Table of Contents
Due to having spare parts at home, I decided to use one of my raspberry's to read the PZEM004t values and then post them to EmonCMS. It can be done in a different way, using a esp8266 shield but for this you would have to buy more pieces, you can see this alternative here:
The worker will send for each second the Current (A) and the Power (W) to the EmonCMS. It will catch the errors and send it to the errbit (airbrake) service.
- PZEM004t with serial usb cable
- Raspberry Pi or similar
- EmonCMS service (it can be the emonpi)
- Python Packages required for the
- Optional airbrake or errbit service
- Optional OPENVPN serice with pivpn
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ clone the config_example.json to config.json and edit it
$ install the screen (apt-get install -y screen) and create a session (screen -R emonpzem)
$ python3