This project is not supported anymore, you can try matryoshka instead.
Add a Fragment caching support helper. Blog post
Run: composer require gchaincl/laravel-fragment-caching:dev-master
- add:
"require": { "gchaincl/laravel-fragment-caching": "dev-master" },
to composer.json - run:
composer install
- add: The following to your
$providers => array(
In your view:
@foreach ($posts as $post)
@cache("post" . $post->id)
<li> {{ link_to_route('', $post->title, $post->id) }} ({{ $post->user->username }})</li>
First time we load that view, Framework will run 3 queries:
select * from "posts"
select * from "users" where "users"."id" = '5' limit 1
select * from "users" where "users"."id" = '5' limit 1
Second time, as fragments are already cached, there will be just one query:
select * from "posts"
In situations where you don't always want to cache a block you can use @cacheif($condition, $cacheId)
{{-- Only use the cache for guests, admins will always get content rendered from the template --}}
@cacheif( Auth::guest(), "post" . $post->id)
<li> {{ link_to_route('', $post->title, $post->id) }} (@if (Auth::guest()) {{ $post->user->username }} @else {{ $post->user->email }} @endif)</li>
To update view rendering on model changes, you should expire your fragments:
// app/model/Post.php
class Post extends Eloquent {
public static function boot() {
static::updated(function($model) {
Cache::forget("post" . $model->id);