Releases: raik199x/Butcher-circus-randomizer
Butcher Circus Randomize v4
The entire project code was refactored, which is why this release takes a new major version, 4.
- The program no longer crashes on Windows if you don't check "mute ancestor." However, the program still does not play any sound, likely due to my deployment method. Building from sources works and returns ancestor replicas.
- Created screenshots now appear on Windows.
Removed features
- The "random" setting is no longer saved in files since the feature seems unnecessary.
Code changes
- Reverted to the C++17 standard as no features of C++20 were used.
- Switched from Criterion to GTest. Also added new tests.
- Added vcpkg support, so new libraries will now be pulled from it.
- Updated documentation.
- Lots of code refactoring.
- Slight UI rework.
- .ui files removed.
Butcher Circus Randomize v3 (Linux + Windows beta)
this release placed as beta because of windows version of BCR.
To make it work on windows you should CHECK the "mute ancestor" option, otherwise program will just crash, also "screenshot" button does not work on windows
On linux all works fine
Change log:
- Fixed bug that crashed program when your random settings files does not existed yet (program worked after crash)
- Added feature "screenshot" - screnshots current state of window and pastes in your clipboard (also you will see your result for a second)
- Added option to random 3 teams at one time
- Reworked whole ui, now there is new apperience of a program
- Added ancestor replics that will be played every second random (you can disable this feature)
- A bit reworked random, so teams should be more "true randomed"
Code changes:
- added tests
- Build system was rewritten from qmake to cmake
- Mainwindow ui form was deleted, all ui is now planned to write using code (heroselection still has ui form, but it's empty)
- Refactored code, added comments
- c++20 standart instead of c++17
Butcher Circus Randomize v2
Fixed ui colors, now this program is actually usable
Added option to forbid\allow hero\spell randoming
In source code appears filemanip_windows that was used to build app for windows
Now app for windows is not a standalone exe file because i changed a way of porting it on windows
Butcher Circus Randomize v1
supports linux + windows, added trinkets randomization (with level restriction)
Beta version BCR
first version of randomizer deployed for linux.