CyberDNA Research Team University of North Carolina at Charlotte February 7, 2017.
- You need to install scapy to run the DDoS Mitigation and Dropbox authentication programs. You can use the following instructions to download and install scapy on your virtual machine:
- Use the following URL to download the scapy zip file
- Copy the Zip file in Downloads folder and use the following command to unzip the scapy zip file
unzip (If you download any other version then replace the version here in the command)
- This will create a folder of the named zip file. Then simply use this command to goto the unzipped folder
cd scapy-[version-number]
- Run the following command to install the scapy
sudo python install
- Once installation is complete please check if the scapy is installed by using the command
sudo scapy
It should run the scapy environment. You can use exit()
command to exit scapy.
- For first time Clone
- Go to the directory by the command:
cd /home/ubuntu/Downloads/
- Open a terminal in the directory and write the command:
git clone
- You need to provide your GitHub credentials at this point:
- Go to the directory by the command:
Username for '': <your GitHub username>
Password for '': <your GitHub password>
Now you get your local copy of the current remote repository .
- To pull the current code
- Go to the directory by the command:
cd /home/ubuntu/Downloads/activesdn
- Open a terminal in the directory and write the command:
git pull origin master
- You may or may not need to provide your GitHub credentials at this point:
- Go to the directory by the command:
Username for '': <your GitHub username>
Password for '': <your GitHub password>
Now you updated your local copy with the current remote repository .
The VM we provide includes a Eclipse and IntelliJ Idea IDE. We are using Eclipse. To import the cloned ActiveSDN projectc:
- Open a Terminal and goto home directory
- Remove the existing Eclipse workspace
sudo rm -rf eclipse-workspace/
- Run Eclipse writing the following command in the same terminal
- Now, in Eclipse extract (Click on the small + sign) maven from file->import
- Select 'existing maven project' and press 'next'
- Select 'Browse...' and find activesdn root directory that we just cloned (in our case /home/ubuntu/Downloads/activesdn) then press 'ok'
- Now press 'Finish'
- At this point a popup may show that "Import Maven Projects", press 'cancel'.
- Our project is successfully imported to Eclipse, at the left sidebar there is a (double box) icon states 'Restore', click on that to extract package hierarchy.
- Goto ActiveSDN directory using command
cd ~/Downloads/ActiveSDN
- Run the following script
./ 10
- This script will automatically compile the controller and after compilation, it will run the controller
Remember: after compilation you only need to run ./
script file to run the controller
#Run DDoS Mitigation Example
- To run the DDoS Mitigation example, goto the following folder
cd ~/mininet/custom
- Run the script using following command
sudo ./
#Run Dropbox Application
- Copy all the scripts from
- go to directory by the command
cd ~/mininet/custom/dropboxlogin
- Run the script using following command
sudo python
#General Instructions related to ActiveSDN controller
The controller may take few seconds to initialize and learn the topology of the network. So, before initiating any data transfer, please wait few seconds to let the controller finish the learning process.
You can immediately test the functionality of the controller using a test topology provided with the controller. Simply run the
from the /home/ubuntu folder to generate this custom topology using command./
The topology diagram is also available in the shared folder. This topology is created in mininet using Open vSwitches.
In a case where the controller is running in one VM, and Open vSwitches or Mininet is running in other VM or VMs then you have to set the manager of the VMs hosting mininet or Open vSwitches.
By default, ActiveSDN controller runs on port 6633. To set the manager, please use the following command in VMs hosting mininet or Open vSwitches.
sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:<IP address of the ActiveSDN VM>:6633
You can always check the logs of the ActiveSDN VM using the following command from within ActiveSDN Controller Karaf environment.
You can also check the topology using GUI interface from the browser. Type in this URL http://localhost:8181/index.html#/topology
Both username and password are admin/admin Try with 'A' caps if it gives an error.
To shutdown the controller, use the following command.
shutdown -f
You can use the following commands in the mininet environment to test the functionality
mininet> h1 ping h12 // To send the ping messages from h1 to h12
//To test using simple HTTP server functionality
mininet> h12 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 & // This will create a webserver on host h12
mininet> h2 wget -O - h12 //This will send an HTTP GET request to host h12 running web server
mininet> h12 kill %python // This command will terminate the HTTP server running on h12
Other useful commands can be found on the following link
This is the OpenDaylight project source code used by the our tutorial.
- pom.xml: The POM in the main directory specifies all the sub-POMs to build
- commons/parent: contains the parent pom.xml with all properties defined for the subprojects.
- commons/utils: contains custom utilities built for OpenFlow programming
- learning-switch: contains the tutorial L2 hub / switch
- tapapp: contains the traffic monitoring tap application
- features: defines the two features "sdnhub-tutorial-learning-switch", * "sdnhub-tutorial-tapapp" that can be loaded in Karaf
- distribution/karaf-branding: contains karaf branner for SDN Hub
- distribution/opendaylight-karaf: contains packaging relevant pom to * generate a running directory
In order to build it's required to have JDK 1.8+ and Maven 3.2+. The following commands are used to build and run.
$ mvn clean install
$ cd distribution/opendaylight-karaf/target/assembly
$ ./bin/karaf
karaf>feature:install sdnhub-XYZ
Important tutiorial:
To view the topology: feature:install odl_delux_core, feature:install odl-dlux-yangui
The IP address example:
For REST API: feature: feature:install odl-restconf-all
To view flow rules in a switch: watch -n3 sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows -OOpenFlow13 s1
Restconf example: {"input": { "src": [""], "dst": [""], "pattern": 5 } }