Fix verilog path and add waiver. #20
reviewdog [verible-verilog-lint] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (329)
rtl/|137 col 28| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|153 col 25| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|172 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 170 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|172 col 153| Enum names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with _t or _e. [Style: enumerations] [enum-name-style]
rtl/|176 col 52| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|178 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 137 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|179 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 119 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|183 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|188 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 105 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|189 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|190 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 113 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|191 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|192 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|198 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 105 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|199 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|201 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|202 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|203 col 79| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|204 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|208 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|209 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|211 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|212 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|214 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|226 col 56| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|237 col 31| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|248 col 31| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|259 col 31| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|270 col 31| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|281 col 31| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|305 col 47| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|453 col 51| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|459 col 9| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|468 col 31| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|494 col 31| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|602 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 170 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|739 col 51| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|790 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 107 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|792 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 128 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|834 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|835 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|836 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|837 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|842 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|843 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|844 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|845 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|853 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 155 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|854 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 168 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|855 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 187 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|856 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 191 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|857 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 179 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|858 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 192 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|859 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 138 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|861 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|862 col 78| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|916 col 25| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|997 col 5| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
rtl/|1007 col 61| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|1007 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1022 col 10| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1057 col 45| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1075 col 9| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
rtl/|1076 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 111 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1082 col 17| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1089 col 10| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1134 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 144 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1182 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1204 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 168 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1205 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 250 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1205 col 112| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|1205 col 163| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|1206 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 168 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1214 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 114 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1227 col 61| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|1227 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 141 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1231 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1257 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1267 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1286 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1299 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1302 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1335 col 12| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1336 col 10| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1361 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1384 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 158 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1388 col 65| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1403 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 186 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1403 col 179| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|1407 col 72| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|1441 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 121 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1442 col 63| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1452 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 133 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1486 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1491 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 124 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1491 col 124| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1502 col 61| Binary literal 16'b1 has less digits than expected for 16 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
rtl/|1502 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 141 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1506 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 111 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|1512 col 74| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1514 col 62| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1515 col 61| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|1558 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|8 col 28| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|49 col 52| Enum names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with t or e. [Style: enumerations] [enum-name-style]
rtl/|84 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
rtl/|92 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|173 col 5| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
rtl/|177 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|15 col 94| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|15 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 119 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|52 col 13| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|53 col 32| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|61 col 17| Use spaces, not tabs. [Style: tabs] [no-tabs]
rtl/|65 col 26| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|67 col 22| Use spaces, not tabs. [Style: tabs] [no-tabs]
rtl/|15 col 38| Non-type parameter names must be styled with CamelCase or ALL_CAPS [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|34 col 25| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|38 col 36| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|46 col 49| All generate block labels must start with g or gen [Style: generate-constructs] [generate-label-prefix]
rtl/|49 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|80 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|82 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|84 col 1| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
rtl/|51 col 27| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|52 col 27| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|55 col 27| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|57 col 27| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|58 col 27| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|62 col 27| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|64 col 27| Non-type localparam names must be styled with CamelCase [Style: constants] [parameter-name-style]
rtl/|66 col 14| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (NUM_INP_REGS). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
rtl/|71 col 14| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (NUM_MID_REGS). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
rtl/|76 col 14| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (NUM_OUT_REGS). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
rtl/|95 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|96 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|97 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|98 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|99 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|100 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|101 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|102 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|104 col 10| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|126 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 105 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
rtl/|393 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|394 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|395 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|396 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|397 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
rtl/|398 col 27| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
... (Too many findings. Dropped some findings)
Filtered Findings (0)
Check warning on line 137 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:137 column:28}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""} suggestions:{range:{start:{line:137 column:28} end:{line:138}} text:" x_cols_offs_q;\n"}
Check warning on line 153 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:153 column:25}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""} suggestions:{range:{start:{line:153 column:25} end:{line:154}} text:" w_cols_lftovr_rst,\n"}
Check warning on line 172 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 170 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 170 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:172 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 172 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Enum names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with _t or _e. [Style: enumerations] [enum-name-style]
Raw output
message:"Enum names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with _t or _e. [Style: enumerations] [enum-name-style]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:172 column:153}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 176 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:176 column:52}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""} suggestions:{range:{start:{line:176 column:52} end:{line:177}} text:" // Here we initialize the streamer source signals\n"}
Check warning on line 178 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 137 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 137 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:178 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 179 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 119 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 119 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:179 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 183 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:183 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 188 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 105 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 105 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:188 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 189 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:189 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 190 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 113 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 113 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:190 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 191 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:191 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 192 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:192 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 198 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 105 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 105 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:198 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 199 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:199 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 201 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:201 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 202 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:202 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 203 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:203 column:79}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""} suggestions:{range:{start:{line:203 column:79} end:{line:204}} text:" cntrl_streamer_o.y_stream_source_ctrl.addressgen_ctrl.d1_stride = JMP;\n"}
Check warning on line 204 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:204 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 208 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:208 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 209 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:209 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 211 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:211 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 212 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:212 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 214 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:214 column:101}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""}
Check warning on line 226 in rtl/
github-actions / verible-verilog-lint
[verible-verilog-lint] rtl/
Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]" location:{path:"rtl/" range:{start:{line:226 column:56}}} severity:WARNING source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint" url:""} suggestions:{range:{start:{line:226 column:56} end:{line:227}} text:" if (clear_i || clear_regs || cntrl_scheduler_i.rst)\n"}