: A DICOM image consists of medical images such as CT scans , MRI and X-RAYS of a patient along with the respective information of the patient. The Web based DICOM Viewer for PACS (Picture archiving and Communication system)server is aimed to make diagnosis, view , archive and transmit the medical images. The DICOM Viewer can be integrated to any PACS system
Implementation of a web-based (JavaScript and HTML5 only) DICOM viewer
Load and display DICOM images by specifying a directory
Scrolling through images of a series
Changing the windowing function
Length measurement
1×1, 1×2, 2×2 and 4×4 grid–view
Show patient and study information in the corners
Display all DICOM attributes of the image
Implementation : https://rawgit.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneWADOImageLoader/master/examples/dicomfile/index.html