Full documentation for this SDK can be found here
The Pusher Beams Python server SDK is available on PyPi here.
You can install this SDK by using pip:
$ pip install pusher_push_notifications
Use your instance id and secret (you can get these from the dashboard) to create a Beams PushNotifications instance:
from pusher_push_notifications import PushNotifications beams_client = PushNotifications( instance_id='YOUR_INSTANCE_ID_HERE', secret_key='YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE', )
You can broadcast notifications to groups of subscribed devices using Device Interests:
response = beams_client.publish_to_interests( interests=['hello'], publish_body={ 'apns': { 'aps': { 'alert': 'Hello!' } }, 'fcm': { 'notification': { 'title': 'Hello', 'body': 'Hello, World!' } } } ) print(response['publishId'])
Securely send notifications to individual users of your application using Authenticated Users:
response = beams_client.publish_to_users( user_ids=['user-0001'], publish_body={ 'apns': { 'aps': { 'alert': 'Hello!' } }, 'fcm': { 'notification': { 'title': 'Hello', 'body': 'Hello, World!' } } } ) print(response['publishId'])