New Features
pyro.infer.ReweightedWakeSleep implements the Reweighted Wake Sleep algorithm (Le et al. 2019). Contributed by Siddharth Narayanaswamy and Tuan Anh Le.
pyro.infer.TraceTMC_ELBO implements the Tensor Monte Carlo marginal likelihood estimator (Aitchinson 2019), a generalization of the importance-weighted autoencoder objective.
pyro.infer.EnergyDistance implements a likelihood-free inference algorithm based on Szekely's energy statistics, a multidimensional generalization of CRPS (Gneiting & Raftery 2007).
pyro.contrib.cevae implements the Causal Inference VAE of (Louizos et al. 2017). See examples/contrib/cevae/synthetic.py for an end-to-end usage example.
pyro.deterministic primitive to record deterministic values in the trace.
pyro.nn.to_pyro_module_() recursively converts an regular
to a PyroModule in-place. -
A default implementation for Distribution.expand() that is available to all Pyro distributions that subclass from
, making it easier to create custom distributions.
New distributions and transforms
- MultivariateStudentT is a heavy-tailed multivariate distribution.
- Stable implements a Lévy α-stable distribution with reparametrized
method but no.log_prob()
. This can be fit using EnergyDistance inference. - ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial is a distribution for count data.
- LowerCholeskyAffine is a multivariate affine transform.
Other Changes / Bug Fixes
has been deprecated, and dependency ongraphviz
is removed.- #2197 fixed a naming bug in PyroModule that affected mutliple sub-PyroModules with conflicting names.
- #2192 Bug fix in Planar normalizing flow implementation
- #2188 Make error messages for incorrect arguments to effect handlers more informative