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Backstage QShift Showcase

The backstage QShift application has been designed to showcase QShift (Quarkus on OpenShift). It is composed of the following plugins and integrated with different backend systems:

Backstage plugin Backend system
Core - 1.27.x GitHub
Kubernetes OpenShift 4.15
Quarkus front & backend, OpenShift Virtualization 4.15.2
Quarkus Console OpenShift 4.15
ArgoCD front & backend OpenShift GitOps 1.12.3
Tekton OpenShift Pipelines 1.15.0
Topology OpenShift 4.15

Note: This backstage application is based on the backstage's version: 1.27.x


  • nvm
  • Node.js (20.x but not 22 as it fails on macOS as node-gyp fails to build: isolated-vm)
  • Yarn. It is mandatory to migrate from yarn 1.x to 4.x and to enable corepack enable !
  • GitHub client (optional)
  • argocd client (optional)

Important: If you need to provision an OpenShift cluster with the required backend systems: ArgoCD, Tekton, etc, then go to the next section Provision an ocp cluster, otherwise move to Backstage instructions

Provision an ocp cluster

The following section details the different commands to be used to deploy the backend systems needed by QShift on a new OCP cluster (e.g. 4.15.x)


To subscribe to the operator and create the needed CR

Note: The version of the operator could be different according to the ocp cluster version used but the platform will in this case bump the version for you. Take care as this project could take time !

cd manifest/installation/virt
kubectl create ns openshift-cnv
kubectl apply -f subscription-kubevirt-hyperconverged.yml
kubectl apply -f hyperConverged.yml

To install the customized fedora image packaging podman and socat, create now a DataVolume CR and wait till the image will be imported

kubectl -n openshift-virtualization-os-images apply -f quay-to-pvc-datavolume.yml


To subscribe to the operator and create the needed CR

cd manifest/installation/gitops
kubectl create ns openshift-gitops-operator
kubectl apply -f subscription-gitops.yml

To use ArgoCD with QShift, it is needed to delete the existing ArgoCD CR and to deploy our ArgoCD CR.

Note: Our CR includes different changes needed to work with QShift:

  • extraConfig: to avoid that ArgoCD watch the PVC resources
  • tls.termination: reencrypt to allow to access the ArgoCD route
kubectl delete argocd/argocd -n openshift-gitops
kubectl apply -f argocd.yml

Todo: Instead of deleting and recreating a new ArgoCD CR, we should patch it or install it using kustomize. Example:

Patch the default AppProject CR to support to deploy the Applications CR in different namespaces.

kubectl get AppProject/default -n openshift-gitops -o json | jq '.spec.sourceNamespaces += ["*"]' | kubectl apply -f -

Finally, create a new ClusterRoleBinding to give the Admin role to the ServiceAccount openshift-gitops-argocd-application-controller. That will allow it to manage the Applications CR deployed in any namespace of the cluster.

kubectl apply -f rbac.yml


To subscribe to the operator, execute this command

cd manifest/installation/tekton
kubectl apply -f subscription-pipelines.yml

Backstage instructions

This section explains how to use Backstage:

First steps

Before to install and use our QShift Backstage application, it is needed to perform some steps such as:

  • Create an OpenShift project
  • Provide your registry credentials (, docker, etc.) as config.json file
  • Create a ServiceAccount for backstage (needed to get the token)
  • Create a ClusterRoleBinding for the SA to allow backstage to access the Kube API resources
  • Create the Fedora Podman VM using your public key to ssh

The commands hereafter will guide you to set up what it is needed

  • Start first by cloning this project locally

    git clone
    cd backstage-playground
  • Log on to the ocp cluster oc login --token=sha256 ... which has been provisioned

  • Create an OpenShift project:

    oc new-project <MY_NAMESPACE>

    Important: The commands documented hereafter assume that your use the project created: oc project <MY_NAMESPACE>

  • Next create the following registry config.json file (or use yours). Provide the following registry: and docker as they are needed to build/push the image of the Quarkus container or to pull images from docker registry without the hassle of the docker limit.

    QUAY_CREDS=$(echo -n "<QUAY_USER>:<QUAY_TOKEN>" | base64)
    DOCKER_CREDS=$(echo -n "<DOCKER_USER>:<DOCKER_PWD>" | base64)
    cat <<EOF > config.json
      "auths": {
        "${QUAY_ORG}": {
          "auth": "$QUAY_CREDS"
        "": {
          "auth": "$DOCKER_CREDS"

    Important: The Org to define here for the container images registry should be the same as the one you will use when you scaffold a Quarkus application and build an image.

  • Deploy it using this command:

    kubectl create secret generic dockerconfig-secret --from-file=config.json
  • Warning: To allow Argo CD to manage resources in other namespaces apart from where it is installed, configure the target namespace with a label.

    kubectl label namespace <MY_NAMESPACE> \<argocd_namespace> 
  • Patch the ArgoCD CR to add your namespace using the parameter: sourceNamespaces

    # Fetch the current ArgoCD resource
    ARGOCD_JSON=$(kubectl get argocd $ARGOCD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE_ARGOCD -o json)
    # Check if the namespace is already in the sourceNamespaces array
    if echo "$ARGOCD_JSON" | jq -e --arg ns "$NAMESPACE" '.spec.sourceNamespaces | index($ns)' > /dev/null; then
      echo "Namespace '$NAMESPACE' already exists in sourceNamespaces."
      echo "Adding namespace '$NAMESPACE' to sourceNamespaces."
      PATCH=$(echo "$ARGOCD_JSON" | jq --arg ns "$NAMESPACE" '.spec.sourceNamespaces += [$ns] | {spec: {sourceNamespaces: .spec.sourceNamespaces}}')
      kubectl patch argocd $ARGOCD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE_ARGOCD --type merge --patch "$PATCH"
  • Patch also the default AppProject to support to deploy the Applications CR in different namespaces.

    kubectl get AppProject/default -n openshift-gitops -o json | jq '.spec.sourceNamespaces += ["*"]' | kubectl apply -f -
  • And finally, create the service account my-backstage and give it admin rights using the following RBAC to access the Kubernetes API resources.

    kubectl create sa my-backstage
    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: backstage-$NAMESPACE-cluster-access
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: cluster-admin
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: my-backstage
      namespace: $NAMESPACE

    Note: This is needed to create the SA in order to get the secret generated and containing the token that we will use at the step Deploy and use Backstage on OCP

  • Next, it is needed to create a VM using the following commands:

    oc project <MY_NAMESPACE>
    kubectl create secret generic quarkus-dev-ssh-key --from-file=key=$HOME/.ssh/
    kubectl apply -f manifest/installation/virt/quarkus-dev-virtualmachine.yml
  • You can verify if the VMI is well running if you check its status:

    kubectl get vm -n <MY_NAMESPACE>
    NAMESPACE       NAME          AGE   STATUS    READY
    <MY_NAMESPACE>  quarkus-dev   32s   Running   True

Note: Alternatively, you can use the Qshift bash script automating all such steps as described at the section Using the qshif script

We are now ready to deploy and use backstage within your project as documented at the following section.

Run backstage locally

A Backstage application uses an application configuration file app-config.<local|production|etc.>.yaml to manage the front and backend applications like the different plugins accessing backend systems.

This is why it is needed to create first, your app-config.local.yaml file. To simplify this work, we developed this template app-config.qshift.tmpl where the sensitive data or urls can be defined using an env template file backstage_env_secret.tmpl.

To achieve this, please execute the commands:

cp manifest/templates/backstage_env_secret.tmpl backstage_env_secret.env

Next, edit the backstage_env_secret.env and set the different variables.

Note: The text between double quotes next to the variable in this file help you to figure how to set the value !

When done, substitute the env variables from the template to the configuration file

export $(grep -v '^#' backstage_env_secret.env | xargs)
envsubst < manifest/templates/app-config.qshift.tmpl > app-config.local.yaml

Next run the following commands to start the front and backend using your app-config.local.yaml config file:

You can now open the backstage URL http://localhodt:3000, select from the left menu /create and scaffold a new project using the template Create a Quarkus application

yarn install
yarn dev

Warning: If you use node 20, then export the following env var export NODE_OPTIONS=--no-node-snapshot as documented here.

Important: Alternatively, you can use the Qshift bash script and command qshift dev which automates all the steps of this section as documented at the section Using the qshif script

Using the qshift script

The qshift bash script provide 2 subcommands to either provision the namespace on the cluster or set create locally the app-config-local.yaml file with the proper credentials, etc.

Subcommand: provision-namespace

./bin/qshift provision-namespace -h

This script will create a new namespace, set your registry creds, install a KubeVirt VM using your ssh key and configure ArgoCD to access your resources !

  -n, --namespace     <namespace>                        The namespace on the QShift cluster (mandatory)
  -q, --quay-cred     <quay_username:quay_password>      The Quay registry credential: username:password to be used to push on
  -o, --quay-org      <quay_organization>                The Quay registry organization hosting your images on (mandatory)
  -d, --docker-cred   <docker_username:docker_password>  The docker registry credential: username:password on dockerhub (mandatory)
  -k, --key-path      <public_key_path>                  The path of your public to ssh to the VM (optional)
  --dry-run                                              Run the kubectl command with dry-run=client

Here is by example, how you could define the arguments

./bin/qshift provision-namespace \
  -n my-namespace \
  -d "<my-docker-user>:<my-docker-registry-password>" \
  -q "<my-quay-registry-username>:<my-quay-registry-password>" \
  -o "<my-quay-registry-organization>" \
  -k $HOME/.ssh/

Tips: To execute the kubectl and oc commands of the script in dry-run mode, pass as argument --dry-run

Subcommand: dev

The command ./bin/qshift dev will create an app-config.local.yaml file locally using the needed URLs to access: ArgoCD, Gitea, the cluster, etc. like the proper credentials and start the backstage application.

The script will infer all the variables from the developers environment and also supports overriding inferred values using flags.

./bin/qshift dev -h                                   
Processing -h
Usage: ./bin/qshift dev [options]
  -t, --title <title>                   The title of the Backstage instance
  -o, --org <org>                       The organization name
  -u, --github-user <github-user>       The GitHub user
      --github-token <github-token>     The GitHub token
      --gitea-host <host>               The Gitea Host
      --gitea-user <gitea-user>         The Gitea username
      --gitea-password <gitea-password> The Gitea username

Deploy and use Backstage on OCP

As we cannot use a local config file as this is the case when you start backstage locally (yarn dev), then we will use for ocp a configMap and define the sensitive information in a kubernetes secret.

This kubernetes secret, which contains k=v pairs, will be mounted as a volume within the backstage's pod and will override the appo-config.yaml file mounted also as a volume from a ConfigMap.

Trick: The backstage_env_secret.tmpl file contains what you need to get or set the sensitive information :-)

  • Copy the template and save it: backstage_env_secret.env:

    cp manifest/templates/backstage_env_secret.tmpl backstage_env_secret.env
  • Edit the file backstage_env_secret.env and set the different values using the information provided

  • Create the kubernetes secret using the env file:

    kubectl create secret generic my-backstage-secrets --from-env-file=backstage_env_secret.env
  • Note: The ConfigMap packaging the app-config.qshift.yaml file is deployed using our helm chart (see ./manifest/helm/configmap folder) and uses the template app-config.qshift.tmpl !

  • To deploy backstage, create from the template manifest/templates/argocd.tmpl the argocd.yaml file and pass env variables to be substituted:

    cat manifest/templates/argocd.tmpl | NAMESPACE=<MY_NAMESPACE> DOMAIN=<OCP_CLUSTER_DOMAIN> envsubst > argocd.yaml
    kubectl apply -f argocd.yaml

Verify if backstage is alive using the URL: https://backstage-<MY_NAMESPACE>.<OCP_CLUSTER_DOMAIN> and start to play with the templates:

  • Create a Quarkus TODO Application
  • Create a Quarkus Chatbot that consumes an API
  • Create a Quarkus Application from Quickstarts

Automate a scenario



If you would like to automate the process to scaffold a project on an OpenShift Cluster provisioned with ArgoCD, Tekton, etc and without the need to use the UI, then follow the instructions described hereafter:

  • Set the TOKEN env var to authenticate the curl requests issued against backstage
    # The "BACKSTAGE_AUTH_SECRET" corresponds to the token declared within the app-config.local.yaml file
    #  auth:
    #    externalAccess:
    #    - type: static
    #      options:
    #       token: <BACKSTAGE_AUTH_SECRET>
  • Create a JSON file containing the parameters of the project (= template) that you would like to create and replace the <XXXX> with your own data:
cat <<EOF > req.json
  "templateRef": "template:default/quarkus-application",
  "values": {
    "component_id": "<YOUR_QUARKUS_APP>",
    "native": false,
    "owner": "user:guest",
    "groupId": "io.quarkus",
    "artifactId": "my-quarkus-app",
    "version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
    "java_package_name": "io.quarkus.demo",
    "description": "A cool quarkus app",
    "javaVersion": "17",
    "buildTool": "MAVEN",
    "database": "quarkus-jdbc-postgresql",
    "healthEndpoint": true,
    "metricsEndpoint": true,
    "infoEndpoint": true,
    "extensions": [
    "repo": {
      "host": "",
      "org": "<YOUR_GITHUB_ORG>" 
    "namespace": "<YOUR_OCP_NAMESPACE>",
    "imageRepository": "",
    "virtualMachineName": "quarkus-dev",
    "virtualMachineNamespace": "<THE_OCP_NAMESPACE_WHERE_PODMAN_VM_IS_RUNNING>",
  • Issue a POST request
curl $URL/api/scaffolder/v2/tasks \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -d @req.json

To delete the different resources created (cluster, github), execute the following commands:

  • ArgoCD

argocd login --insecure $ARGOCD_SERVER --username $ARGOCD_USER --password $ARGOCD_PWD --grpc-web

argocd app delete openshift-gitops/<YOUR_QUARKUS_APP>-bootstrap -y
# Wait a few moment till all the resources have been deleted
argocd proj delete <YOUR_QUARKUS_APP>
  • Database If a database like Postgresql has been deployed for the Quarkus application created, then delete the PVC as the Helm Postgresql helm don't remove by default
kubectl delete -n <NAMESPACE> pvc<YOUR_QUARKUS_APP>-db
  • GitHub repository
gh repo delete<GIT_ORG>/<YOUR_QUARKUS_APP> --yes
  • Backstage location/component

According to the name of <YOUR_QUARKUS_APP> created, then pickup one word from the application's name: todo, chatboot and use it as keyword to search hereafter:

ID=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $URL:7007/api/catalog/locations | jq -r --arg appToSearch "$KEY_TO_SEARCH" '.[] | select( | contains($appToSearch)) |')
curl -X 'DELETE' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" $URL/api/catalog/locations/$ID