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This module creates a redshift cluster and associated route53 record.

Basic Usage

module "redshift_test" {
 source                  = ""

 allow_version_upgrade     = true
 cluster_type              = "multi-node"
 create_route53_record     = true
 db_name                   = "myredshift"
 elastic_ip                = aws_eip.redshift_eip.public_ip
 enable_rackspace_ticket   = true
 environment               = "Development"
 final_snapshot_identifier = "MyTestFinalSnapshot"
 name                      = "rs-test-${random_string.r_string.result}"
 number_of_nodes           = 2
 internal_record_name      = "redshiftendpoint"
 internal_zone_id          = module.internal_zone.internal_hosted_zone_id
 internal_zone_name        = module.internal_zone.internal_hosted_name
 master_password           = data.aws_kms_secrets.redshift_credentials.plaintext["master_password"]
 master_username           = data.aws_kms_secrets.redshift_credentials.plaintext["master_username"]
 publicly_accessible       = true
 use_elastic_ip            = true
 redshift_instance_class   = "dc1.large"
 security_groups           = [module.redshift_sg.redshift_security_group_id]
 skip_final_snapshot       = true
 storage_encrypted         = false
 subnets                   = module.vpc.private_subnets

  tags = {
     TestTag1 = "TestTag1"
     TestTag2 = "TestTag2"


Full working references are available at examples

Other TF Modules Used

Using aws-terraform-cloudwatch_alarm to create the following CloudWatch Alarms: - redshift_cpu_alarm_high - redshift_cluster_health_Ticket - redshift_free_storage_space_ticket

Module variables

The following module variables changes have occurred:


  • additional_tags - marked for deprecation as it no longer meets our standards.
  • resource_name - marked for deprecation as it no longer meets our standards.
  • security_group_list - marked for deprecation as it no longer meets our standards.


  • tags - introduced as a replacement for additional_tags to better align with our standards.
  • name - introduced as a replacement for resource_name to better align with our standards.
  • security_groups - introduced as a replacement for security_group_list to better align with our standards.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.12
aws >= 2.7.0


Name Version
aws >= 2.7.0


Name Source Version




Name Description Type Default Required
additional_tags Additional tags to be added to the RedShift module resources. [Deprecated in favor of tags]. It will be removed in future releases. tags is merged with additional_tags until additional_tags is removed. map(string) {} no
allow_version_upgrade Indicates that engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the Redshift cluster during the maintenance window bool true no
availability_zone Availability zone in which to initially provision Redshift. string "" no
backup_retention_period The number of days for which automated backups are retained. Setting this parameter to a positive number enables backups. Setting this parameter to 0 disables automated backups number 1 no
cluster_role_managed_policy_arns A comma delimited list of IAM policy ARNs for the ClusterRole IAM role. IAM ARNs can be found within the Policies section of the AWS IAM console. list(string) [] no
cluster_type Create a single-node or multi-node Redshift cluster string "single-node" no
cluster_version Redshift Engine Version string "1.0" no
count_cluster_role_managed_policy_arns Count of provided policy ARNs provided as a list into variable cluster_role_managed_policy_arns. Must be provided if policies are being given in variable cluster_role_managed_policy_arns. number 0 no
create_route53_record Specifies whether or not to create a route53 CNAME record for the redshift endpoint. internal_zone_id, internal_zone_name, and internal_record_name must be provided if set to true. true or false. bool false no
cw_cpu_threshold CloudWatch CPUUtilization Threshold number 90 no
cw_percentage_disk_used CloudWatch Percentage of storage consumed threshold number 90 no
db_name Name of initial Redshift database string "myredshift" no
elastic_ip The Elastic IP (EIP) address for the cluster (must have publicly accessible enabled) string "" no
environment Application environment for which this network is being created. e.g. Development/Production. string "Development" no
final_snapshot_identifier If provided, a final snapshot will be created immediately before deleting the cluster. string "myfinalredshiftsnapshot" no
internal_record_name Record Name for the new Resource Record in the Internal Hosted Zone string "" no
internal_zone_id The Route53 Internal Hosted Zone ID string "" no
internal_zone_name TLD for Internal Hosted Zone string "" no
key_id The ID of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use to encrypt data in the cluster string "" no
master_password The master password for the Redshift Instance string n/a yes
master_username The name of master user for the Redshift instance string n/a yes
name The name to be used for resources provisioned by this module. Either name or resource_name must contain a non-default value. string "" no
notification_topic List of SNS Topic ARNs to use for customer notifications. list(string) [] no
number_of_nodes If ClusterType is single-node, this parameter is ignored. If ClusterType is multi-node, NumberOfNodes must be >= 2. number 1 no
port The port number on which the database accepts connections number 5439 no
preferred_maintenance_window The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled string "Sun:05:00-Sun:07:00" no
publicly_accessible Indicates whether the Redshift cluster is an Internet-facing cluster bool false no
rackspace_alarms_enabled Specifies whether alarms will create a Rackspace ticket. Ignored if rackspace_managed is set to false. bool false no
rackspace_managed Boolean parameter controlling if instance will be fully managed by Rackspace support teams, created CloudWatch alarms that generate tickets, and utilize Rackspace managed SSM documents. bool true no
redshift_instance_class The compute and memory capacity of the nodes within the Redshift cluster string "dc1.large" no
redshift_snapshot_identifier The name of the snapshot from which to create a new cluster string "" no
resource_name The name to be used for resources provisioned by this module. [Deprecated in favor of name]. It will be removed in future releases. name supercedes resource_name when both are set. Either name or resource_name must contain a non-default value.. string "" no
security_group_list A list of EC2 security groups to assign to this resource. [Deprecated in favor of security_groups]. It will be removed in future releases. security_groups is merged with security_group_list until security_group_list is removed. list(string) [] no
security_groups A list of EC2 security groups to assign to this resource. security_groups is merged with security_group_list until security_group_list is removed in a future release. list(string) [] no
skip_final_snapshot Skip final snapshot before deleting the cluster. true or false. bool false no
storage_encrypted Specifies whether the Redshift cluster is encrypted bool false no
subnets Subnets for use with this Redshift cluster list(string) [] no
tags Additional tags to be added to the RedShift module resources. tags is merged with additional_tags until additional_tags is removed in a future release. map(string) {} no
use_elastic_ip Instruct module to use provided Elastic IP Address bool false no


Name Description
db_port Cluster endpoint port number
jdbc_connection_string JDBC connection string for cluster
redshift_address Address of database endpoint
redshift_cluster_identifier Redshift cluster identifier