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Handling local CRS, st_can_transform() #2049

edzer opened this issue Nov 27, 2022 · 40 comments · Fixed by OSGeo/PROJ#3491

Handling local CRS, st_can_transform() #2049

edzer opened this issue Nov 27, 2022 · 40 comments · Fixed by OSGeo/PROJ#3491


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edzer commented Nov 27, 2022

This came up here: dieghernan/tidyterra#64 ; Cc @rhijmans

Since GPKG (for good reasons!), and I believe also geoparquet, need to know on writing whether coordinates are ellipsoidal or Cartesian, we do write for objects with NA crs the wkt LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]. This is returned as such on reading:

# Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.3, PROJ 8.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
st_sf(a=1,geom=st_sfc(st_point(0:1))) |> write_sf("x.gpkg")Undefined Cartesian SRS
# writing GPKG: substituting LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"] for missing CRS
(y = read_sf("x.gpkg"))
# Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
# Geometry type: POINT
# Dimension:     XY
# Bounding box:  xmin: 0 ymin: 1 xmax: 0 ymax: 1
# Projected CRS: Undefined Cartesian SRS
# # A tibble: 1 × 2
#       a        geom
#   <dbl> <POINT [m]>
# 1     1       (0 1)
# [1] FALSE

(if you write nothing, GDAL will assume and write the default Undefined geographic SRS).

In #1776 the suggestion came up to use Undefined Cartesian SRS instead of NA (as this is how sf and sp always handled it: NA of course doesn't reveal whether coordinates are geographic or Cartesian, but following a long GIS legacy we handled such data as Cartesian for plotting and area and distance computation, units being implicitly those of the coordinates). Using that definition has the problem that

st_crs('LOCAL_CS["Cartesian (Meter)",LOCAL_DATUM["Local Datum",0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AXIS["X",EAST],AXIS["Y",NORTH]]') == st_crs('LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]')

which is obvious: the first has units and axis directions, but this way a that potentially a large number of CRS definitions may come up as valid WKT, be essentially identical but test as different.

So far we've essentially handled two cases: CRS missing, or CRS given and compatible with any other Earth related CRS. Now new cases come up.

The Undefined Cartesian SRS breaks plotting with ggplot2, as that checks for, which is not TRUE, and then assumes the crs can be transformed (a graticule is drawn in EPSG:4326 and transformed to the data CRS, but this fails on st_transform()). Following @rhijmans suggestion, I added a function st_can_transform() that checks whether two CRS can be transformed into each other; this is now in sf branch can_transform

The question is how to go forward: we need to do one of the following:

  • modify (if possible?) such that it returns TRUE on Undefined Cartesian SRS and similar, replace NA_crs_ (st_crs(NA)) with st_crs("Undefined Cartesian SRS") (more descriptive of what we do, but what counts as similar?)
  • not modify but release sf with st_can_transform(), then patch ggplot2 (and potentially other packages) to use it rather than rely on

I'm also thinking about transformations on datums of other celestial bodies; PROJ seems to be able to do this; we're r-spatial, not r-geo; st_graticule may have to be generalized in this respect. I think we're heading for the second option.

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rsbivand commented Nov 27, 2022

With sf main I see:

> library(sf)
Linking to GEOS 3.11.1, GDAL 3.6.0, PROJ 9.1.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
> tf <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
> st_sf(a=1,geom=st_sfc(st_point(0:1))) |> st_write(tf)
writing GPKG: substituting LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"] for missing CRS
Writing layer `file132baa52ef1fee' to data source 
  `/tmp/RtmpXvMZLr/file132baa52ef1fee.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
Writing 1 features with 1 fields and geometry type Point.
> yy <- st_read(tf)
Reading layer `file132baa52ef1fee' from data source 
  `/tmp/RtmpXvMZLr/file132baa52ef1fee.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
substituting CRS NA for "Undefined Cartesian SRS"
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 0 ymin: 1 xmax: 0 ymax: 1
CRS:           NA
[1] TRUE
> terra::vect(tf)
 class       : SpatVector 
 geometry    : points 
 dimensions  : 1, 1  (geometries, attributes)
 extent      : 0, 0, 1, 1  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
 source      : file132baa52ef1fee.gpkg
 coord. ref. : Undefined Cartesian SRS 
 names       :     a
 type        : <num>
 values      :     1
OGR data source with driver: GPKG 
Source: "/tmp/RtmpXvMZLr/file132baa52ef1fee.gpkg", layer: "file132baa52ef1fee"
with 1 features
It has 1 fields
[1] NA
Warning messages:
1: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
2: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
3: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
4: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
5: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
6: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
7: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others

In rgdal, the WKT2 string is returned, but because exportToProj4() fails, the CRS is known to be NA_STRING.

So while current sf HEAD on main and sp/rgdal do this right, terra has no mechanism in place to indicate that a WKT2 LOCAL_CS is actually NA planar. I assume that the code/output above is from the can_transform branch. I don't think other planets are important.

I'm not planning to make any changes to rgdal, but if can_transform is merged, we will need to review sf::crs/sp::CRS coercion and probably any subsequent fall-out for spTransform().

Basically, this provides additional support for my strong view that ggplot should never have imposed graticules, as nobody I know implicitly knows the geographical coordinates for places on interest on any map; they just are never used for orientation as a grid might be on an xy plot.

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> library(RSQLite)
> db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), tf)
> DBI::dbListTables(db)
 [1] "file132baa52ef1fee"                  
 [2] "gpkg_contents"                       
 [3] "gpkg_extensions"                     
 [4] "gpkg_geometry_columns"               
 [5] "gpkg_ogr_contents"                   
 [6] "gpkg_spatial_ref_sys"                
 [7] "gpkg_tile_matrix"                    
 [8] "gpkg_tile_matrix_set"                
 [9] "rtree_file132baa52ef1fee_geom"       
[10] "rtree_file132baa52ef1fee_geom_node"  
[11] "rtree_file132baa52ef1fee_geom_parent"
[12] "rtree_file132baa52ef1fee_geom_rowid" 
[13] "sqlite_sequence"                     
> DBI::dbReadTable(db, "gpkg_spatial_ref_sys")
                  srs_name srs_id organization organization_coordsys_id
1  Undefined Cartesian SRS     -1         NONE                       -1
2 Undefined geographic SRS      0         NONE                        0
3          WGS 84 geodetic   4326         EPSG                     4326
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      undefined
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      undefined
3 GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
1                          undefined Cartesian coordinate reference system
2                         undefined geographic coordinate reference system
3 longitude/latitude coordinates in decimal degrees on the WGS 84 spheroid
> DBI::dbReadTable(db, "gpkg_geometry_columns")
          table_name column_name geometry_type_name srs_id z m
1 file132baa52ef1fee        geom              POINT     -1 0 0

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edzer commented Nov 27, 2022

substituting CRS NA for "Undefined Cartesian SRS"

I was planning to revert (undo) d016301, which is responsible for that.

Basically, this provides additional support for my strong view that ggplot should never have imposed graticules, as nobody I know implicitly knows the geographical coordinates for places on interest on any map; they just are never used for orientation as a grid might be on an xy plot.

That would be another issue. I think they are easier to understand than grids in projected coordinates, and their shape may help understanding what kind of projection took place.

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rsbivand commented Nov 28, 2022

Yes, I understand.

Might an RFC make sense? This reaches packages like tmap too, and mapview to transform to Web Mercator.

I'll actually need to modify rgdal too, the geometry is associated with srs_id 0; this may also be the crs/CRS coercion method:

> x <- st_sf(a=1,geom=st_sfc(st_point(0:1)))
> tf1 <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
> tf1
[1] "/tmp/RtmpXvMZLr/file132baa6d4fe223.gpkg"
> rgdal::writeOGR(as(x, "Spatial"), tf1, , layer="file132baa6d4fe223", driver="GPKG")
Warning messages:
1: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
2: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
> db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), tf1)
> DBI::dbReadTable(db, "gpkg_spatial_ref_sys")
                  srs_name srs_id organization organization_coordsys_id
1  Undefined Cartesian SRS     -1         NONE                       -1
2 Undefined geographic SRS      0         NONE                        0
3          WGS 84 geodetic   4326         EPSG                     4326
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      undefined
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      undefined
3 GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
1                          undefined Cartesian coordinate reference system
2                         undefined geographic coordinate reference system
3 longitude/latitude coordinates in decimal degrees on the WGS 84 spheroid
> DBI::dbReadTable(db, "gpkg_geometry_columns")
          table_name column_name geometry_type_name srs_id z m
1 file132baa6d4fe223        geom              POINT      0 0 0


> st_crs('LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]')
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"] 
ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS",
> sp::CRS('LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]')
Error in sp::CRS("LOCAL_CS[\"Undefined Cartesian SRS\"]") : NA
> as(st_crs('LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]'), "CRS")
Coordinate Reference System:
Deprecated Proj.4 representation: NA 
WKT2 2019 representation:
ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS",

My argument with graticules in ggplot is that they may be added for the purpose you describe (world/continental scales) but should not be required as the default setting for maps. Adding them as a non-default decoration is fine - the issue is that thematic cartography in general avoids that kind of unnecessary ink, with the exception of conveying the message that projection distortion is or may be in play. That is a small minority of use cases, I feel.

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> tf1a <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
> xa <- as(x, "Spatial")
> slot(xa, "proj4string")
Coordinate Reference System:
Deprecated Proj.4 representation: NA 
WKT2 2019 representation:
ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS",
> tf1a
[1] "/tmp/RtmpXvMZLr/file132baa778cba84.gpkg"
> rgdal::writeOGR(xa, tf1a, layer="file132baa778cba84", driver="GPKG")
Warning messages:
1: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
2: OGR support is provided by the sf and terra packages among others 
> db <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), tf1a)
> DBI::dbReadTable(db, "gpkg_spatial_ref_sys")
                  srs_name srs_id organization organization_coordsys_id
1  Undefined Cartesian SRS     -1         NONE                       -1
2 Undefined geographic SRS      0         NONE                        0
3          WGS 84 geodetic   4326         EPSG                     4326
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      undefined
2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      undefined
3 GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
1                          undefined Cartesian coordinate reference system
2                         undefined geographic coordinate reference system
3 longitude/latitude coordinates in decimal degrees on the WGS 84 spheroid
> DBI::dbReadTable(db, "gpkg_geometry_columns")
          table_name column_name geometry_type_name srs_id z m
1 file132baa778cba84        geom              POINT     -1 0 0
> DBI::dbDisconnect(db)

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from and using ogr2ogr because all the affected R packages use the same GDAL drivers:

tf0 <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
plf <- "planar_coords.csv" # 1000 added to Y coordinates
gdal_utils("vectortranslate", plf, tf0, options=c("-oo", "X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lon*", "-oo", "Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lat*", "-oo", "KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS=NO"))
tf1 <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
gdal_utils("vectortranslate", plf, tf1, options=c("-a_srs", 'LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]', "-oo", "X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lon*", "-oo", "Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lat*", "-oo", "KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS=NO"))

The GPKG driver inserts "Undefined geographic SRS" if an SRS is not declared, even when the coordinates would be invalid.

ggf <- "geog_coords.csv"
tf2 <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
gdal_utils("vectortranslate", ggf, tf2, options=c("-oo", "X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lon*", "-oo", "Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lat*", "-oo", "KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS=NO"))
tf3 <- tempfile(fileext=".gpkg")
gdal_utils("vectortranslate", ggf, tf3, options=c("-a_srs", 'LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]', "-oo", "X_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lon*", "-oo", "Y_POSSIBLE_NAMES=Lat*", "-oo", "KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS=NO"))

So to keep missing SRS as planar, 'LOCAL_CS["Undefined Cartesian SRS"]' has to be inserted. A further problem is that a missing SRS will be written with GPKG as "Undefined geographic SRS" and will pass st_can_transform() with ballpark accuracy:

st_can_transform(st_read(tf0), "EPSG:28892") # TRUE
sf_proj_pipelines(st_crs(st_read(tf0)), "EPSG:28992")$accuracy # NA
st_can_transform(st_read(tf2), "EPSG:28992") # TRUE
sf_proj_pipelines(st_crs(st_read(tf2)), "EPSG:28992")$accuracy # NA

If a generic planar is imposed:

st_can_transform(st_read(tf1), "EPSG:28992") # FALSE
sf_proj_pipelines(st_crs(st_read(tf1)), "EPSG:28992")$accuracy # NULL
st_can_transform(st_read(tf3), "EPSG:28992") # FALSE
sf_proj_pipelines(st_crs(st_read(tf3)), "EPSG:28992")$accuracy # NULL

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Note also, where 0 seems to be the default if nothing is given, but may be set planar.

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rsbivand commented Nov 30, 2022


st_is_longlat(st_read(tf2)) # TRUE
st_is_longlat(st_read(tf0)) # TRUE
# Warning message: In st_is_longlat(st_read(tf0)) : bounding box has potentially an invalid value range for longlat data
terra::is.lonlat(terra::vect(tf2)) # TRUE
terra::is.lonlat(terra::vect(tf0)) # TRUE

For s2:

# <geodesic s2_geography[3] with CRS=OGC:CRS84>
# Warning message: In st_is_longlat(x) : bounding box has potentially an invalid value range for longlat data
# <geodesic s2_geography[3] with CRS=OGC:CRS84>

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rsbivand commented Nov 30, 2022

Next step: what we need is not:

ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS",

but we certainly need to avoid asserting the units as metres, for example by:

readLines("ENGCRS_no_units.json") |> paste(collapse="\n") |> st_crs()
> readLines("ENGCRS_no_units.json") |> paste(collapse="\n") |> st_crs()
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: {
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "EngineeringCRS",
  "name": "Undefined Cartesian SRS (unknown units)",
  "datum": {
    "name": ""
  "coordinate_system": {
    "subtype": "Cartesian",
    "axis": [
        "name": "Easting",
        "abbreviation": "E",
        "direction": "east"
        "name": "Northing",
        "abbreviation": "N",
        "direction": "north"
ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS (unknown units)",


readLines("ENGCRS_no_units.json") |> paste(collapse="\n") |> st_crs() -> ENGCRS
as(st_crs(ENGCRS), "CRS")
# OGR: Corrupt data Error in CPL_crs_parameters(x) : OGR error
> st_crs(ENGCRS)$wkt
[1] "ENGCRS[\"Undefined Cartesian SRS (unknown units)\",\n    EDATUM[\"\"],\n    CS[Cartesian,2],\n        AXIS[\"(E)\",east,\n            ORDER[1]],\n        AXIS[\"(N)\",north,\n            ORDER[2]]]"
> st_crs(ENGCRS)$proj4
OGR: Corrupt data
Error in CPL_crs_parameters(x) : OGR error


> xx <- st_read(tf1)
Reading layer `planar_coords' from data source 
  `/tmp/RtmpwmurtS/file1566855611a05f.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 1 field
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 0.25 ymin: 1047.5 xmax: 1.1 ymax: 1049.2
Projected CRS: Undefined Cartesian SRS
> st_crs(xx) <- ENGCRS
OGR: Corrupt data
Warning messages:
1: In CPL_crs_equivalent(e1, e2) : GDAL Error 1: buildCS: missing UNIT
2: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for that 
> xx
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 1 field
Geometry type: POINT
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 0.25 ymin: 1047.5 xmax: 1.1 ymax: 1049.2
OGR: Corrupt data
Error in CPL_crs_parameters(x) : OGR error

So we are obliged to accept the probably wrong metre unit.

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

Interesting and constructive response from @rouault : with

ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit",EDATUM[""],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",0]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",0]]]
  "$schema": "",
  "type": "EngineeringCRS",
  "name": "Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit",
  "datum": {
    "name": ""
  "coordinate_system": {
    "subtype": "Cartesian",
    "axis": [
        "name": "Easting",
        "abbreviation": "E",
        "direction": "east",
        "unit": {
          "type": "LinearUnit",
          "name": "unknown",
          "conversion_factor": 0
        "name": "Northing",
        "abbreviation": "N",
        "direction": "north",
        "unit": {
          "type": "LinearUnit",
          "name": "unknown",
          "conversion_factor": 0

Because the unit now gets a type, name and conversion factor, perhaps this is a way forward to let us migrate to GPKG where SRS are planar and units are unknown?

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

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rouault commented Dec 1, 2022

if you really intend to use conversion_factor=0, I'd suggest you add a test case in PROJ test suite to check that we can parse such CRS (in test/unit/test_io.cpp). Otherwise, it might be possible that someone in a few years forgets that use case, and facing an issue related to the ones I mentioned in, just decides to reject such CRS on import.

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

The tests seem to run OK with: . Should I specifically test the unit name and conversion factor (added in @rouault, may I wait until I've checked a little more (@edzer ?) with R packages before going to a PR? Should we use EDATUM["Engineering datum"], or is EDATUM[""] equivalent?

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rouault commented Dec 1, 2022

Should I specifically test the unit name and conversion factor?

the conversion factor.

may I wait until I've checked a little more

sure, I meant if you intend that to be supported long term.

Should we use EDATUM["Engineering datum"], or is EDATUM[""] equivalent?

Reviewing the WKT CRS spec, I believe the empty string is not technically legal. There should be at least one character in a quote string acording to the BNF grammar. I'm going to fix PROJ to expand LOCAL_CS["foo"] as ENGCRS["foo",EDATUM["Unknown datum"],etc.

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

Conversion factor included as per I've rebuilt and run ctest without anything apparently breaking - does this set of tests get run in Test #48: testprojinfo?

So "Engineering datum" in EDATUM[] would be explicit, but "Unknown datum" would be a clearer description, is that your meaning?

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

rouault added a commit to rouault/PROJ that referenced this issue Dec 1, 2022
…e for the datum

Otherwise, the WKT2 output as a engineering CRS will be technically
invalid, as the BNF of WKT2 requires a non-empty double-quoted string.

Fixes r-spatial/sf#2049 (comment)
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rouault commented Dec 1, 2022

I'm going to fix PROJ to expand LOCAL_CS["foo"] as ENGCRS["foo",EDATUM["Unknown datum"],etc.

submitted in OSGeo/PROJ#3491

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rouault commented Dec 1, 2022

I've rebuilt and run ctest without anything apparently breaking - does this set of tests get run in Test #48: testprojinfo?

no, in "Test #54: proj_test_cpp_api"

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022


      Start 54: proj_test_cpp_api
54/60 Test #54: proj_test_cpp_api ................   Passed   15.12 sec

indicates passing with my addition, now with "Unknown datum" in too.

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rouault commented Dec 1, 2022

The east & north directions might be even presumptuous for a unknown CRS. Perhaps using the "unspecified" direction would be better

    EDATUM["Unknown engineering datum"],

... But ... I'm not totally sure that unspecified is legal for a Cartesian CS in a engineering CRS. mentions
""""f) In engineering CRSs the horizontal directions are only approximate, the set of directions indicating whether the coordinate system is left-handed or right-handed. (In the 2D case, the handedness is when viewed from above the plane of the system). For engineering CRSs with polar coordinate systems the direction of the rotational axis shall be 'clockwise' or 'counterClockwise'. The specified direction from which the rotation is measured shall be given through the supplementary object ; the bearing value shall be given in the unit defined through ."""
So perhaps "unspecified" is not good as it doesn't allow to distinguish a lef-handed from a righ-handed CS.

"unspecified" would be clearly illegal for a projected CRS: """c) For projected CRSs, except for coordinate systems centred on a pole, the horizontal axis direction shall be 'north' or 'south' and 'east' or 'west'."""

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

Yes, I'd thought of "X" and "Y" too. I would not think that describing "X" as "horizontal" and "Y" as "vertical" as impossible (in 2D Cartesian), are they permitted tokens? Could "vertical" be taken as implying height?

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rouault commented Dec 1, 2022

the "X" or "Y" strings are axis names, governed by, which are governed by a few conventions described in that paragraph. On the contrary "unspecified" is one of the members of the enumerated list. in the context of WKT CRS / ISO 19111, "vertical" implies indeed some sort of height.

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rsbivand commented Dec 1, 2022

Can I test for the unspecified token in each axis? EXPECT_EQ(axis0->direction(), AxisDirection::UNSPECIFIED); seems to work? Pushed as, passing for me.

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rsbivand commented Dec 2, 2022

Linking to and subsequent; no reverse dependency failures that can be attributed to using:

ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit",
    EDATUM["Unknown engineering datum"],

for "most" sf reverse dependencies for the "GPKG" vector driver. Next is to see if any mayhem appears if the unknown planar CRS is used for any write driver (my rig does not test the DB drivers like postgis). sf itself fails on test_tm.R:12 and test_tm.R:29, because instead of NA, the CRS is now "Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit":

> readLines(gsub("\\.shp", "\\.prj", shp))
[1] "LOCAL_CS[\"Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit\",LOCAL_DATUM[\"Unknown engineering datum\",32767],UNIT[\"unknown\",0.0],AXIS[\"X\",OTHER],AXIS[\"Y\",OTHER]]"

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rsbivand commented Dec 2, 2022

No extra failures resulting from using "Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit" for all sf::st_write() and sf::write_sf() in the "most" sf reverse dependencies. I'll try spData next @Nowosad .

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rsbivand commented Dec 3, 2022

@rouault would you like me to create a PR including the new test?

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rouault commented Dec 3, 2022

would you like me to create a PR including the new test?

yes, please do.

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rsbivand commented Dec 3, 2022

Maybe it would be better to lift directly, as on starting a PR I see that my fork has redundant copies of two other files which should not be proposed for merging. I do not know how to tell github to only choose changes to a single file, dropping the two others.

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rouault commented Dec 3, 2022

I do not know how to tell github to only choose changes to a single file, dropping the two others.

something along

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b unknown_unit
git cherry-pick 4ace26fbe4f8357dcedb336bf56c232d894c72fb ab825221823929253b4c17b111734473009bfc5d 8e7aa36bb22c603427d74f964fcd8e79ba62006d 07a70d3f2397a627b4ae6855afb35cf6e47f9b49
git push {your_remote} unknown_unit

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rsbivand commented Dec 3, 2022

Sorry, that didn't work. I'm not sure which order the pushes should be cherry-picked. I'd like to avoid having to re-fork if possible to get a clean repo from which to re-start.

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rouault commented Dec 3, 2022

I'd like to avoid having to re-fork if possible to get a clean repo from which to re-start.

you shouldn't need to re-fork with the correct git invocations (sometimes a git reset --hard origin/master is required to resync local master branch with upstream one, if you've messed up with your local master branch, but this might eat your children if you invoke it on a local branch that is not master) :-). But it looks like you just did something to your repo, as no longer resolves. Well, if you have the diff in some form, just paste it and I'll upstream it.

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rsbivand commented Dec 3, 2022

Yes, I deleted the fork (was proj.4 anyway, so pretty old). Re-establishing with a new fork, hopefully cleanly.

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rsbivand commented Dec 3, 2022

OSGeo/PROJ#3494 created.

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Member Author

edzer commented Dec 6, 2022

Fantastic. Shall we substitute this WKT definition for the current st_crs(NA) in sf?

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rsbivand commented Dec 6, 2022

PR created in can_transform branch.

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edzer commented Dec 7, 2022

So we now have a valid WKT crs that (currently) is not identical to NA crs:

> str(sf:::NA_crs_)
List of 2
 $ input: chr NA
 $ wkt  : chr NA
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "crs"
function (x) 
    identical(x, NA_crs_)
<bytecode: 0x560a00ad6218>
<environment: namespace:sf>

but that behaves identically: Cartesian, unknown units. This breaks measures (length, area) because not NA but also no units - so far CRS with a WKT were assumed to have units (wrongly substituting [m] when unkonwn). Shall we substitute this WKT definition for the current sf::NA_crs_ in sf? The advantage is that it is more descriptive: for an NA CRS one could still argue it is unknown whether it is Cartesian or geographic, but all code in sf (and earlier sp) goes the Cartesian path for NA crs.

edzer added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 7, 2022
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rsbivand commented Dec 8, 2022

I think that I'd tend to view geographical as implying that we know more than planar. I sense that raster went the other way, but I don't find any very strong argument for then saying that coordinates that would be valid within +/- 90 and +/- 180 or 0-360 should be geographical and others planar. I think planar is the position that assumes least.

@edzer edzer closed this as completed Mar 10, 2023
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edzer commented Mar 28, 2023

This came up here: r-spatial/stars#622 (comment) when I tried to assign the "Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit" to the GeoTIFF and warp it using the GPKG with the same SRS:

In CPL_gdalwarp(source, destination, options, oo, doo, config_options,  :
  GDAL Error 6: Cannot find coordinate operations from 
`ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit",EDATUM[""],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG",9001]]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG",9001]]]]' to 
`ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit",EDATUM["Unknown engineering datum"],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["x",unspecified,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",0]],AXIS["y",unspecified,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",0]]]'

which can be reproduced command line with

$ gdalwarp noise.tif test.tiff -cutline buf.gpkg 
Processing noise.tif [1/1] : 0ERROR 6: Cannot find coordinate operations from 
`ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit",EDATUM[""],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG",9001]]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG",9001]]]]' to 
`ENGCRS["Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit",EDATUM["Unknown engineering datum"],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["x",unspecified,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",0]],AXIS["y",unspecified,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",0]]]'

Reprex in R:

n = 2000^2
v = rnorm(n)
bbox = st_bbox(c(xmin = 0, xmax = 1, ymin = 0, ymax = 1))
r = st_as_stars(bbox, nx = 2000, ny = 2000, values = v)
pt = st_sfc(st_point(c(0.5, 0.5)))
buff = st_buffer(pt, dist = 0.4)
tmp1 = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
tmp2 = tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
write_sf(buff, tmp2)
st_crs(r) = st_crs(st_read(tmp2))
write_stars(r, tmp1)
gdal_utils(util = "warp", source = tmp1, destination = "test.tiff", options = c("-cutline", tmp2))

@edzer edzer reopened this Mar 28, 2023
rouault added a commit to rouault/PROJ that referenced this issue Mar 28, 2023
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rouault commented Mar 28, 2023

which can be reproduced command line with

should be fixed per OSGeo/PROJ#3685

rouault added a commit to OSGeo/PROJ that referenced this issue Apr 1, 2023
@edzer edzer closed this as completed Nov 10, 2023
clrpackages pushed a commit to clearlinux-pkgs/proj that referenced this issue Nov 16, 2023
Addison Crump (1):
      Fuzzer: indicate discarded inputs

Alan Snow (1):
      BUG: Handle prefix whitespace when guessing WKT dialiect

Alexander Nehrbass (1):
      Add Polish geoid model PL-geoid2021

Andrew Annex (1):
      Adds Pseudo Mercator to

Even Rouault (91):
      NEWS: move bug fix mention from 9.1.1 to 9.2.0
      JSON/WKT: avoid precision issues on non-Intel architectures on coordinate epochs (fixes #3632)
      test/unit/test_io.cpp: change tests to avoid fp issues on some architectures (fixes #3632)
      test: proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj_force_over(): avoid use of uninitialized memory
      Database: add explicit casts to make sure all arms of columns selected by views have the same type affinity
      WKT_ESRI export: do not export NAD83 3D as NAD83(HARN)
      testvarious: do not output program name / versoin number
      Database: update to EPSG 10.083
      Fix build errors with Cygwin (fixes #3639)
      Database: update to EPSG 10.084
      pj_open_lib_internal(): rework to avoid false positive warnings of Coverity Scan / CSA about nullptr dereference
      proj_create_operations(): fix documentation related to 3D transformations (fixes #3651)
      PROJ string CRS parser: make sure that PROJ arguments of the rotated string are kept in the WKT representation (fixes #3654)
      [Performance regression fix] Fix slowness on proj_trans() on WGS 84 <--> NAD83 conversions
      .github/workflows/backport.yml: update with a BACKPORT_TOKEN from my (Even Rouault) account that has write permissions
      [Lint] projinfo: use const reference for for argument (CID 396530)
      Use as Docker hub is sunsetting free organizations (refs OSGeo/gdal#7447)
      vgridshift/gridshift: accept hydroid_height as valid band description
      WKT/PROJJSON: import/export accuracy of ConcatenatedOperation
      Coord. operation factory: count identified concatenated operations as a single step
      Doc: fix search functionnality
      Database: add alias for old ESRI datum/CRS names of EPSG:8353 S_JTSK_JTSK03_Krovak_East_North
      EngineeringCRS: make proj_create_engineering_crs() set a datum name, and relax isEquivalentTo() comparisons to deal with case of r-spatial/sf#2049 (comment)
      Database: register Hessen HeTA2010 grid (cf OSGeo/PROJ-data#98)
      Database: update to EPSG 10.085
      Database: register grids for New Caledonia (added per OSGeo/PROJ-data#99)
      createOperations(): tune to get better results in some cases, typically RGNC91-93 to RGNC15
      PROJJSON: fix import/export of integer parameter value, and deal with interpolation CRS parameters in conversions (fixes #3689)
      CMake: avoid imbalanced cmake_policy push/pop if TIFF or CURL dependency cannot be found (fixes #3696)
      Database: refresh IAU CRS with addition of Pseudo Mercator ones
      Fix code format
      C++ API: add a CoordinateTransformer class, and CoordinateOperation::coordinateTransformer() (refs #3593)
      Doc: remove empty page
      pj_obs_api_mini_demo.c: remove header comments non-essential IMHO for the beginner and reflecting more historical evolution
      CMakeLists.txt: distribute examples
      Add build support for the examples/ programs (disabled by default, unless -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON is set)
      Doc: add a C++ quickstart (fixes #3593)
      createOperationsVertToVert(): assign an extent
      DatabaseContext::lookForGridInfo(): deal with special 'null' grid
      proj_create_crs_to_crs(): restore behaviour of PROJ 9.1
      Database: update to EPSG 10.086
      Add code comment about likely domain of validity for wintri in +over mode
      Import from ESRI WKT: remove special case of renaming UPS_North / UPS_South which appears to be undesirable
      WKT ESRI: recognize Polar_Stereographic_Variant_A method name which is used in the official ESRI formulation of EPSG:5041 and EPSG:5042
      Database: update to EPSG 10.087
      Fix unreleased regression related to 78d563c97f4920c58a4f04d4a5058df41720fd8c, that caused GDAL's test_gdalwarp_lib_135 test to fail
      CRS instanciation from PROJ.4 string: set 'Unknown based on XXXX ellipsoid' datum name...
      cs2cs / proj_create_crs_to_crs(): fix regression with geocentric CRS
      Doc: proj_create_crs_to_crs_from_pj(): formatting fix
      proj_trans(): set PROJ_ERR_COORD_TRANSFM_NO_OPERATION error when failing in ONLY_BEST=YES mode
      Database: update to EPSG 10.088
      Add support for EPSG:1102 'Lambert Conic Conformal (1SP variant B)' method, and import related EPSG records
      tinshift: raise maximum size of JSON file to 100 MB (fixes #3732)
      Add +R_C as an ellipsoid spherification parameter to use the radius of the conformal sphere
      Map EPSG:1026 Mercator (Spherical) method to +proj=merc +R_C
      CMake: remove useless cross-compiling related checks (fixes #3746)
      omerc: catch invalid value of gamma (when specified without alpha)
      Merge pull request #3757 from jidanni/patch-8
      proj.ini: set default values of parameter to be consistent, and some missing documentation
      CMake: build fuzzers in standalone mode as part of BUILD_TESTING
      GeographicBoundingBox::intersection(): avoid infinite recursion and stack overflow on invalid bounding boxes
      metadata.sql: update PROJ_DATA.VERSION to 1.15
      Fix proj-config.cmake to not try including proj4-targets.cmake in INSTALL_LEGACY_CMAKE_FILES=OFF mode
      omerc.rst: fix example (fixes #3794)
      Database: update to EPSG v10.091
      Equidistant Conic: add mapping to new EPSG:1119 method
      proj_db_table_defs.sql: add EPSG_1026_Mercator (Spherical)
      Fix -Wunused-but-set-variable with recent clang in bison generated parsers
      ConcatenatedOperation::fixStepsDirection(): fix detection of geocentric CRS which wrongly detected geographic 3D CRS too
      fixStepsDirection(): pass database context
      Add a way to skip inconsistently defined operations in createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes() and createFromCRSCodesWithIntermediates()
      factory.cpp: include authority name in exception
      fixStepsDirection(): enable to define a concatenated operationg ending with a NADCOND (3D) transformation (use case of refs #3819)
      exportToPROJString(): when a NADCON operation is included in a vertical transformation, do not include axis swap
      proj_factors(): make it work with projected CRS with non-metre unit and/or northing/easting axis order (fixes #3824)
      Database: update to EPSG 10.093
      Projected CRS identification: fix crash when the base CRS is a non-geographic geodetic CRS (fixes #3828)
      Doc: fix links to geoapi
      Avoid C++ exceptions to be thrown (and caught) when parsing strings like '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +type=crs'
      pj_hgrid_apply_internal(): use pj_log() infrastructure
      PROJ_DEBUG: make ON an alias of 2, and OFF of 1 (fixes #3832)
      ConcatenatedOperation::fixStepsDirection(): fix logic error (Coverity CID 416067)
      CoordinateOperation::targetCoordinateEpoch(): use std::move() to avoid copy (CID 406913)
      proj_alter_id(): make it replace an existing ID instead of appending a new one
      Database: update to EPSG 10.094
      bonne: fix inverse map projection computations when lat_1 < 0 (fixes #3848)
      WKT1 ESRI import/export: fix GCS name for EPSG:8353 S-JTSK_[JTSK03]_Krovak_East_North
      Database: grid_alternatives: reference new HT2 Canadian grids added per OSGeo/PROJ-data#106
      Fix false-positive compiler warning
      JSON export: avoid non-significant decimal digits in version field (fixes #3863)
      JSON import: reduce number of significant decimal digits when parsing id.version field (fixes #3863, reworks previous commit)

Hannes (1):
      Fix typo "geograpic" -> "geographic" in logging/error output

Javier Jimenez Shaw (7):
      add GEOIDE-Ar16.gri in grid_alternatives.sql as ar_ign_GEOIDE-Ar16.tif
      Add option in proj CLI to use a CRS (#3825)
      Use NS_PROJ namespace (fixes #3842, master only) (#3843)
      Docker: update base image to ubuntu:22.04 [ci skip]
      Mention derived projected in operations_computation
      Doc docker: limit sphinxcontrib-spelling version. Breaking changes in v8
      Doc docker: remove conflictive dependency awscli

Jean-Christophe Malapert (2):
      Add new projection : Mercator (Spherical)

Kristian Evers (11):
      Update website for 9.2.0 release
      Bump version numbers in anticipation of 9.3.0 release
      Add Danish grid files to grid_alternatives
      Update NEWS for 9.2.1 release
      Update website for 9.2.1 release
      Add stale GitHub action, as replacement for old stale GitHub integration
      Merge pull request #3803 from jidanni/patch-33
      Update .github/workflows/stale.yml
      Update man-pages from Sphinx-docs
      Update man-pages from Sphinx-docs
      Update NEWS for 9.3.0

Mike Taves (13):
      Update clang static analyzer CI and docs for ubuntu-22.04
      CI: update ubuntu images, actions/checkout, actions/cache, unique job IDs (#3649)
      CI: update other actions, use apt-get for scripts
      CMake: add PROJ_DB_CACHE_DIR
      CI: upgrade vcpkg tag used for AppVeyor; use --triplet option
      resolve MSVC warnings C4800
      CI: use PROJ_DB_CACHE_DIR (#3717)
      CI: Clean-up Travis CI scripts and files related to publishing docs
      Doc/CI: Transition to ReadTheDocs, clean-up previous methods
      CMake: add /disabled_workflows/ to CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES [ci skip]
      Docs: refactor Python code for sphinx configuration and extensions (#3761) rewrite using shapely>=2 (#3811)
      ReadTheDocs: add htmlzip to offline formats; remove ePub (#3810)

Thomas Knudsen (1):
      Deformation: Make code and comments compatible

積丹尼 Dan Jacobson (5):
      Simplify eqc.rst example (#3755)
      Update ellipsoids.rst to mention default
      Update proj.rst example to modern usage (#3754)
      omerc.rst: add comparison with spherical tmerc (#3752)
      Update y_0.rst (#3797)

9.3.0 Release Notes


 o Add C++ API to transform coordinate (#3705)

 o CMake: add PROJ_DB_CACHE_DIR (#3711)

 o Implement EPSG:1026 Mercator (Spherical) method (#3741)

 o CMake: remove useless cross-compiling related checks (#3747)

 o Add mapping of Equidistant Conic to new EPSG:1119 method (#3812)

(NEWS truncated at 15 lines)
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3 participants