- Member registion
- Real-time shopping feedback
- Fast check out
- Transaction history checking
- Console control
- PWA base
Bootstrap 4
Font Awesome
Animate On Scroll Library (AOS)
VanillaQR.js for qrCode generate
Using gh repo clone r48n34/Smart-Retail-project
Step 1. Create a Firebase project
, replace all the section that require Firebase data.
Step 1.1 Create a Thinkspeak channel
for arduino data communication.
Step 2. Install Node.js
to your devices.
Step 3. Active server.js
by npm start
or node server.js
Step 4. Replace your ip in pwa_company/ipconfigg.js
and pwa_clients/overallConfig.js
as the node server location.
Setp 4.1 Replace your Thinkspeak channel id and write API in server.js
Step 5. Open pwa_clients/index.html
for user.