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Chore: Update devDependencies (non-major)
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| datasource | package                                   | from   | to     |
| ---------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------ | ------ |
| npm        | @babel/cli                                | 7.15.7 | 7.16.0 |
| npm        | @babel/core                               | 7.15.5 | 7.16.0 |
| npm        | @babel/node                               | 7.15.4 | 7.16.0 |
| npm        | @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties   | 7.14.5 | 7.16.0 |
| npm        | @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators         | 7.15.4 | 7.16.4 |
| npm        | @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread | 7.15.6 | 7.16.0 |
| npm        | @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining  | 7.14.5 | 7.16.0 |
| npm        | @babel/preset-env                         | 7.15.6 | 7.16.4 |
| npm        | @babel/runtime                            | 7.15.4 | 7.16.3 |
| npm        | @commitlint/cli                           | 13.2.0 | 13.2.1 |
| npm        | @semantic-release/changelog               | 6.0.0  | 6.0.1  |
| npm        | @semantic-release/commit-analyzer         | 9.0.1  | 9.0.2  |
| npm        | @semantic-release/git                     | 10.0.0 | 10.0.1 |
| npm        | @semantic-release/github                  | 8.0.1  | 8.0.2  |
| npm        | @semantic-release/npm                     | 8.0.0  | 8.0.3  |
| npm        | @semantic-release/release-notes-generator | 10.0.2 | 10.0.3 |
| npm        | danger                                    | 10.6.6 | 10.7.1 |
| npm        | eslint-plugin-import                      | 2.24.2 | 2.25.3 |
| npm        | eslint-plugin-promise                     | 5.1.0  | 5.2.0  |
| npm        | eslint-plugin-regexp                      | 1.3.1  | 1.5.1  |
| npm        | husky                                     | 7.0.2  | 7.0.4  |
| npm        | jscpd                                     | 3.3.26 | 3.4.2  |
| npm        | mocha                                     | 9.1.2  | 9.1.3  |
| npm        | mocha-junit-reporter                      | 2.0.0  | 2.0.2  |
| npm        | node-package-tester                       | 1.1.24 | 1.1.25 |
| npm        | semantic-release                          | 18.0.0 | 18.0.1 |
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renovate-bot committed Dec 1, 2021
1 parent 1271abe commit 399e1d7
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