Digital Fingerprint is a website created to demonstrate the potential risks to user privacy when browsing the internet. The website showcases how websites have the ability to collect and store various information about users, such as location, browser details, browsing habits, online activities, and device information, which can be a threat to your privacy.
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness about the risks of online privacy and educate users about the data that can be collected by websites. The website provides a visual representation of the types of data that websites can collect, and aims to encourage users to exercise caution when visiting unknown or unsafe websites.
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No data collection: Digital Fingerprint clearly states that it does not collect or store any user data on its servers, ensuring that user privacy is respected.
Welcome contributions from the open-source community to help make this project even better. If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the this project, please contact me by @rakeshid03