This code uses two images of SQL Server docker to setup AlwaysOn Read-Scale/Clusterless AlwaysOn.
- Run the following command in this directory:
docker-compose up
It will take about 2 min to configure the environemnt
In your terminal, you should see something like this
db1 | ####### COMPLETED CONFIGURATION #######
db2 | ####### COMPLETED CONFIGURATION #######
2.Connect to the SQL Server instances using the sa login and the passowrd listed in the docker-compose.yml file
3.When done, clean up the environement by running
docker-compose down
- Connect to the primary replica using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) using localhost,2500
- Connect to the secondary replica using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) using localhost,2600
- SA Password specified on docker-compose.yml file
- Only a forced failover works in this type of setup. To perform a failover, connect to the secondary (localhost,2600) and run the command
To resume data movement:
If you get sa login errors, please adjust the INIT_WAIT values in the docker-compose.yml file. Sometimes, depending on the system, the container startup tasks may take longer and the start sequence could potentially try to start configuring AlwaysOn before SQL Server is ready
Ensure that the shell scripts (*.sh) always have 'LF' line endings. If for some reason they have Windows-style line endings the scripts will not run
Update the .env file appropriately.
is used to install Powershell (Pwsh), and the PowerShell modules SqlServer and DBATools