This code base manages my personal site using a Hugo The site runs on with a AWS Cloudfront that is backed by an S3 bucket and created with terraform. There is python code the pulls data from both peloton and strava API to populate a static page with my most recent data.
Deplyment is managed via Github Actions and is automatically deploy the website when changes are merged to the master branch on Bitbucket.
- Add Unit test to the python script
- Turn the python script into modules
Enhance the look of the peloton/strava pagesAdd a step in the pipeline to invalidate CF cache on deployAdd logging output to the python scriptLook at switching to GitHub ActionsAdd Strava data to the python scriptAdd a custom task to the pipeline that only generats the new dataRemove the hugo step that stubs out the template and move it to python to auto-generateAdd a link to the Peloton classPull the full day of classes instead of the most recent single class