Welcome to the Node.js Express PhonePe Payment Gateway Integration System! This project demonstrates the seamless integration of the PhonePe payment gateway into a Node.js and Express application.
/pay API: Initiate payments and redirect users to the PhonePe payment flow. /payment/validate/:merchantTransactionId API: Validate payment status using merchantTransactionId.
For testing purposes in the UAT environment, use the following credentials:
Card number: 4242424242424242
Expiry month: 12
Expiry year: 44
CVV: 936
OTP: 123456
Clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/raghabendra-dash/PhonePe-Gateway-System.git
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the app:
npm run start
Open in your browser:
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Axios
- Body Parser (for handling JSON and URL-encoded data)
- SHA 256 (generating hash password)
- uniqid (for unique transaction ID)
/pay API: Initiate payments. Method: GET Endpoint: /pay Parameters: amount (query parameter)
/payment/validate API: Validate payment status. Method: GET Endpoint: /payment/validate/:merchantTransactionId