make debugging and refactoring easier
- Add debug fields, keep temporary fields as part of the output for each stage to give you more visibility into what's going on
- Someone's probably run into the same problem before, lots of questions and answers about the aggregation framework are available on sites like stackoverflow
- If you're getting the "properly formatted document" error, remove and replace individual parts of the stage until the error disappears, better yet, see tip 1
- Sometimes things break between sample and real inputs, this is usually due to memory contraints or hitting document size limits, for the former, a different approach may be required, for the latter, try combining operations to reduce the number of fields, especially arrays