Free yourself from the chains of having to acknowledging AGBs every time you connect to a captive portal.
- Hotsplots
- Free Wifi in Stuttgart S-Bahn
- should work for all Hotsplots Access Points (only tested with WIFI@DB)
- Free Wifi in Deutsche Bahn ICE
- from Icomera AB
- py-iwd-autocapptiveauth by
- uses DBUS instead of network-manager hooks which makes it integrate better with different wifi managers
With NixOS 19.03 add to your configuration.nix
# .1 configure prison-break as dispatcher script
networking.networkmanager.dispatcherScripts = [
{ source = "${nur.repos.makefu.prison-break}/bin/prison-break"; }
# 2. Set up [NUR](
nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: {
nur = import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {
inherit pkgs;
If you have no problems working on a tainted system
python install
install -m755 -uroot /usr/bin/prison-break /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99prison-break
prison-break provides a couple of means to override the default behavior such
as providing a path to the CONNECTION_FILENAME
prison-break --force-run # do not bail out on missing CONNECTION_FILENAME
prison-break --force-token # continue even if the challenge token is correct
prison-break --force-match # contineu even if no plugin matched the connection profile as potential access point
This is how a connection may look like for you when the script is started via nm-dispatcher:
Apr 04 16:39:09 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:cli:CONNECTION_FILENAME set, checking if any plugin matches connection pattern
Apr 04 16:39:09 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:hotsplots:Unsecured wifi, might be hotsplots!
Apr 04 16:39:09 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:cli:at least one plugin matched Connection for being a possible AGB prison
Apr 04 16:39:11 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:cli:Running Plugin prisonbreak.plugins.hotsplots
Apr 04 16:39:11 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:hotsplots:Checking for hotsplots Portal
Apr 04 16:39:11 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:hotsplots:Got Redirected and follow>
Apr 04 16:39:11 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:cli:prisonbreak.plugins.hotsplots successful?
Apr 04 16:39:12 x nm-dispatcher[16291]: INFO:cli:prisonbreak.plugins.hotsplots successful!