- 🗓 When: Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023
- 📍 Where: Stripe, 1, Lower Grand Canal Street, D2
- 🎞 Talk Video: Coming soon
- ℹ️ Event page: https://www.meetup.com/pyladiesdublin/events/294583181/
Description: (30 mins) This is probably going to a small team from RenRe. We're looking to have a hands-on session on a few different modelling techniques in Python, Numpy that we use in Reinsurance. We'll also have a few women from RenRe who can talk about their experience in the company and domain.
Quant Engineer at RenRe
In this talk we're going to discuss some of the strategies that helped me boost my career in technology, After changing fields from Oceanography to Software Developer then later also a change of countries, I had to deal with a lot of insecurities, unknowns and navigate a world that was brand new to me. Seven years later, I look back on what helped me go through all that.
Starting as an Oceanographer, Leticia became a Software Engineer, where she has been working now for many years. Since the switch, she has been dedicated to helping people learn. For 6 years now, she has been co-founder and one of the hosts of Pizza de Dados, the first data science podcast in Brazil. She is also a teacher on the LinkedIn Learning platform where her courses have helped thousands of students. Her latest work is the launch of her book, "A friendly guide to software development", where she teaches about software development for people that don’t have a background in computer science but want to know more about this world, even if they don’t ever want to be developers.
- Stripe for hosting
- Coding Grace for videoing & post-production
- Python Software Foundation (PSF) - Meetup
- PyLadies
Submit your talk details: https://sessionize.com/pyladies-dublin-meetup
For example: organising, collaboration, sponsoring, hosting, and more
Questions: dublin@pyladies.com