There are plenty real-world datasets that have missing values inside, which definitely isn't good. if you have missing value in your dataset you'll face to a big touble for training your data. Because some popular packages such as scikit-learn, keras and etc don't seem to like missing values at all. So in this article I want to show my thesis to you which introduce useful solutions for this problem.
# Begin
CT = ExtractCompleteTuples(df)
ICT = ExtractInCompleteTuples(df)
# The number of partitions
m = 5
# The number of attributes
s = df.columns.size
T = GenerateTuplePartitions(ICT, CT, m, s)
Tp = [[0]] * m
Tpp = [[0]] * m
CTS = [[0]] * (m)
CTS[0] = np.array(CT.copy())
for i in range(1, m):
KNNImputation(CTS[i-1], T[i])
CTS[i] = Merge(CTS[i-1], T[i])
CTS[0] = Merge(CTS[m-1], T[m-i])
This is the main part of the algorithm that is the beginning of the story. Don't worry if you don't understand even a little bit, it will get easier soon. For imputating missing values in dataset we use KNNI
with some tricks. As you can see we devide the dataset into two different parts:
- CT (complete tuples)
- ICT (Incomplete tuples)
def ExtractCompleteTuples(df):
# getting the rows without null values
CT = df.dropna()
return CT
In this function we get rid of all rows that contains Nan values, it means our dataframe CT
will only have complete rows.
def ExtractInCompleteTuples(df):
# getting only the rows with null values
ICT = df[df.isnull().any(axis=1)]
# print(ICT.shape)
return ICT.values
In this function our dataframe ICT
is full of rows which at least have one missing value.
The combination of
will be the full version of our dataset.