This repository contains the source code for the Quorum Studio Programming environment, which is the development environment for the Quorum programming language. Quorum Studio provides a series of features for Quorum, including:
- Compiling, Running, and Debugging Quorum programs
- Code completion
- Scene editing for 2D and 3D scenes, integrated with Quorum's graphics engine
- Text editing, project navigation, and other features
- Basic Git support for cloning and working with projects
- Support for different compilation targets, including Java Bytecode and JavaScript modes
In order to Build Quorum Studio, we need several components. To build it, we do the following steps:
- Download IntelliJ. This is not strictily necessary if we want to compile from the console, but provides support for Gradle built in, which Quorum Studio needs for its plugins.
- Clone the quorum-debugger
- Open the quorum-degugger repository and build the project by running the gradle script
- Open the QuorumStudioPlugins folder as an IntelliJ project and run the Gradle script
- Once all plugins are built, open Quorum Studio in Quorum Studio, then build it
This procedure should not be done unless you know what you are doing and really need a version of Quorum Studio that cannot be done because of binary incompatible changes in the quorum-language compiler architecture. This is rare and almost never needed. If, however, it is required, then the steps are as follows, from within Quorum Studio.
- Open Quorum Studio normally with the standard library off
- Run RunLibrary.quorum from the qourum-language repository
- Turn off Quorum Studio
- Turn on the standard library override
- Turn on Quorum Studio
- Clean and Build Quorum Language after selecting DoubleBootstrapQuorumStudio.quorum
- Run quorum-language
- With the console, navigate to where the Quorum Studio project is
- Either make a new installer or Run the following command to manually run it: java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar Run/QuorumStudio.jar
Congratulations. You now have a version of Quorum Studio running with the latest compiler, built from source.