This is a web-app for tracking projects released by Fourth Strike. It allows browsing the complete catalog and handles accounting and payouts to artists.
# Install rbenv
sudo apt install rbenv # also update your .zshrc
# brew install rbenv ruby-build openssl readline libyaml
# Install Ruby
rbenv install $(cat .ruby-version)
# Install system dependencies
sudo apt install sqlite3
# brew install sqlite3
# Install Ruby dependencies
gem install bundler -v '~> 2.5'
bundle install
# Install nvm
sudo apt install nvm # also update your .zshrc
# brew install nvm
# Install Node:
nvm install 20 --lts
# Install JS dependencies
npm install
# Prepare database
rake db:create db:schema:load data:schema:load
rspec # run ruby test suite
rubocop -a # ruby lint
brakeman # ruby SAST
yarn run jslint:fix # standard js linter
yarn run lint # lint and auto-fix everything
To load data up to the point of the switchover, the following was done.
To recreate requires several reports from the Drive to be placed in the /storage/exports
rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
# Load all album and track information from Bandcamp by crawling the website
rake bandcamp:load_releases fetch_credits=true
# Load all merch items from Bandcamp sale report
rake bandcamp:load_merch_items
# Load additional merch items that aren't on bandcamp
rake home_sheet:load_merch_items
# Attach ISRC/UPC data to albums and tracks, adding any tracks that were removed from Bandcamp as hidden tracks
rake distrokid:import_isrcs
# Load contributor splits from home sheet
rake home_sheet:load_splits
# Load sales data from bandcamp
rake bandcamp:load_report
# Load sales data from DistroKid
rake distrokid:load_report
# Load rendered services
rake home_sheet:load_rendered_services
# Load patreon sales
rake home_sheet:load_patreon
# Load internal merch orders
rake home_sheet:load_internal_merch_orders
# Load bandcamp vinyl campaign
rake bandcamp:load_pledges
# Load payouts
rake paypal:correct_paypal_accounts
rake paypal:load_payouts
rails console
# Basic cleanup
# Merch.find_each { |m| Merch.reset_counters(, :albums_count) }
# Grant appropriate users admin access
# Admin.create!(discord_handle: ...)
This should not have to be redone, as the .sqlite
file is saved to the drive. This is only for
record keeping purposes.
Normally it's good to use a "real" database in production rather than sqlite, but here we're trying to keep costs low, and the size, performance, and concurrency requirements are very low. It also keeps backups/record keeping incredibly simple.
App is hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet, inside of docker compose, accessed via SSH. A volume is mounted for persistent storage for portability and backup purposes. An nginx container acts as SSL termination and certificates are provided by Let'sEncrypt.
If loading a lot of data into production, it can help to scale up to a larger instance for a bit and then scale back down when finished.
# Mount the external volume
mkdir -p /mnt/volume_nyc3_01
mount -o discard,defaults,noatime /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc3-01 /mnt/volume_nyc3_01
mkdir -p /mnt/volume_nyc3_01/storage
# Make it auto-mount
echo '/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-nyc3-01 /mnt/volume_nyc3_01 ext4 defaults,nofail,discard 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
# Create a persistent docker volume for it
docker volume create --opt type=none --opt o=bind --opt device=/mnt/volume_nyc3_01/storage storage
# Load code
git clone
cd fourth-strike
docker compose run app DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 bin/rake db:schema:load
docker compose start
cd fourth-strike
# pull latest code
git pull
# Restart containers
docker compose restart
# Run any pending migrations
docker compose run app rake db:migrate
bundle exec license_finder report --skip-debug --format text --save vendor/dependencies.txt