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Releases: pu2clr/SI470X

RDS improvments

21 Jun 02:21
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RDS improvements
ESP32 and STM32 support.
Bug fix.


02 Jul 06:50
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This project is about an Arduino library for the SI470X device. The communication protocol used by this library is the I²C. This library can be freely distributed using the MIT Free Software model. The SI470X is a FM DSP receiver from Silicon Labs with RDS/RBDS support. This document is aimed at the Arduino developers, radio experimenters, hobbyists and anyone interested in building a receiver based on the Si470X and will show you Arduino source codes, schematics, examples and tips to help you to build a receiver based on Arduino board and the SI470X devices.

SI470X cross-platform

29 Jun 23:14
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It is a cross-platform Arduino library to control the Si4701/02/03 FM receiver from Silicon Labs.

Audio improvements and New FM features

26 Jun 05:30
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It is a Library to control the SI4701/02/03 FM receiver from Silicon Labs.

SI470X Arduino Library

24 Jun 20:08
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It is a Library to control the SI4701/02/03 FM receiver from Silicon Labs.