This is a project implementing Spring ORM (Hibernate) features. The Project is a demo record system of a college. Where details about the Department, Courses and the Students will be recorded. Also, will be recorded the courses taken by each student. This is a basic CRUD application with the Spring framework using ORM (Hibernate).
How to run the application:
Clone/Download the project.
Import/Open the project in any IDE (example - Intellij IDEA [community/ultimate], NetBeans, etc).
Open MySQL workbench or any other MySQL work environment.
Create a database and name it - "spring_core_db"
Create the department, course, student, and the student_course table.
To Create the department table copy-paste and run the following on the MySQL workbench-
create table department( department_id int primary key not null, department_name varchar(100) not null );
To create the course table copy-paste and run the following on the MySQL workbench-
create table course( course_id int primary key not null, course_name varchar(100) not null, department_id int not null, foreign key(department_id) references department(department_id) on delete cascade on update cascade );
To create the student table copy-paste and run the following on the MySQL workbench-
create table student( student_id int not null primary key, student_name varchar(100) not null, student_address varchar(200) not null );
To create the student_course table copy-paste and run the following on the MySQL workbench-
create table student_course( id int primary key not null, student_id int not null, course_id int not null, foreign key(student_id) references student(student_id) on delete cascade on update cascade, foreign key(course_id) references course(course_id) on delete cascade on update cascade );
Open the Project file, and go to the resources folder and find the following xml file - config.class.
Find the following bean, and change the userName and the password to your MySQL userName and password.
<bean class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource" name="driverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/> <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/spring_core_db"/> <property name="username" value="user_name"/> <property name="password" value="password"/> </bean>
Run the application.