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@github-actions github-actions released this 03 Mar 19:12
· 1671 commits to main since this release

pytest 7.2.2 (2023-03-03)

Bug Fixes

  • #10533: Fixed pytest.approx{.interpreted-text role="func"} handling of dictionaries containing one or more values of [0.0]{.title-ref}.
  • #10592: Fixed crash if [--cache-show]{.title-ref} and [--help]{.title-ref} are passed at the same time.
  • #10597: Fixed bug where a fixture method named teardown would be called as part of nose teardown stage.
  • #10626: Fixed crash if --fixtures and --help are passed at the same time.
  • #10660: Fixed :pypytest.raises{.interpreted-text role="func"} to return a 'ContextManager' so that type-checkers could narrow
    pytest.raises(...) if ... else nullcontext() down to 'ContextManager' rather than 'object'.

Improved Documentation

  • #10690: Added [CI]{.title-ref} and [BUILD_NUMBER]{.title-ref} environment variables to the documentation.
  • #10721: Fixed entry-points declaration in the documentation example using Hatch.
  • #10753: Changed wording of the module level skip to be very explicit
    about not collecting tests and not executing the rest of the module.