LABRAK Yanis Master 2 – Computer Science
Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon (LIA) Natural Language Processing Department
Refer to this GitHub issue to solve the compatibility issues or go back to Flair 0.8.
submit_id | label-based micro avg precision | label-based micro avg recall | label-based micro avg f1 | label-based macro avg precision | label-based macro avg recall | label-based macro avg f1 | instance-based precision | instance-based recall | instance-based f1 |
BC7_submission_39 | 0.5130 | 0.8598 | 0.6426 | 0.5240 | 0.7391 | 0.5614 | 0.5965 | 0.8597 | 0.7043 |
BC7_submission_40 | 0.8760 | 0.8659 | 0.8709 | 0.8498 | 0.8138 | 0.8231 | 0.8981 | 0.8942 | 0.8961 |
BC7_submission_62 | 0.8699 | 0.8966 | 0.8830 | 0.8298 | 0.8570 | 0.8366 | 0.8993 | 0.9198 | 0.9094 |
BC7_submission_61 | 0.8951 | 0.8280 | 0.8602 | 0.8814 | 0.7723 | 0.8174 | 0.8787 | 0.8610 | 0.8698 |
I used class specific keywords extracted from the training dataset (keywords + title + abstract) with a TF-IDF to enhance a HuggingFace PubMedBERT model (microsoft/BiomedNLP-PubMedBERT-base-uncased-abstract-fulltext) adapted to the task by changing the loss function to a BCE one for multi-label classification and running it during 28 epochs with a learning rate of 5e-5.
Folder: model 2 - PubMed Train
I used a pretrained model called TARS based on the paper "Task-Aware Representation of Sentences for Generic Text Classification" available in the framework Flair to classify documents based only on their abstracts during 50 epochs with a learning rate of 0.02 and with only 85% of the training corpus.
Folder: model 1 - 50 runs flair tars
I used class specific keywords extracted from the training dataset (keywords + title + abstract) with a TF-IDF to enhance a HuggingFace PubMedBERT model (microsoft/BiomedNLP-PubMedBERT-base-uncased-abstract-fulltext) adapted to the task by changing the loss function to a BCE one for multi-label classification and running it during 28 epochs on Train and Dev with a learning rate of 5e-5.
Folder: model 5 - PubMed Train+Dev
Refused: Due to negative predictions.
I trained a 1-2-3 gram TF-IDF on both Train and Dev datasets to compute df vectors (dimension 20K) which will represents documents (keywords + title + abstract) in the multi-label SVM classifier.
Folder: model 6 - TF-IDF 1-2-3 gram
I used class specific keywords extracted from the training dataset (keywords + title + abstract) with a TF-IDF to enhance a pretrained model called TARS based on the paper "Task-Aware Representation of Sentences for Generic Text Classification" available in the framework Flair adapted to the task for multi-label classification and running it during 10 epochs on Train only with a learning rate of 0.02.
Folder: model 4 - flair all + ner