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     mpirun -np 2 perl

     use Parallel::MPI::Simple;
     my $rank = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
     if ($rank == 1) {
       my $msg = "Hello, I'm $rank";
       MPI_Send($msg, 0, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
     else {
       my $msg = MPI_Recv(1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
       print "$rank received: '$msg'\n";

    Please view the README file in the module tarball if you are having
    trouble compiling or running this module.

    Perl is not a strongly typed language, Perl does not enforce data
    structures of a fixed size or dimensionality, Perl makes things easy.
    Parallel processing solves problems faster and is commonly programmed
    using a message passing paradigm. Traditional message passing systems
    are designed for strongly typed languages like C or Fortran, there exist
    implementations of these for Perl but they concentrate on perfectly
    mimicing the standards forcing the poor Perl programmer to use strongly
    typed data despite all his best instincts.

    This module provides a non-compliant wrapper around the widely
    implemented MPI libraries, allowing messages to consist of arbitarily
    nested Perl data structures whose size is limited by available memory.
    This hybrid approach should allow you to quickly write programs which
    run anywhere which supports MPI (both Beowulf and traditional MPP

Message Passing and Multiprocessing
    The message passing paradigm is simple and easy to use. Multiple
    versions of the same program are run on multiple processors (or nodes).
    Each running copy should call "MPI_Init" to announce that it is running.
    It can then find out who it is by calling "MPI_Comm_rank" and who else
    it can talk to by calling "MPI_Comm_size". Using this information to
    decide what part it is to play in the ensuing computation, it the
    exchanges messages, or parcels of data, with other nodes allowing all to

    Once the computation is finished, the node calls "MPI_Finalize" and
    exits cleanly, ready to run another day.

    These processes are all copies of the *same* perl script and are invoked
    using: "mpirun -np [number of nodes] perl" .

    Remember you may need to start a daemon before mpirun will work, for
    "mpich" this is often as easy as running: "mpd &".

Starting and Stopping a process
    A process must formally enter and leave the MPI pool by calling these


    Initialises the message passing layer. This should be the first "MPI_*"
    call made by the program and ideally one of the first things the program
    does. After completing this call, all processes will be synchronised and
    will become members of the "MPI_COMM_WORLD" communicator. It is an error
    for programs invoked with "mpirun" to fail to call "MPI_Init" (not to
    mention being a little silly).


    Shuts down the message passing layer. This should be called by every
    participating process before exiting. No more "MPI_*" calls may be made
    after this function has been called. It is an error for a program to
    exit *without* calling this function.

    All processes are members of one or more *communicators*. These are like
    channels over which messages are broadcast. Any operation involving more
    than one process will take place in a communicator, operations involving
    one communicator will not interfere with those in another.

    On calling "MPI_Init" all nodes automatically join the "MPI_COMM_WORLD"
    communicator. A communicator can be split into smaller subgroups using
    the "MPI_Comm_split" function.

     $global_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

    Returns the global communicator shared by all processes launched at the
    same time. Can be used as a "constant" where a communicator is required.
    Most MPI applications can get by using only this communicator.

      $rank = MPI_Comm_rank($comm);

    Returns the rank of the process within the communicator given by $comm.
    Processes have ranks from 0..(size-1).

      $size = MPI_Comm_size($comm);

    Returns the number of processes in communicator $comm.

        $result = MPI_Comm_compare($comm1, $comm2);

    Compares the two communicators $comm1 and $comm2. $result will be equal

      MPI_IDENT    : communicators are identical
      MPI_CONGRUENT: membership is same, ranks are equal
      MPI_SIMILAR  : membership is same, ranks not equal
      MPI_UNEQUAL  : at least one member of one is not in the other

        $newcomm = MPI_Comm_dup($comm);

    Duplicates $comm but creates a new context for messages.

        $newcomm = MPI_Comm_split($comm, $colour, $key);

    Every process in $comm calls "MPI_Comm_split" at the same time. A new
    set of communicators is produced, one for each distinct value of
    $colour. All those processes which specified the same value of $colour
    end up in the same comminicator and are ranked on the values of $key,
    with their original ranks in $comm being used to settle ties.

    If $colour is negative (or "MPI_UNDEFINED"), the process will not be
    allocated to any of the new communicators and "undef" will be returned.

        MPI_Comm_free($comm, [$comm2, ...] );

    Frees the underlying object in communicator $comm, do not attempt to do
    this to MPI_COMM_WORLD, wise to do this for any other comminicators that
    you have created. If given a list of comminicators, will free all of
    them, make sure there are no duplicates...

Communications operations

    Waits for every process in $comm to call MPI_Barrier, once done, all
    continue to execute. This causes synchronisation of processes. Be sure
    that every process does call this, else your computation will hang.

      MPI_Send($scalar, $dest, $msg_tag, $comm);

    This takes a scalar (which can be an anonymous reference to a more
    complicated data structure) and sends it to process with rank $dest in
    communicator $comm. The message also carries $msg_tag as an identfier,
    allowing nodes to receive and send out of order. Completion of this call
    does not imply anything about the progress of the receiving node.

     $scalar = MPI_Recv($source, $msg_tag, $comm);

    Receives a scalar from another process. $source and $msg_tag must both
    match a message sent via MPI_Send (or one which will be sent in future)
    to the same communicator given by $comm.

     if ($rank == 0) {
       MPI_Send([qw(This is a message)], 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
     elsif ($rank == 1) {
       my $msg = MPI_Recv(1,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
       print join(' ', @{ $msg } );

    Will output "This is a message". Messages with the same source,
    destination, tag and comminicator will be delivered in the order in
    which they were sent. No other guarantees of timeliness or ordering can
    be given. If needed, use "MPI_Barrier".

     $data = MPI_Bcast($scalar, $root, $comm);

    This sends $scalar in process $root from the root process to every other
    process in $comm, returning this scalar in every process. All non-root
    processes should provide a dummy message (such as "undef"), this is a
    bit ugly, but maintains a consistant interface between the other
    communication operations. The scalar can be a complicated data

      if ($rank == 0) { # send from 0
        my $msg = [1,2,3, {3=>1, 5=>6}  ];
        MPI_Bcast( $msg, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      else { # everything else receives, note dummy message
        my $msg = MPI_Bcast(undef, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

     # if root:
     @list = MPI_Gather($scalar, $root, $comm);
     (nothing) = MPI_Gather($scalar, $root, $comm);

    Sends $scalar from every process in $comm (each $scalar can be
    different, root's data is also sent) to the root process which collects
    them as a list of scalars, sorted by process rank order in $comm.

     $data = MPI_Scatter([N items of data], $root, $comm);

    Sends list of scalars (anon array as 1st arg) from $root to all
    processes in $comm, with process of rank N-1 receiving the Nth item in
    the array. Very bad things might happen if number of elements in array
    != N. This does not call the C function at any time, so do not expect
    any implicit synchronisation.

     @list = MPI_Allgather($scalar, $comm);

    Every process receives an ordered list containing an element from every
    other process. Again, this is implemented without a call to the C

     @list = MPI_Alltoall([ list of scalars ], $comm);

    Simillar to Allgather, each process (with rank *rank*) ends up with a
    list such that element *i* contains the data which started in element
    *rank* of process *i*s data.

     $value = MPI_Reduce($input, \&operation, $comm);

    Every process receives in $value the result of performing &operation
    between every processes $input. If there are three processes in $comm,
    then "$value = $input_0 op $input_1 op $input_2".

    Operation should be a sub which takes two scalar values (the $input
    above) and returns a single value. The operation it performs should be
    commutative and associative, otherwise the result will be undefined.

    For instance, to return the sum of some number held by each process,

     $sum = MPI_Reduce($number, sub {$_[0] + $_[1]}, $comm);

    To find which process holds the greatest value of some number:

     ($max, $mrank) = @{ MPI_Reduce([$number, $rank],
                           sub { $_[0]->[0] > $_[1]->[0] ? $_[0] : $_[1]}
                             , $comm) };

    I have decided to loosely follow the MPI calling and naming conventions
    but do not want to stick strictly to them in all cases. In the interests
    of being simple, I have decided that all errors should result in the
    death of the MPI process rather than huge amounts of error checking
    being foisted onto the module's user.

    Many of the MPI functions have not been implemented, some of this is
    because I feel they would complicate the module (I chose to have a
    single version of the Send command, for instance) but some of this is
    due to my not having finished yet. I certainly do not expect to provide
    process topologies or inter-communicators, I also do not expect to
    provide anything in MPI-2 for some time.

    This module has been tested on a variety of platforms. I have not been
    able to get it running with the mpich MPI implementation in a clustered

    In general, I expect that most programs using this module will make use
    of little other than "MPI_Init", "MPI_Send", "MPI_Recv",
    "MPI_COMM_WORLD", "MPI_Barrier", "MPI_Comm_size", "MPI_Comm_rank" and

    Please send bugs to github:

      Alex Gough (

      This module is copyright (c) Alex Gough, 2001,2011.

      You may use and redistribute this software under the Artistic License as
      supplied with Perl.


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