Welcome to the repository for Helvetia Limousine, a premium limousine service website developed for a client based in Switzerland. The project was successfully completed within two weeks, meeting all deadlines and exceeding client expectations. The client was highly satisfied with the final product, which showcases a sleek and responsive design, smooth animations, and a fully functional booking system.
The Helvetia Limousine website provides an elegant and user-friendly interface for booking luxury limousine services. It integrates real-time features such as Google Maps for navigation, direction, and duration calculations, allowing users to effortlessly plan their trips. The multi-language support ensures that the website is accessible to a diverse audience.
You can view the live project here.
This project was built using the following technologies:
- ReactJS: A powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework used for designing a modern, responsive layout.
- AOS: Library used for smooth on-scroll animations, enhancing the user experience.
- React CountUp: For displaying real-time animated counting numbers, used for statistics and metrics.
- i18next: Used for enabling multilingual support, providing a seamless experience for users in different languages.
- Google Maps API: Integrated to display the service area and trip locations directly on the map.
- Google Directions API: Fetches the best routes between destinations.
- Google Duration API: Calculates the duration of trips based on routes and traffic conditions.
- EmailJS: For sending email notifications, ensuring seamless communication between the business and clients.
- React Icons: Integrated to enhance visual elements with high-quality icons.
- Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive, ensuring optimal viewing on devices of all sizes.
- Dynamic Animations: Smooth animations using AOS for an engaging user experience.
- Multi-Language Support: Users can easily switch between languages using the i18next integration.
- Real-Time Trip Planning: Integrated Google Maps, Directions, and Duration APIs for real-time trip information.
- Booking Functionality: A user-friendly booking form powered by React DatePicker and EmailJS for booking confirmations.
- Live CountUp: Display of live statistics using React CountUp.
Here are some screenshots of the Helvetia Limousine website:
The website is deployed on Vercel and is live at the following URL:
For any inquiries regarding the project or collaboration, feel free to reach out via or contact me through this repository.
Thank you for visiting this repository!