This package is for logging messages to file. The log format can be in json or can be normal.
Its prettly simple to use.
Create the logger Instance - Use 'CreateLogger' function
There are 5 methods available to log, all of these linked to a log level.
- Debug(format string, a ...interface{})
- Info(format string, a ...interface{})
- Warn(format string, a ...interface{})
- Error(format string, a ...interface{})
- Fatal(format string, a ...interface{})
Each of the above functions are assoiated to 5 Loglevels.
- LDebug
- LInfo
- LWarn
- LError
- LFatal
Any of the log level functions can be called from any goroutine and the logging would not be affected.
go get
import ""
log := logger.CreateLogger("./", "Myapp", logger.LDebug)
log.Debug("Starting Hello LDEBUG")
log.Info("Starting Hello LINFO")
log.Warn("Starting Hello LWARN")
log.Error("Starting Hello LERROR")
log.Fatal("Starting Hello LFATAL")
package main
import (
//Create the logger instance
var log = logger.CreateLogger("./", "Myapp", logger.LDebug)
func main() {
log.Debug("Starting Hello LDEBUG")
log.Info("Starting Hello LINFO")
log.Warn("Starting Hello LWARN")
log.Error("Starting Hello LERROR")
log.Fatal("Starting Hello LFATAL")
package main
import (
func number() int {
num := 15 * 5
return num
func go1() {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
log.Info("%s %d", "go1 Log message", i)
time.Sleep(400 * time.Millisecond)
func go2() {
for i := 1000; i < 3000; i++ {
log.Info("%s %d", "go2 Log message", i)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
//Create the logger
var log *logger.GLogger
func init(){
log = logger.CreateLogger("./", "Myapp", logger.LDebug)
//constants from time package
log.SetLogTimeFormat(time.RFC850) //set the time format
//logout put can be in json format
//main entry point
func main() {
go go1()
go go2()
for {
Sample output of file : MyApp_07-09-2019.log
Json Style output