The main objective of this project is to develop a fullstack Flight Search App, using React + Typescript for the frontend, Spring Boot + Gradle for the backend, and getting all the information from the Amadeus API.
- Flight Offers Search:
- Airport and City Search:
The following tools are required to be installed to run these projects:
- Node v20.16
- npm v10.8
- Colima
- Java 21 (openjdk 21.0.4)
- Gradle 8.1
- Docker (CLI) v27.1.2
- Docker Compose
See each directory for individual requirements.
Another requirement for this project was to be able to be run using "Docker compose". In order to be able to do this, you must first build a docker image for both the frontend, and the backend. Once you've done this, you should be able to run both containers running the following command on the project root directory:
docker compose up
For more details about creating each individual docker images, please refer to each directory's
This is beyond the purpose of this, but here are some helpful resources: