DATED: January 2023
This is an English Dictionary made using file handling in C++ To store different relationships, graph data structure is used.
A Digital Dictionary is a modern and advanced version of traditional dictionaries, intended to
provide users with a comprehensive range of information regarding words, including definitions,
synonyms, antonyms, and more. It allows for the import of words, their definitions, synonyms,
and antonyms from external files, while also allowing users to input and add their own words,
definitions, synonyms, and antonyms to the system. It also provides the ability to display all
words, words with definitions, synonyms, and antonyms separately. In the event of a
typographical error, the system features a spellchecker function to correct the user's input.
Additionally, the system also provides suggestions for similar words, and the ability to search for
words by prefix or suffix.
Data Structures that are used in the project are as follows:
-Binary Search Tree(BST)
-Graphs (Vectors)
For storage of dictionary, file handling and BSTs have been used.