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Utilize NEW_TOKEN frames #1912

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@gretchenfrage gretchenfrage commented Jun 30, 2024

This is currently a draft PR so I can get some feedback on whether the overall design is good. If the overall design is good, I will address some remaining TODO points and polish it up some more before marking it as ready for review.

Goal and motivation:

The server now sends the client NEW_TOKEN frames, and the client now stores and utilizes them.

The main motivation is that this allows 0.5-RTT data to not be subject to anti-amplification limits. This is a scenario likely to occur in HTTP/3 requests, as one example: a client makes a 0-RTT GET request for something like a jpeg, such that the response will be much bigger than the request, and so unless NEW_TOKEN frames are used, the response may begin to be transmitted but then hit the anti-amplification limit and have to pause until the full 1-RTT handshake completes.

For example, here's some experimental data that should be similar in the relevant ways:

  • The client sends the server an integer and the server responds with that number of bytes
  • They do it in 0-RTT if they can
  • For each iteration the client endpoint does it twice and measures its request/response time from the second time it does it (so it will have 0-RTT and NEW_TOKEN material)
  • 100ms localhost latency was simulated by running sudo tc qdisc add dev lo root netem delay 100ms (and undone with sudo tc qdisc del dev lo root netem)


For responses in a certain size range, avoiding the anti-amplification limits by using NEW_TOKEN frames made the request/response complete in 1 RTT on this branch versus 2 RTT on main.

Reproducible experimental setup can be placed into quinn/examples/:

use std::{
    net::ToSocketAddrs as _,
use anyhow::Error;
use quinn::*;
use tracing::*;
use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // init logging
    let log_fmt = tracing_subscriber::fmt::format()
    let stdout_log = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()
    let log_filter = tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::new(
    let log_subscriber = tracing_subscriber::Registry::default()
    tracing::subscriber::set_global_default(log_subscriber).expect("unable to install logger");

    // get args
    let args = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<_>>();
    anyhow::ensure!(args.len() == 2, "wrong number of args");
    let num_bytes = args[1].parse::<u32>()?;

    // generate keys
    let rcgen_cert = rcgen::generate_simple_self_signed(vec!["localhost".into()]).unwrap();
    let key = rustls::pki_types::PrivatePkcs8KeyDer::from(rcgen_cert.key_pair.serialize_der());
    let cert = rustls::pki_types::CertificateDer::from(rcgen_cert.cert);
    let mut roots = rustls::RootCertStore::empty();
    let certs = vec![cert];

    let mut tasks = tokio::task::JoinSet::new();

    // start server
    let (send_stop_server, mut recv_stop_server) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();
    tasks.spawn(log_err(async move {
        let mut server_crypto = rustls::ServerConfig::builder()
                .with_single_cert(certs, key.into())?;
        // make sure to configure this:
        server_crypto.max_early_data_size = u32::MAX;
        let server_crypto = quinn::crypto::rustls::QuicServerConfig::try_from(Arc::new(server_crypto))?;
        let server_config = ServerConfig::with_crypto(Arc::new(server_crypto));
        let endpoint = Endpoint::server(
        loop {
            let incoming = tokio::select! {
                option = endpoint.accept() => match option { Some(incoming) => incoming, None => break },
                result = &mut recv_stop_server => if result.is_ok() { break } else { continue },
            // spawn subtask for connection
            tokio::spawn(log_err(async move {
                // attempt to accept 0-RTT data
                let conn = match incoming.accept()?.into_0rtt() {
                    Ok((conn, _)) => conn,
                    Err(connecting) => connecting.await?,
                loop {
                    let (mut send, mut recv) = match conn.accept_bi().await {
                        Ok(stream) => stream,
                        Err(ConnectionError::ApplicationClosed(_)) => break,
                        Err(e) => Err(e)?,
                    // spawn subtask for stream
                    tokio::spawn(log_err(async move {
                        let requested_len_le_vec = recv.read_to_end(4).await?;
                        anyhow::ensure!(requested_len_le_vec.len() == 4, "malformed request {:?}", requested_len_le_vec);
                        let mut requested_len_le = [0; 4];
                        let requested_len = u32::from_le_bytes(requested_len_le) as usize;
                        info!(%requested_len, "received request");
                        const BUF_LEN: usize = 8 << 10;
                        let mut buf = [0; BUF_LEN];
                        for i in 0..requested_len {
                            buf[i % BUF_LEN] = (i % 0xff) as u8;
                            if i % BUF_LEN == BUF_LEN - 1 {
                        if requested_len % BUF_LEN != 0 {
                            send.write_all(&buf[..requested_len % BUF_LEN]).await?;
                        info!("wrote response");
                    }.instrument(info_span!("server stream"))));
            }.instrument(info_span!("server conn"))));
        // shut down server endpoint cleanly

    // start client
    async fn send_request(conn: &Connection, num_bytes: u32) -> Result<std::time::Duration, Error> {
        let (mut send, mut recv) = conn.open_bi().await?;

        let start_time = std::time::Instant::now();

        debug!("sending request");
        debug!("receiving response");
        let response = recv.read_to_end(num_bytes as _).await?;
        anyhow::ensure!(response.len() == num_bytes as usize, "response is the wrong number of bytes");
        debug!("response received");

        let end_time = std::time::Instant::now();
    tasks.spawn(log_err(async move {
        let mut client_crypto = rustls::ClientConfig::builder()
        // make sure to configure this:
        client_crypto.enable_early_data = true;
        let mut endpoint = Endpoint::client(
        let client_crypto =
        // twice, so as to allow 0-rtt to work on the second time
        for i in 0..2 {
            info!(%i, "client iteration");
            let connecting = endpoint.connect(
            // attempt to transmit 0-RTT data
            let duration = match connecting.into_0rtt() {
                Ok((conn, zero_rtt_accepted)) => {
                    debug!("attempting 0-rtt request");
                    let send_request_0rtt = send_request(&conn, num_bytes);
                    let mut send_request_0rtt_pinned = std::pin::pin!(send_request_0rtt);
                    tokio::select! {
                        result = &mut send_request_0rtt_pinned => result?,
                        accepted = zero_rtt_accepted => {
                            if accepted {
                                debug!("0-rtt accepted");
                            } else {
                                debug!("0-rtt rejected");
                                send_request(&conn, num_bytes).await?
                Err(connecting) => {
                    debug!("not attempting 0-rtt request");
                    let conn = connecting.await?;
                    send_request(&conn, num_bytes).await?
            if i == 1 {
                println!("{}", duration.as_millis());
        // tell the server to shut down so this process doesn't idle forever
        let _ = send_stop_server.send(());

    while tasks.join_next().await.is_some() {}

async fn log_err<F: std::future::IntoFuture<Output=Result<(), Error>>>(task: F) {
    if let Err(e) = task.await {
        error!("{}", e);
} crates the data:

import subprocess
import csv
import os

def run_cargo_command(n):
        result =
            ["cargo", "run", "--example", "newtoken", "--", str(n)],
            capture_output=True, text=True, check=True
        return result.stdout.strip()
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
        return None

def initialize_from_file():
        with open('0rtt_time.csv', mode='r', newline='') as file:
            last_line = list(csv.reader(file))[-1]
            return int(last_line[0])
    except (FileNotFoundError, IndexError):
        return -100  # Start from -100 since 0 is the first increment

def main():
    start_n = initialize_from_file() + 100
    with open('0rtt_time.csv', mode='a', newline='') as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
        if os.stat('0rtt_time.csv').st_size == 0:
            writer.writerow(['n', 'output'])  # Write header if file is empty
        for n in range(start_n, 20001, 100):
            output = run_cargo_command(n)
            if output is not None:
                writer.writerow([n, output])
                file.flush()  # Flush after every write operation
                print(f"Written: {n}, {output}")
                print(f"Failed to get output for n = {n}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main() graphs the data, after you've manually renamed the files:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv

def read_data(filename):
    response_sizes = []
    response_times = []
        with open(filename, mode='r') as file:
            reader = csv.reader(file)
            next(reader)  # Skip the header row
            for row in reader:
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"The file {filename} was not found. Please ensure the file exists.")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An error occurred while reading {filename}: {e}")

    return response_sizes, response_times

def plot_data(response_sizes1, response_times1, response_sizes2, response_times2):
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    # Plotting points with lines for the feature data
    plt.plot(response_sizes1, response_times1, 'o-', color='blue', label='Feature Data', alpha=0.5, markersize=5)
    # Plotting points with lines for the main data
    plt.plot(response_sizes2, response_times2, 'o-', color='red', label='Main Data', alpha=0.5, markersize=5)
    plt.title('Comparison of Feature and Main Data')
    plt.xlabel('Response Size')
    plt.ylabel('Request/Response Time')
    plt.ylim(bottom=0)  # Ensuring the y-axis starts at 0

def main():
    response_sizes1, response_times1 = read_data('0rtt_time_feature.csv')
    response_sizes2, response_times2 = read_data('0rtt_time_main.csv')
    if response_sizes1 and response_times1 and response_sizes2 and response_times2:
        plot_data(response_sizes1, response_times1, response_sizes2, response_times2)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here's a nix-shell for the Python graphing:

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:

pkgs.mkShell {
  buildInputs = [

  shellHook = ''
    echo "Python with matplotlib is ready to use."

Other motivations may include:

  • A server may wish for all connections to be validated before it serves them. If it responds to every initial connection attempt with .retry(), this means that requests take a minimum of 3 round trips to complete even for 1-RTT data, and makes 0-RTT impossible. If NEW_TOKENs are used, however, 1-RTT requests can once more be done in only 2 round trips, and 0-RTT requests become possible again.
  • A system may wish to allow 0-RTT data but mitigate or even make impossible retry attacks. If a server only accepts 0-RTT requests when their connection is validated, then replays are only possible to the extent that the server's TokenReusePreventer has false negatives, which may range from "sometimes" to "never," in contrast to the current situation of "always."

Code change:

Key points:

  • Token generalized to have both a "retry token" variant and a "new token frame token" variant
    • Additional byte acts as discriminant. It is not encrypted, but rather considered the "additional data" of the token's AEAD encryption. Other than that, the "retry token" variant remains the same.
    • The NewToken variant's aead_from_hkdf key derivation is based on an empty byte slice &[] rather than the retry_src_cid.
    • The NewToken variant's encrypted data consists of: randomly generated 128 bits, IP address (not including port), issued timestamp.
  • Server sends client 2 NEW_TOKEN frames whenever client's path is validated (reconfigurable through ServerConfig.new_tokens_sent_upon_validation)
  • ClientConfig.new_token_store: Option<Arc<dyn NewTokenStore>> object stores NEW_TOKEN tokens received by client, and dispenses them for one-time use when connecting to same server_name again
    • Default implementation InMemNewTokenStore stores 2 newest unused tokens for up to 256 servers with LRU eviction policy of server names, so as to pair well with rustls::client::ClientSessionMemoryCache
  • ServerConfig.token_reuse_preventer: Option<Arc<Mutex<Box<dyn TokenReusePreventer>>>> object is responsible for mitigating reuse of NEW_TOKEN tokens
    • Default implementation BloomTokenReusePreventer:

      Divides all time into periods of length new_token_lifetime starting at unix epoch. Always maintains two "filters" which track used tokens which expires in that period. Turning over filters as time passes prevents infinite accumulation of tracked tokens.

      Filters start out as FxHashSets. This achieves the desirable property of linear-ish memory usage: if few NEW_TOKEN tokens are actually being used, the server's bloom token reuse preventer uses negligible memory.

      Once a hash set filter would exceed a configurable maximum memory consumption, it's converted to a bloom filter. This achieves the property that an upper bound is set on the number of bytes allocated by the reuse preventer. Instead, as more tokens are added to the bloom filter, the false positive rate (tokens not actually reused but considered to be reused and thus ignored anyways) increases.

  • ServerConfig.new_token_lifetime is different from ServerConfig.retry_token_lifetime and defaults to 2 weeks.


  • Send when validated rather than upon first connecting
  • Send upon path change
  • Update stats
  • Tests
  • Reuse prevention
    • Simplify it--it's not even used concurrently
  • Make sure encryption is good
  • Make not break if receive Retry in response to request with NEW_TOKEN token
  • NEW_TOKEN tokens should not encode the port (?)
  • We don't need a top-level Token.encode

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@Ralith Ralith left a comment

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Overall this looks pretty good, and seems well motivated. Thanks!

Thanks also for your patience while I got around to this; day job has been very busy lately.

@@ -806,16 +817,22 @@ pub struct ServerConfig {

impl ServerConfig {
/// Create a default config with a particular handshake token key
/// Setting `token_reuse_preventer` to `None` makes the server ignore all NEW_HANDSHAKE tokens.
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What's a NEW_HANDSHAKE token?

pub fn retry_token_lifetime(&mut self, value: Duration) -> &mut Self {
self.retry_token_lifetime = value;

/// Duration after a NEW_TOKEN frame token was issued for which it's considered valid
pub fn new_token_lifetime(&mut self, value: Duration) -> &mut Self {
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Would it be clearer to refer to these as "address validation tokens"? "new token" doesn't mean anything to someone who hasn't studied the RFC.

Comment on lines +289 to +292
let new_tokens_to_send = server_config
.map(|sc| sc.new_tokens_sent_upon_validation)
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Should we assert that we don't have both a server config and a token store? Or maybe pass them in an enum?

if space_id == SpaceId::Data {
while self.path.new_tokens_to_send > 0 {
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Relying on PathData like this will cause lost NEW_TOKEN frames to not be retransmitted. Consider also adding a field to Retransmits and coordinating it with path changes.


if buf.len() + new_token.size() >= max_size {
self.path.pending_new_token = Some(new_token);
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These look like stateless tokens. Why bother saving them if we can't fit one?

impl Default for BloomTokenReusePreventer {
fn default() -> Self {
// 10 MiB per bloom filter, totalling 20 MiB
// k=55 is optimal for a 10 MiB bloom filter and one million hits
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If there's a specific optimal k for each size, why take it as a separate parameter rather than deriving it from size?

/// Address validation token from a NEW_TOKEN frame
pub(crate) struct NewTokenToken {
/// Randomly generated unique value
pub(crate) rand: u128,
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Tokens are cryptographically authenticated, right? If so, we don't need to guard against people guessing tokens; the only concern should just be having enough space that simultaneously live tokens are unlikely to collide. Should this be a u64 instead?

match address.ip() {
impl NewTokenToken {
pub(crate) fn encode(&self, key: &dyn HandshakeTokenKey, address: &IpAddr) -> Vec<u8> {
let aead_key = key.aead_from_hkdf(&[]);
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This will yield the same key for every token. That means that we must use a unique nonce for each token, but AeadKey::seal assumes a zero nonce is permissible. That only works for retry tokens because we derive a unique key for each one. As written, this is vulnerable.

/// > (Section 19.7) need to be valid for longer but SHOULD NOT be accepted multiple times.
/// > Servers are encouraged to allow tokens to be used only once, if possible; tokens MAY include
/// > additional information about clients to further narrow applicability or reuse.
pub trait TokenReusePreventer: Send + Sync {
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This name seems kind of awkward. Maybe TokenLog?

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Renaming it sounds ok, maybe TokenLog but I feel like that's a significant decrease in accuracy

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Certainly open to other ideas. Just a bikeshed, anyway.

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I guess there's TokenReuseMitigator. I guess I'm not entirely sure I'm perceiving what you're perceiving about it being awkward--that might be more awkward rather than less.

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Perhaps TokenOnceler, as it makes tokens be used once


No, no.... Not that.

/// > Servers are encouraged to allow tokens to be used only once, if possible; tokens MAY include
/// > additional information about clients to further narrow applicability or reuse.
pub trait TokenReusePreventer: Send + Sync {
/// Called when a client uses a token from a NEW_TOKEN frame
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This should document what the function should do, not (just) where it's used.

/// moment, for each of the two periods currently non-expired tokens could expire in. As such,
/// turns over filters as time goes on to avoid bloom filter false positive rate increasing
/// infinitely over time.
pub struct BloomTokenReusePreventer {
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Should we pull in a mature third-party bloom filter rather than rolling out own? A few moments' search turns up e.g.

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