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Microblog Service

A simple blogging service written in TypeScript using Express, Prisma (with Postgres) and Redis. Runtime schema validation is done using Zod which also provides inferred TypeScript types from schemas.


There are three different supported environments: production, development and test. Each environment uses a .env suffixed by the name of the environment, for example, .env.production.

The configuration of the service is read through environment variables stored in these files, do not track this into your version control as all the data there is sensitive, take a look at the .env.example file to see which env variables are required to run the service.


Podman (or Docker) is required for development to create a local Postgres database and a local Redis instance, to start these services run the setup:development npm script, which also takes care of applying Prisma migrations.


Testing is separated in two Jest projects, one for unit tests and the other for integration tests. To create a unit test file the standard *.test.ts naming convention is used, while for integration test files the following convention *.itest.ts is used (i for integration). There's no need to run the setup:test npm script manually as it's automatically ran whenever it's needed by one of the test:* npm scripts, note however that you also need Podman (or Docker) to run integrated tests.

See and docker-compose.test.yml.


To set up the production environment run the setup:production npm script which takes care of applying migrations to the database and running seeds if necessary, in contrast to the dev and test environment this setup doesn't take care of creating a database or Redis instance as it expects those services to be already running and be accessible through their respective URL environment variables.


This is how you will build the service to deploy it in production:

npm i && npm run build && npm run setup:production

And to start it with Node:

npm start # or node dist/src/index.js

Admins File

In order to seed the database with an initial set of admins a Prisma seed script is provided, this scrip looks up for a file to be defined in the environment variable ADMINS_FILE, and if found it reads the information from there to create the initial set of admins, to see an example using the expected schema see the example file admins.example.json.

        "email": "",
        "password": "pa$$w0rd",
        "name": "Example 1"

Do not push your admins JSON file to your git remote as it contains sensitive data.


All the API endpoints are documented using the OpenAPI specification, with only failure responses missing, to serve the documentation locally using Redocly run the redoc:watch npm script, and if the service is already running access it by hitting the path /api/v1/openapi (the documentation is included as part of the build step, see the build npm script).


Microblog API (Node Nerdery Challenge)






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