Today I Learned in Elixir
A collection of didactic and fun Elixir code examples I learn day to day.
The lessons shared here cover the following Elixir and Functional Programming concepts:
- Elixir Basics
- Pattern Matching
- Immutability
- Modules and Functions
- Pipe Operator
- Control Flow
- Collections
- Enumerables and Streams
- Recursion
- Comprehensions
- Protocols
- Structs
- Polymorphism
- Behaviours
- Documentation
- Testing
- Mix
- Processes and Concurrency
- Meta-programming
- Benchmarking
Install Elixir, if you haven't already.
Next, follow these setup steps:
$ git clone
$ cd til_elixir
$ mix deps.get
Run Elixir's Interactive Shell (IEx) with:
$ iex -S mix
And start playing with the repo's code. For example:
iex(1)> import TILEX.BangPipe
iex(2)> {:ok, ["Welcome", "to", "TIL", "Elixir!"]} <|> Enum.join(" ")
"Welcome to TIL Elixir!"
Check any module's documentation for more code samples.
Run the tests with:
$ mix test
Note all modules and functions are tested using Doctests and ExUnit.
© 2017 Rafa Paez
This repository is licensed under the MIT license.