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Implementation of "LC-Protonets" method for multi-label few-shot learning


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LC-Protonets: Multi-label Few-shot learning

PyTorch implementation of LC-Protonets, a method designed for multi-label few-shot learning. This implementation is applied specifically to the task of music tagging, with an emphasis on world music.


LC-Protonets: Multi-label Few-shot learning for world music audio tagging.

  • Charilaos Papaioannou, Emmanouil Benetos, and Alexandros Potamianos


  • Python 3.10 or later
  • To set up the environment and install the necessary packages, run:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate    # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data preparation

Follow the steps described in the sections Datasets and Preprocessing from the ccml repository for data preparation. This includes downloading the required datasets, processing audio features, and organizing the data in a format compatible with LC-Protonets.


Backbone model pre-training

The VGG-ish model serves as the feature extractor for the LC-Protonets framework. Pre-training this model through supervised learning (on each audio dataset) ensures that the network has learned good representations of audio data before being fine-tuned for few-shot tasks. For details on this pre-training process, refer to the Training section of the ccml repository.

Download trained models

All trained models, including pre-trained backbones, can be downloaded from: (771 MB).

To use these models, extract the contents of the zip file to the saved_models/ directory in your project. These models can be loaded during training or evaluation by specifying the appropriate file paths.


To train the models, use the script. Below is a detailed explanation of the command-line arguments that can be used to configure the training process:


  • --dataset:
    The name of the dataset to use for training.
    Options: magnatagatune, fma, makam, lyra, hindustani, carnatic
    Default: lyra

  • --data_dir:
    The directory where the mel-spectrograms and split directories are expected to be found. If not specified, the script will look for the lyra dataset in the default data directory.
    Default: os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'lyra')

  • --method:
    The method to be used for multi-label few-shot learning.

    • baseline: Multi-label Prototypical Networks (ML-PNs)
    • OvR: One-vs.-Rest
    • LCP: Label-Combination Prototypical Networks (LC-Protonets)
      Default: LCP
  • --backbone_model:
    The backbone architecture to be used for feature extraction.
    Options: vgg_ish (VGG-ish model)
    Default: vgg_ish

  • --dist:
    The distance metric to use for prototype-based classification.

    • l2: Euclidean distance
    • cos: Cosine distance
      Default: cos
  • --source:
    Optionally, define a dataset to load a pre-trained model from a specific directory.
    Options: All datasets listed under DATASETS or None
    Default: None

  • --freeze:
    Whether to freeze the weights of the backbone model except for the final embedding layer. This allows the model to retain previously learned features while fine-tuning for the specific task.
    Default: False
    Usage: You can set this flag to freeze the backbone model by using --freeze without providing a value, or explicitly set it to True or False.

  • --run_idx:
    Define a run index to vary the random seed used for different runs. This is useful for performing multiple training runs with different seeds.
    Options: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Default: 1

  • --device:
    Specify the device to use for training. Set this to cpu if no GPU is available, or choose a specific GPU by specifying the CUDA index (e.g., cuda:0, cuda:1).
    Default: cuda:0

Example commands

  • training from scratch (random weights initialization) on MagnaTagATune dataset, using "LC-Protonets" method:
python --dataset "magnatagatune" --data_dir "/__path_to__/magnatagatune" --method "LCP" --dist "cos" --run_idx "1" --device 'cuda:0'
  • training with a pre-trained backbone and full fine-tuning on Lyra dataset, using "One-vs.-Rest" method:
python --dataset "lyra" --data_dir "/__path_to__/lyra" --method "OvR" --dist "cos" --source "lyra" --freeze "False" --run_idx "1" --device 'cuda:0'
  • training with a pre-trained backbone and fine-tuning of the last layer on FMA-medium dataset, using "ML-PNs" method:
python --dataset "fma" --data_dir "/__path_to__/fma" --method "baseline" --dist "cos" --source "fma" --freeze "True" --run_idx "1" --device 'cuda:0'

Naming Conventions of the Saved Models

The models will be saved in the saved_models/{dataset} directory using the following naming conventions:

  • {method}_{dist}.pth: For training from scratch.
  • {method}_from_{dataset}_{dist}.pth: For training with a pre-trained backbone and full fine-tuning.
  • {method}_from_{dataset}_f_{dist}.pth: For training with a pre-trained backbone and fine-tuning of the last layer.


To evaluate the models, use the script. The command-line arguments are the following (the descriptions that are the same as in Training, are omitted):


  • --dataset

  • --data_dir

  • --method

  • --dist

  • --model:
    The trained model to be used for evaluation.
    Default: baseline

  • --N:
    The number of tags/labels to include in the evaluation (N-way).
    Default: 5

  • --K:
    The number of support items (examples) per label (K-shot).
    Default: 3

  • --type:
    Specifies whether to evaluate on "Base" classes (seen during training), "Novel" classes (not seen during training), or both "Base & Novel".

    • base: Use "Base" classes (classes seen during training).
    • novel: Use "Novel" classes (classes not seen during training).
    • both: Use both "Base & Novel" classes.
      Default: novel
  • --source:
    The directory from which to load the pre-trained model. For example, you can load a model from the magnatagatune dataset or a pre-trained model directory like pretrained/makam.
    Default: magnatagatune

  • --run_idx

  • --device

Example commands

We use "magnatagatune" dataset for the following evaluation examples.

  • evaluate on a 5-way 3-shot task with novel classes, a from scratch model that was trained with "LC-Protonets" method:
python --dataset "magnatagatune" --data_dir "/__path_to__/magnatagatune" --method "LCP" --dist "cos" --model "LCP" --N "5" --K "3" --type "novel" --source "magnatagatune" --run_idx "1" --device 'cuda:0' 
  • evaluate on a 15-way 3-shot task with novel classes, a full fine-tuning model that was trained with "ML-PNs" method:
python --dataset "magnatagatune" --data_dir "/__path_to__/magnatagatune" --method "baseline" --dist "cos" --model "baseline_from_magnatagatune" --N "15" --K "3" --type "novel" --source "magnatagatune" --run_idx "1" --device 'cuda:0'
  • evaluate on a 30-way 3-shot task with both classes, a fine-tuning of the last layer model that was trained with "One-vs.-Rest" method:
python --dataset "magnatagatune" --data_dir "/__path_to__/magnatagatune" --method "OvR" --dist "cos" --model "OvR_from_magnatagatune" --N "30" --K "3" --type "both" --source "magnatagatune" --run_idx "1" --device 'cuda:0'
  • evaluate on a 60-way 3-shot task with both classes, a pre-trained without any fine-tuning model using the "LC-Protonets" method on top of the pre-trained vgg_ish backbone:
python --dataset "magnatagatune" --data_dir "/__path_to__/magnatagatune" --method "LCP" --dist "cos" --model "vgg_ish" --N "60" --K "3" --type "both" --source "pretrained/magnatagatune" --run_idx "1" --device 'cuda:0'

Naming Conventions of the Evaluation Results

The evaluation results are saved in the evaluation/{dataset} directory using the following naming conventions:

  • {N}_way_{type}_{method}_{dist}.pth: For evaluating a model trained "from scratch".
  • {N}_way_{type}_{method}_from_{dataset}_{dist}.pth: For evaluating a model with "full fine-tuning".
  • {N}_way_{type}_{method}_from_{dataset}_f_{dist}.pth: For evaluating a model with "fine-tuning of the last layer".
  • {N}_way_{type}_{method}_pretrained_vgg_ish_{dist}.pth: For evaluating a "pre-trained without any fine-tuning" model.

Each evaluation file contains:

  • Macro-F1 and Micro-F1 scores
  • A per-tag classification report for the model
  • Process insights:
    • The number of prototypes (an aspect of interest for the LC-Protonets method)
    • The number of unique items in the support set and the query set
    • The mean ground truth and predicted labels per item
    • Total execution time (particularly useful for evaluating the scalability of the LC-Protonets method)


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


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