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TagMark is a tag based browser bookmark solution for intensive github users. This repo, i.e tagmark-ui is the UI part of TagMark.


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1. Introduction, User Guide and the Demo Page

TagMark is a tag-based bookmark solution I created for:

  • Those who have a multitude of bookmarks and want to efficiently organize, easily retrieve, and share them with others.
  • Individuals who frequently work with GitHub, have starred numerous repositories, yet struggle with how to efficiently retrieve and effectively utilize this vast amount of information.

Watch this video TagMark - Introduction and User Guide for details:

TagMark - Introduction and User Guide

Here is the demo page of TagMark, which collected all my bookmarks: /

Features of the page:

  • Substantial tag based bookmarks
    • 2700+ tagged bookmarks (1800+ curated Github Repos) mainly focus on cybersecurity and related development
    • 1000+ tags with detailed tag definitions
  • Full featured tags
    • tag definitions (show / hide definition by left click on tags)
    • tag overview with counts
    • color difference depending on counts
  • Simple but powerful header filter for each column
    • thick client: static, pure frontend and js based, so it's fast responding
    • simple and useful filter grammar
    • quickly input tag name into filter by just a right click
    • press CTRL/CMD with left click in any filter input to call out multiple language document (English / Japanese / Chinese)
  • Supporting for URL GET parameters based filtering
    • static, pure frontend and js based
    • easy for sharing
  • Columns related things
    • detailed Github repository information
    • suppressible columns
  • Template Tag Doc

2. Why TagMark?

The introduction video summarized the reasons why I made TagMark, for the detailed reasons you can read my blog (TL;DR 😅) TagMark: Maybe a Better Browser Bookmark Solution

3. TagMark Related Projects

  • tagmark-py
    • exporting tagged bookmarked data from other third party services, e.g. diigo
    • converting other bookmark formats into Tagmark format, i.e tagmarks.jsonl
    • checking every tag has a been defined, i.e. checking tag consistency in tagmarks.jsonl and tags.json
    • getting tag definitions automatically with ChatGPT, i.e setting the values of the key definition in tags.json
    • making document from a template containing tag related syntaxes, i.e making
  • tagmark-ui (this repo)
    • a web page showing tagmarks.jsonl, tags.json and related docs
  • my-tagmarks

4. TagMark Architecture, Workflow and Customizing Guide

If you want to customize your own my-tagmarks, here is a overview of TagMark architecture and workflow you need to get familiar with:

   #0│   ╔═════════════╗          ╔═══════════════╗       ╔═════════════════╗  i.e.            
   start ║  [original  ║          ║[exported data]║       ║  {tagmark-py}   ║                     ▲                    
     └──>║  bookmark   ║          ║               ║       ║   (this repo)   ║            #9 deploy│Github Pages        
         ║    data]    ║          ║ ░diigo░tool░░ ║       ║                 ║                     │                    
         ║             ║    ┌─────║>exported░data ║       ║   ████████████  ║  ┌──────────────────┼────────┐           
         ║ ░pwnfan's░░ ║    │     ║ ░░░(.html)░░░ ║ ┌──#2b.2──█subcommand█  ║  │         ╔════════════════╗│           
    ┌────║─░untagged░░ ║    │     ║               ║ │     ║   ███export███  ║  │         ║ {my-tagmarks}  ║│  #6.1     
    #1   ║ ░bookmarks░ ║    │     ║ ░░diigo░API░░ ║─┼──┐  ║   ████████████<─║──┼─┐       ║   ┌────────┐  ┌║┼──manually─
 manually║             ║    │     ║ ░dumped░data░<║─┘ #3.1║any              ║  │ │       ║   │tag-doc.│  │║│  make     
 set│tags╚═════════════╝    │     ║ ░░(.jsonl)░░░ ║   format  ████████████<─║──┘ │ ┌─#6.2║───│template│<─┘║│           
 and│add                  #2a.2   ╚═══════════════╝    └──║──>█subcommand█  ║    │ │     ║   └────────┘   ║│ #7.1      
   into                     │                             ║   ██convert███──║─┐  │ │     ║  ┌──────────┐  ║│update     
    │ ╔══════════════════╗  │    #3.2 add Github┌repo─────║───████████████  ║ │  │ │   ┌─║─>││  ║│Github     
    │ ║   {third-party   ║  │    info and covert│into     ║                 #7.2 │ │ #6.3║  └──────────┘  ║│ repo      
    │ ║bookmark & tagging║  │                   │         ║   ████████████  ║ │  │ │   │ ║   ┌────────┐   ║│ info      
    │ ║     service}     ║  │    ╔═════════════╗│ ┌──#4.1─║──>█subcommand█  ║ └──┼─┼───┼─║──>│tagmarks├───║everyday    
    │ ║                  ║  │    ║  [TagMark   ║│ │       ║   ██checktag██  ║    │ │ ┌─┼─║──>│ .json  │   ║            
    │ ║    ███diigo███   ║  │    ║    data]    ║│ │  ┌────║───████████████  ║    │ │ │ │ ║   └────────┘   ║            
    └─║───>██browser██   ║  │    ║             ║│ │ #4.2 add                ║    │ │ │ │ ║  ┌─────────┐   ║            
      ║    █extension█   ║  │  ┌─║──░░░░░░░░░<─║┘ │ missing   ████████████  ║    │ │┌┼─┼─║─>│tags.json│   ║            
      ║         │        ║  │ #3.3  ░TagMark░  ║  │ tags  ║   █subcommand█  ║    │ │││ │ ║  └─────────┘   ║            
      ║         │        ║  │  │ ║  bookmarks  ║  │  │    ║   █autotagdef█  ║    │ │││ │ ║  ┌──────────┐  ║            
      ║         ▼        ║  │  │ ║  (tagmarks  ║──┘  │ ┌#5.1─>████████████──║──┐ │ │││ │ ║  │tagmark-ui│  ║            
      ║    ███diigo███   ║  │  │ ║  ░.jsonl)░  ║     │ │  ║                 ║  │ │ │││ │ ║  └────▲─────┘  ║            
      ║    ██website██   ║  │  │ ║  ░░░░░░░░░  ║     │ │  ║   ████████████  ║  │ │ │││ │ ║       │        ║            
      ║         │        ║  │  │ ║             ║─────┼─┼#6.1─>█subcommand█<─║──┼─┼─┘││ │ ╚══════#8════════╝            
      ║         │  #2a.1 ║  │  │ ║ ░░░░░░░░░░░ ║     │ │  ║   █maketagdoc█──║──┼─┼──┼┼─┘         │                     
      ║         │ manually  │  │ ║ ░░TagMark░░<║─────┘ │  ║   ████████████  ║  │ │  ││  ╔═══════════════════╗          
      ║ ┌───────┴──run─on║  │┌─┼─║>░tags░info░─║───────┘  ╚═════════════════╝  │ │  ││  ║   {tagmark-ui}    ║          
      ║ │        diggo page ││ │ ║ (tags.json)<║─#5.2─define─tags─with─ChatGPT─┘ │  ││  ║ ┌──────────┐      ║          
      ║ │              │ ║  ││ │ ║ ░░░░░░░░░░░─║──────────#5.3───────────────────┼──┘│  ║ │filter doc├─┐    ║          
      ║ ▼              ▼ ║  ││ │ ║      │      ║                                 │   │  ║ │(EN/CN/JP)│ ├──┐ ║          
      ║ █diigo█ █diigo██ ║  ││ │ ╚═════════════╝                                 │   │  ║ └─┬────────┘ │  │ ║          
      ║ web█API █export█─║──┘│ │        │                                        │   │  ║   └──┬───────┘  │ ║          
      ║ ███████ ██tool██ ║   └─┼─────#4.3 manually set the values of keys        │   │  ║      └──────────┘ ║          
      ║   │              ║     │     `abbr/alias/full_name/gpt_prompt_context    │   │  ║  ┌─────────────┐  ║          
      ╚══════════════════╝     │     /prefer_format` for new added tags          │   │  ║  │Web Page Code│  ║          
          │                    │                                                 │   │  ║  └─────────────┘  ║          
          │                    └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┼───┘  ╚═══════════════════╝          
Steps Flow:                                                                                                            
              (option a)     ┌─>#3.1────>#3.2────>#3.3  ┌──>#5.1────>#5.2────>#5.3──┐  ┌─────────────┐                 
          ┌─>#2a.1──>#2a.2───┤                     │    │                       │   └─>│ #7.1───>7.2 │                 
      #1──┤                  │    ┌────────────────┘    │     ┌─────────────────┘      │             │                 
          └─>#2b.1──>#2b.2───┘    ▼                     │     ▼                     ┌─>│   #8   #9   │                 
              (option b)        #4.1────>#4.2────>#4.3──┘   #6.1────>#6.2────>#6.3──┘  └─────────────┘                 
                                               (suggested)  (------optional-------)                                     

Steps note and customizing suggestions:

  • Steps requiring manual works
    • #1:
    • #2a.x
      • use alternative #2b is suggested
      • #2a.1 does't work well recently, may be due to some problems on the Diigo Tools / Export service side,which impelled me to made an alternative #2b instead
      • notice that #2b exploits a web API of diigo and acts like a crawler to retrieve your own bookmarks, it's a trade-off option so we'd better not frequently use it, and I have added some sleep time between successive requests
      • Diigo has its own official API for retrieving bookmarks but it is a premium (paid) feature, may be it's a better option to become a premium user and add the related retrieving feature (plugin) into tagmark-py export subcommand
    • #4.3
      • optional but suggested if you want reading-friendly tag names and exact tag definitions shown in the web page (i.e. tagmark-ui)
      • similar to #1, the first time involves a full workload, which may take a considerable amount of time, but subsequent efforts only involve incremental tasks and are much more easier
    • #6.x
      • optional, if you don't need a TagMark tag doc, you can skip these steps
      • may take a considerable amount of time if you have many bookmarks and tags, and want to well categorize them into different topics, but fortunately this is just an one-off work
  • #7, #8, and #9 form a unit in which the prerequisite dependencies are Steps #1 through #6. However, Steps #7, #8, and #9 are independent of each other and have no interdependencies
  • Some steps are auto done by Github Actions, most of which are located in repo my-tagmarks
    • to ensure these actions function correctly, you may need to set repo vars and secrets which will be used in these actions
    • so the repo vars and secrets need to set are
      • ${{ secrets.GH_PAT_TAGMARK }}
        • it is a personal access tokens (aka PAT) having the Contents(Read and Write access to code) permission to the code of repo my-tagmarks
        • you need to set it in both tagmark-ui and my-tagmarks if you need the UI code synchronizing feature
      • ${{ vars.TAGMARK_DATA_EXPIRED_HOURS }}
        • it determines the expiring time of the Github repo info to a bookmark, see tagmark-py subcommand covert for details
        • the value I've set is 23
        • only need to be set in repo my-tagmarks

5. tagmark-ui User Guide

5.1. Setup and Usage

Dir structure:

├── css
│   └── tagmark.css
├── data
│   ├── tags.json        # sample file, tags info
│   └── tagmarks.jsonl   # sample TagMark data, you can create your own data by tagmark-py and replace this one
├── doc                         # filter docs
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──       # sample file, TagMark tag doc file, generate from `tag-doc.template` by `maketagdoc` subcommand of `tagmark-py` 
│   └── tag-doc.template # sample file, TagMark tag doc template
├── index.html
└── js
    └── tagmark.js

5.1.1. Step 1 (optional)

Put the output file of tagmark(python)(default: tagmark_ui_data.jsonl) into tagmark-ui/data and overwrite the the old one.

You can refer to the TagMark's solution: How to build your own TagMark section in my blog for details.

this step is optional, if you skip it then the default sample data with 3 rows will be shown.

5.1.2. Step 2

Serve this repo onto your web server. All features of tagmark-ui are implemented in pure frontend, so they are all static files.

Here is an exmaple of serving the web page locally using Python 3:

go to tagmark-ui/ and run a simple HTTP server in Python 3:

vscode ➜ /workspaces/tagmark-py/tagmark-ui (main) $ python -m http.server -b localhost
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

or you can use the make command to run

vscode ➜ /workspaces/tagmark-py/tagmark-ui (main) $ make testserver
Loading TagMark UI Test Server......

python3 -m http.server 
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ...

open http://localhost:8000/ and the UI will be shown.

Note: you must access http://localhost:8000 instead of because the remote font-awesome library used in tagmark-ui only allows cors request from domain "localhost" but banned ""

5.2. Using Filters Through URL GET Parameters

tagmark-ui has implemented the invocation of filters through pure frontend Javascript. Please refer to the filter docs for details.

5.3. Credits

5.4. Known Issues

  • #1 the checkbox icon in the column toggle menu dose not change in real time

5.5. TODO

  • fix overlay doc <a> style
  • implement NOT keyword in the filter
  • rewrite UI code with a popular frontend framework
  • add right click menu into tabulator row to copy the json data of the row


TagMark is a tag based browser bookmark solution for intensive github users. This repo, i.e tagmark-ui is the UI part of TagMark.







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