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RabbitMQ peer discovery and cluster formation plugin, supports RabbitMQ 3.6.x


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RabbitMQ Autocluster

What it Does

This plugin provides a mechanism for peer node discovery in RabbitMQ clusters. It also supports a few opinionated features around cluster formation and "permanently unavailable" node detection.

Note for RabbitMQ 3.7.x Users

Starting with RabbitMQ 3.7.0 this plugin was superseded by a new peer discovery subsystem built on the same ideas and supporting the same backends via separate plugins.

This plugin therefore is deprecated and should not be used by those running RabbitMQ 3.7.0 or a later version.

Supported Discovery Backends

Nodes using this plugin will discover its peers on boot and (optionally) register with one of the supported backends:

If at least one peer node has been discovered, cluster formation proceeds as usual, otherwise the node is considered to be the first one to come up and becomes the seed node.

To avoid a natural race condition around seed node "election" when a newly formed cluster first boots, peer discovery backends use either randomized delays or a locking mechanism.

Some backends support node health checks. Nodes not reporting their status periodically are considered to be in an errored state. If the user opts in, such nodes can be automatically removed from the cluster. This is useful for deployments that use AWS autoscaling groups or similar IaaS features, for example.

This plugin only covers cluster formation and does not change how RabbitMQ clusters operate once formed.

Note: This plugin is not a replacement for first-hand knowledge of how to manually create a RabbitMQ cluster. If you run into issues using the plugin, you should try and manually create the cluster in the same environment as you are trying to use the plugin in. For information on how to cluster RabbitMQ manually, please see the RabbitMQ documentation.

Current Maintainers

This plugin was originally developed by Gavin Roy at AWeber and is now co-maintained by several RabbitMQ core contributors. Parts of it were adopted into RabbitMQ core (as of 3.7.0).

Supported RabbitMQ Versions

There are three branches in this repository that target different RabbitMQ release series:

  • v3.6.x targets RabbitMQ 3.6.x (current stable RabbitMQ branch)
  • v3.7.x is compatible with RabbitMQ 3.7.x but this plugin was superseded by a new peer discovery subsystem built on the same ideas.
  • master is a development branch that's not of much use at the moment.

Please take this into account when building this plugin from source.

Please also note that key ideas of this plugin have been incorporated into RabbitMQ master branch and will be included into 3.7.0. This plugin therefore will become a collection of backends (e.g. AWS and etcd) rather than a wholesale alternative cluster formation implementation.

Supported Erlang Versions

This plugin requires Erlang/OTP 18.3 or later. Also see the RabbitMQ Erlang version requirements guide.

Binary Releases

Binary releases of autocluster can be found on the GitHub Releases page.

The most recent release is 0.10.0 that targets RabbitMQ 3.6.12 or later.

See release notes for details.


This plugin is installed the same way as other RabbitMQ plugins.

  1. Place both autocluster-{version}.ez and the rabbitmq_aws-{version}.ez plugin files in the RabbitMQ plugins directory.
  2. Enable the plugin, e.g. with rabbitmq-plugins enable autocluster --offline.
  3. Configure the plugin.
  4. Start the node.

Alternatively, there is a pre-built Docker Image available at on DockerHub as pivotalrabbitmq/rabbitmq-autocluster.

Note that plugin does not have a default backend configured. A little bit of configuration is therefore mandatory regardless of the backend used.


General settings

Configuration for the plugin can be set in two places: operating system environment variables or the rabbitmq.config file under the autocluster section.

Available Settings

The following settings are generic and used by most (or all) service discovery backends:

Backend Type
Which type of service discovery backend to use. One of aws, consul, dns, etcd or k8s.
Startup Delay
To prevent a race condition when creating a new cluster for the first time, the startup delay performs a random sleep that should cause nodes to start in a slightly random offset from each other. The setting lets you control the maximum value for the startup delay.
Failure Mode
What behavior to use when the node fails to cluster with an existing RabbitMQ cluster or during initialization of the autocluster plugin. The two valid options are ignore and stop.
Log Level
You can set the log level via the environment variable AUTOCLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL or the autocluster.autocluster_log_level key (see below).
Longname (FQDN) Support
This is a RabbitMQ environment variable setting that is used by the autocluster plugin as well. When set to true this will cause RabbitMQ and the autocluster plugin to use fully qualified names to identify nodes. For more information about the RABBITMQ_USE_LONGNAME environment variable, see the RabbitMQ documentation
Node Name
Like long node name support, node name is a RabbitMQ server setting that can be used together with this plugin. When set to true this will cause RabbitMQ and the autocluster plugin. The RABBITMQ_NODENAME environment variable explicitly sets the node name that is used to identify the node with RabbitMQ. The autocluster plugin will use this value when constructing the local part/name/prefix for all nodes in this cluster. For example, if RABBITMQ_NODENAME is set to bunny@rabbit1, bunny will be prefixed to all nodes discovered by the various backends. For more information about the RABBITMQ_NODENAME environment variable, see the RabbitMQ documentation. Note that some backends offer ways to dynamically compute node name (e.g. AWS, Consul), others assume that node names are preconfigured out-of-band and provided by the discovery service (e.g. DNS). In those cases it may or not be possible (or recommended) to use RABBITMQ_NODENAME.
Node Type
Define the type of node to join the cluster as. One of disc or ram. See the RabbitMQ Clustering Guide for more information.
Cluster Cleanup
Enables a periodic check that removes any nodes that are not alive in the cluster and no longer listed in the service discovery list. This is a destructive action that removes nodes from the cluster. Nodes that are flapping and removed will be re-added as if they were coming in new and their database, including any persisted messages will be gone. To use this feature, you must not only enable it with this flag, but also disable the "Cleanup Warn Only" flag. Added in v0.5

Note: This is an experimental feature and should be used with caution.

Cleanup Interval
If cluster cleanup is enabled, this is the interval that specifies how often to look for dead nodes to remove (in seconds). Added in v0.5
Cleanup Warn Only
If set, the plugin will only warn about nodes that it would cleanup and will not perform any destructive actions on the cluster. Added in v0.5
HTTP Proxy
If set, the given HTTP URL will be used as a proxy to connect to the service discovery backend.
If set, the given HTTPS URL will be used as a proxy to connect to the service discovery backend.
Proxy Exclusions
List of host names which shouldn't use any proxy.
When using environment variables, the NoProxy list must be provided as a comma separated string: PROXY_EXCLUSIONS="localhost,"

How to Configure Settings

You are able to configure autocluster plugin via Environment Variables or in the rabbitmq.config file.

Note: RabbitMQ reads its own config file with environment variables - rabbitmq-env.conf, but you can't easily reuse it for autocluster configuration. If you absolutely want to do it, you should use export VAR_NAME=var_value instead of a plain assignment to VAR_NAME.

The following chart details each general setting, with the environment variable name, rabbitmq.config setting key and data type, and the default value if there is one.

Setting Environment Variable Setting Key Type Default
Backend Type AUTOCLUSTER_TYPE backend atom unconfigured
Startup Delay AUTOCLUSTER_DELAY startup_delay integer 5
Failure Mode AUTOCLUSTER_FAILURE autocluster_failure atom ignore
Log Level AUTOCLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL autocluster_log_level atom info
Longname RABBITMQ_USE_LONGNAME bool false
Node Type RABBITMQ_NODE_TYPE node_type atom disc
Cluster Cleanup AUTOCLUSTER_CLEANUP cluster_cleanup bool false
Cleanup Interval CLEANUP_INTERVAL cleanup_interval integer 60
Cleanup Warn Only CLEANUP_WARN_ONLY cleanup_warn_only bool true

Logging Configuration

To configure logging level used by this plugin, use the AUTOCLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL environment variable or autocluster.autocluster_log_level setting.

Here's a very minimalistic example that enables debug logging:

  {autocluster, [
    {autocluster_log_level, debug}

Valid log levels are debug, info, warning, and error. For more information on RabbitMQ configuration please refer to RabbitMQ documentation.

AWS Configuration

The AWS backend for the autocluster supports two different node discovery, Autoscaling Group membership and EC2 tags.

The following settings impact the behavior of the AWS backend. See the AWS API Credentials section below for additional settings.

Cluster based upon membership in an Autoscaling Group. Set to true to enable.
EC2 Tags
Filter the cluster node list with the specified tags. Use a comma delimiter for multiple tags when specifying as an environment variable.
Use private IP
Use the private IP address returned by autoscaling as hostname, instead of the private DNS name

NOTE: If this is your first time setting up RabbitMQ with the autoscaling cluster and are doing so for R&D purposes, you may want to check out the gavinmroy/alpine-rabbitmq-autocluster Docker Image repository for a working example of the plugin using a CloudFormation template that creates everything required for an Autoscaling Group based cluster.


Environment Variable Setting Key Type Default
AWS_AUTOSCALING aws_autoscaling atom false
AWS_EC2_TAGS aws_ec2_tags [string()]
AWS_USE_PRIVATE_IP aws_use_private_ip atom false

Notes '''''

If aws_autoscaling is enabled, the EC2 backend will dynamically determine the autoscaling group that the node is a member of and attempt to join the other nodes in the autoscaling group.

If aws_autoscaling is disabled, you must specify EC2 tags to use to filter the nodes that the backend should cluster with.

AWS API Configuration and Credentials

As with the AWS CLI, the autocluster plugin configures the AWS API requests by attempting to resolve the values in a number of steps.

The configuration values are discovered in the following order:

  1. Explicitly configured in the autocluster configuration.
  2. Environment variables
  3. Configuration file
  4. EC2 Instance Metadata Service (for Region)

The credentials values are discovered in the following order:

  1. Explicitly configured in the autocluster configuration.
  2. Environment variables
  3. Credentials file
  4. EC2 Instance Metadata Service

AWS Credentials and Configuration Settings

The following settings and environment variables impact the configuration and credentials behavior. For more information see the Amazon AWS CLI documentation.

Environment Variable Setting Key Type Default
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID aws_access_key string
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY aws_secret_key string
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION aws_ec2_region string us-east-1

IAM Policy

If you intend to use the EC2 Instance Metadata Service along with an IAM Role that is assigned to EC2 instances, you will need a policy that allows the plugin to discover the node list. The following is an example of such a policy:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": [
              "Resource": [

Example Configuration

The following configuration example enables the autoscaling based cluster discovery and sets the EC2 region to us-west-2:

  {autocluster, [
    {autocluster_log_level, debug},
    {backend, aws},
    {aws_autoscaling, true},
    {aws_ec2_region, "us-west-2"}

For non-autoscaling group based clusters, the following configuration demonstrates how to limit EC2 instances in the cluster to nodes with the tags region=us-west-2 and service=rabbitmq. It also specifies the AWS access key and AWS secret key.

  {autocluster, [
    {autocluster_log_level, debug},
    {backend, aws},
    {aws_ec2_tags, [
      {"region", "us-west-2"},
      {"service", "rabbitmq"}
    {aws_ec2_region, "us-east-1"},
    {aws_access_key, "AKIDEXAMPLE"},
    {aws_secret_key, "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG+bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"}

When using environment variables, the tags must be provided in JSON format:

AWS_EC2_TAGS="{\"region\": \"us-west-2\",\"service\": \"rabbitmq\"}"

Example Cloud-Init

The following is an example cloud-init that was tested with Ubuntu Trusty for use with an Autoscaling Group:

apt_update: true
apt_upgrade: true
- source: deb ubuntu-trusty main
keyid: 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D
filename: docker.list
- docker-engine
- docker run -d --name rabbitmq --net=host -p 4369:4369 -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -p 25672:25672 gavinmroy/rabbitmq-autocluster

Consul configuration

The following settings impact the configuration of the Consul backend for the autocluster plugin:

Consul Scheme
The URI scheme to use when connecting to Consul
Consul Host
The hostname to use when connecting to Consul's API
Consul Port
The port to use when connecting to Consul's API
Consul ACL Token
The Consul access token to use when registering the node with Consul (optional)
Service Name
The name of the service to register with Consul for automatic clustering
Service Address
An IP address or host name to use when registering the service. If this is specified, the value will automatically be appended to the service ID. This is useful when you are testing with a single Consul server instead of having an agent for every RabbitMQ node.(optional)
Service Auto Address
Use the hostname of the current machine (retrieved with `gethostname(2)`) for the service address when registering the service with Consul. If this is enabled, the hostname will automatically be appended to the service ID. This is useful when you are testing with a single Consul server instead of having an agent for every RabbitMQ node. (optional)
Service Auto Address by NIC
Use the IP address of the specified network interface controller (NIC) as the service address when registering with Consul. (optional)
Service Port
Used to set a port for the service in Consul, allowing for the automatic clustering service registration to double as a general RabbitMQ service registration.

Note: Set the CONSUL_SVC_PORT to an empty value to disable port announcement and health checking. For example: CONSUL_SVC_PORT=""

Consul Use Longname
When node names are registered with Consul, instead of FQDN's addresses, this option allows to append .node. to the node names retrieved from Consul.
Consul Domain
The domain suffix appended to peer node hostname when long node names are used (see above).
Service TTL
Used to specify the Consul health check interval that is used to let Consul know that RabbitMQ is alive an healthy.
Service Tags
Used to specify the Consul service tags. If a cluster name is specified, the tags specified here are added to the cluster name tag
Service unregistration timeout
How soon should Consul unregister a node that's failing its health check? The value is in second and cannot be lower than 60.
Include nodes that fail Consul health checks?
If set to `true`, nodes that fail their health checks with Consul will still be included into discovery results.

Configuration Details

Setting Environment Variable Setting Key Type Default
Consul Scheme CONSUL_SCHEME consul_scheme string http
Consul Host CONSUL_HOST consul_host string localhost
Consul Port CONSUL_PORT consul_port integer 8500
Consul ACL Token CONSUL_ACL_TOKEN consul_acl_token string
Service Name CONSUL_SVC consul_svc string rabbitmq
Service Address CONSUL_SVC_ADDR consul_svc_addr string
Service Auto Address CONSUL_SVC_ADDR_AUTO consul_svc_addr_auto boolean false
Service Auto Address by NIC CONSUL_SVC_ADDR_NIC consul_svc_addr_nic string
Service Port CONSUL_SVC_PORT consul_svc_port integer 5672
Service TTL CONSUL_SVC_TTL consul_svc_ttl integer 30
Service Tags CONSUL_SVC_TAGS consul_svc_tags list []
Service unregistration timeout CONSUL_DEREGISTER_AFTER consul_deregister_after integer 60
Consul Use Longname CONSUL_USE_LONGNAME consul_use_longname boolean false
Consul Domain CONSUL_DOMAIN consul_domain string consul
Include nodes that fail Consul health checks? CONSUL_INCLUDE_NODES_WITH_WARNINGS consul_include_nodes_with_warnings boolean false

Example rabbitmq.config

An example that configures an ACL token and contacts a local Consul agent:

  {rabbit,      []},
  {autocluster, [
            {backend, consul},
            {consul_host, "localhost"},
            {consul_port, 8500},
            {consul_acl_token, "example-acl-token"},
            {consul_svc, "rabbitmq-test"},
            {cluster_name, "test"}

The following example can be used to for a cluster of N nodes, one running on a development machine (my-laptop.local) and N - 1 running in VMs or containers with access to host networking.

Node names will be rabbit@my-laptop.local, rabbit@vm1.local, and rabbit@vm2.local.

  {rabbit,      []},
  {autocluster, [
            {backend, consul},
            {consul_host, "my-laptop.local"},
            {consul_port, 8500},
            {consul_use_longname, true},
            {consul_svc, "rabbitmq"},
            {consul_svc_addr_auto, true},
            {consul_svc_addr_nodename, true}

In the following example, the service address reported to Consul is hardcoded to hostname1.local instead of being computed automatically from the environment:

  {rabbit,      []},
  {autocluster, [
            {backend, consul},
            {consul_host, "my-laptop.local"},
            {consul_port, 8500},
            {consul_use_longname, true},
            {consul_svc, "rabbitmq"},
            {consul_svc_addr_auto, false},
            {consul_svc_addr, ""}

Example Docker Compose File

The example demonstrates how to create a dynamic RabbitMQ cluster using:

DNS configuration

The following setting applies only to the DNS backend:

DNS Hostname

The FQDN to use when the backend type is dns for looking up the RabbitMQ nodes to cluster via a DNS A record round-robin.

Environment Variable AUTOCLUSTER_HOST
Setting Key autocluster_host
Data type string
Default Value consul

Example Configuration

The following configuration example enables the DNS based cluster discovery and sets the autocluster_host variable to your DNS Round-Robin A record:

  {autocluster, [
    {backend, dns},
    {autocluster_host, "YOUR_ROUND_ROBIN_A_RECORD"}


If you are having issues getting your RabbitMQ cluster formed, please check that Erlang can resolve:

  • The DNS Round-Robin A Record. Imagine having 3 nodes with IPS, and
> inet_res:lookup("YOUR_ROUND_ROBIN_A_RECORD", in, a).
  • All the nodes have reverse lookup entries in your DNS server. You should get something similar to this:
> inet_res:gethostbyaddr({10,0,0,2}).
  • Erlang will always receive lowercase DNS names so be careful if you use your /etc/hosts file to resolve the other nodes in the cluster and you use uppercase there as RabbitMQ will get confused and the cluster will not form

etcd configuration

The following settings apply to the etcd backend only:

etcd Scheme
The URI scheme to use when connecting to etcd
etcd Host
The hostname to use when connecting to etcd's API
etcd Port
The port to connect to when using to etcd's API
etcd Key Prefix
The prefix used when storing cluster membership keys in etcd
etcd Node TTL
Used to specify how long a node can be down before it is removed from etcd's list of RabbitMQ nodes in the cluster
Setting Environment Variable Setting Key Type Default
etcd Scheme ETCD_SCHEME etcd_scheme list http
etcd Host ETCD_HOST etcd_host list localhost
etcd Port ETCD_PORT etcd_port int 2379
etcd Key Prefix ETCD_PREFIX etcd_prefix list rabbitmq
etcd Node TTL ETCD_TTL etcd_ttl integer 30

NOTE The etcd backend supports etcd v2 and v3.

K8S configuration

The following settings impact the configuration of the Kubernetes backend for the autocluster plugin:

K8S Scheme
The URI scheme to use when connecting to Kubernetes API server
K8S Host
The hostname of the kubernetes API server
K8S Port
The port ot use when connecting to kubernetes API server
K8S Token Path
The token path of the Pod's service account
K8S Cert Path
The path of the service account authentication certificate with the k8s API server
K8S Namespace Path
The path of the service account namespace file
K8S Service Name
The rabbitmq service name in Kubernetes
K8S Adddress Type
The address type, either ip or hostname
K8S Hostname Suffix
The suffix to append to the hostname
Setting Environment Variable Setting Key Type Default
K8S Scheme K8S_SCHEME k8s_scheme string https
K8S Host K8S_HOST k8s_host string kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
K8S Port K8S_PORT k8s_port integer 443
K8S Token Path K8S_TOKEN_PATH k8s_token_path string /var/run/secrets/
K8S Cert Path K8S_CERT_PATH k8s_cert_path string /var/run/secrets/
K8S Namespace Path K8S_NAMESPACE_PATH k8s_namespace_path string /var/run/secrets/
K8S Service Name K8S_SERVICE_NAME k8s_service_name string rabbitmq
K8S Adddress Type K8S_ADDRESS_TYPE k8s_address_type string ip
K8S Hostname Suffix K8S_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX k8s_hostname_suffix string

Kubernetes Setup

In order for this plugin to work, your nodes need to use FQDN. i.e. set RABBITMQ_USE_LONGNAME=true in your pod


WIP Notes for dev environment


  • erlang 17.5
  • docker-machine
  • docker-compose
  • make


Startup docker-machine:

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
eval $(docker-machine env)

Start client containers:

docker-compose up -d

Development environment

Work in Progress

Make Commands

  • tests
  • run-broker
  • shell
  • dist


Building the container:

docker build -t rabbitmq-autocluster .

Testing Consul behaviors

Here's the base pattern for how I test against Consul when developing:

make dist
docker build -t rabbitmq-autocluster .

docker network create rabbitmq_network

docker run --rm -t -i --net=rabbitmq_network --name=consul -p 8500:8500 consul

docker run --rm -t -i --net=rabbitmq_network --name=node0 -e AUTOCLUSTER_TYPE=consul -e CONSUL_HOST=consul -e CONSUL_PORT=8500 -e CONSUL_SERVICE_TTL=60  -e AUTOCLUSTER_CLEANUP=true -e CLEANUP_WARN_ONLY=false -e CONSUL_SVC_ADDR_AUTO=true -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq-autocluster

docker run --rm -t -i --net=rabbitmq_network --name=node1 -e RABBITMQ_NODE_TYPE=ram -e AUTOCLUSTER_TYPE=consul -e CONSUL_HOST=consul -e CONSUL_PORT=8500 -e CONSUL_SERVICE_TTL=60  -e AUTOCLUSTER_CLEANUP=true -e CLEANUP_WARN_ONLY=false -e CONSUL_SVC_ADDR_AUTO=true rabbitmq-autocluster

docker run --rm -t -i --net=rabbitmq_network --name=node2 -e RABBITMQ_NODE_TYPE=ram -e AUTOCLUSTER_TYPE=consul -e CONSUL_HOST=consul -e CONSUL_PORT=8500 -e CONSUL_SERVICE_TTL=60  -e AUTOCLUSTER_CLEANUP=true -e CLEANUP_WARN_ONLY=false -e CONSUL_SVC_ADDR_AUTO=true rabbitmq-autocluster

- Consul managent: http://localhost:8500/ui
- RabbitMQ cluster: http://localhost:15672/


BSD 3-Clause


RabbitMQ peer discovery and cluster formation plugin, supports RabbitMQ 3.6.x




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  • Erlang 93.0%
  • Makefile 6.0%
  • Other 1.0%